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NIHL, merupakan salah satu penyebab acquired-hearing loss, setelah

Nihl termasuk 10 besar kecelakaan kerja.
NIHL teknikali adalah NIPTS, dimana NIPTS ada acoustc trauma (after single
noise exposure) dan gradually-developing NIHL (after a period of time, months
Frekuensi, intensitas, durasi, tipe. Greater the intensity, the less time damage
efffects. Impulse noise has the potential to break the hair cells for little to no
recovery, steady-state noise temporary stress the hair cells, recover after a
period of rest.
Damage to coclea.
Tinnitus, distortion of sounds (poor word recognition)
Middle ear function/acoustic reflex function.. protective effects of the efferent
system.. the exposure time.. genetic predisposisi.

Faktor yang dapat mengeksaserbasi NIHL: ototoxic drug, chemical exposure,


Headset = 110-120 db at max volume, 60-70 db at 60menit

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