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Importance of Play

Play expands intelligence, stimulates the imagination, encourages creative problem solving, and
helps develop confidence, self-esteem, and a positive attitude toward learning.
CMEC, (2012). CMEC Statement on Play-Based Learning. Retrieved
The readings that I have done and from whatever I have learnt till now, I realized that play is
very important for the overall development of children. Play is self-directed by children, full of
choices and opportunities. Through play, children become aware of their surroundings, they learn
to be creative, they learn to interact and cooperate with their peers and also learn to problem
solve. So, play basically helps in the holistic development of the child.


Temperament is shaped by both genetic and environmental factors. While everyone inherits a
tendency toward a specific temperament, the environment also has an impact, starting in the
prenatal period and continuing throughout childhood. Adapting caregiving strategies to
individual childrens temperaments can help to capitalize on childrens strength and minimize
their weaknesses, giving them the best possible chance in life.
Canadian Council on Learning (2009). Bulletin on Temperament: Temperament Channels
Development, But is Not Destiny, Temperament-Natures Bias, Nurtures Challenge,
Developmental Sequence of Early Temperament and Sources of Individual Differences.
In order to interact with the children and also to understand the challenges and problems faced by
them, we need to know and understand the temperament style of the children because every child
is unique. We need to plan according to the interest, strengths and weaknesses of the child. In
order to work better with children, we need to know our own temperament to be able to build a
relationship with children of different temperaments.

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