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Andres Serrano Christ picture

Do you believe this is it art?

Yes, I do believe this is art, I think that art is expression this artist was
expressing hes feelings of Christ death. Serrano was expressing hes
Christ crucifix this is a controversial piece because he urinated an it ignited
the picture but I think every artist should have the freedom to present what
they believe its art to themselves.
Why or why not?
As the artist expressed "So if Piss Christ upsets you, maybe it's a good
thing to think about what happened on the cross." Serrano. Clearly the
artist was expressing hes feelings, thoughts, perspective on the specific
topic and every artist should have this freedom. Art Is not a specific
definition but as we have learned in class art is Art opens your mind to a
new idea hes representation of Christ death was a new idea a new
Look up some information about the piece does your opinion change with
more information?
My personal opinion about this piece does not change based on the articles
I read about the Serrano art piece. It was brought up a lot of controversy
based on the conservatives who found the picture offensive still people find
it offensive and I think that will never change some people would think its
not art other will.
Duchamp L.H.O.O.Q
Do you believe this is it art?
I do believe this piece is art, although the artist used the famous painting of
Mona Lisa and remade it into hes own version of the painting. Mona Lisa
was made by Leonardo da Vinci as a painting embracing beauty Duchamp
remake of the painting turn it into a comical piece with a moustache and
Why or why not?
I do think this painting is consider art. Art is not defined, this piece was
more comical and daring to the public eye. Even if it was a ready made of
the original painting the artist painting it and did expressed through hes
reproduction. Duchamp idea was to provoke the and he did just that even
with the name of the piece L.H.O.O.Q which can be define in many

different meanings. What the artist specifically wanted from this specific
piece none of us know for sure but in my opinion he wanted to provoke our
thoughts with a comical sense.
Look up some information about the piece does your opinion change with
more information?
I still do agree with the considering this remake of the painting. Duchamp
reveals some features in the picture as making this picture instead of being
a act of violence rather a completion to Mona Lisa became a men not a
disguised as a man but a real man. Even Sigmund Freud perspective as
Duchamp Mona Lisa is a Freudian joke.
Do you believe this is it art?
I do believe that tattoos are the modern art. I personally use to have
piercings and I have tattoos its like wearing art. Its a form of self
expression so why shouldnt it be art.
Why or why not? Explain your answer in at least a few sentences using
what we have discussed.
Tattoos have been transform into the art the value in a tattoo lies in the fact
it doesnt belong to the artist. I think through the years tattoos where view
as taboo but as years pass it has become more common. Artist have even
been inspired to create works of art in someone body theres even museum
dedicated to tattoos. Amsterdam Tattoo museum has variety of collections
with preserved skin some auction to the highest bid.
Look up some information about the piece does your opinion change with
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I still believe that tattoos are a form of art. Tattoos were brought up from the
19th century sailors were the ones who promoted tattoos after seeing how
native tribes from Hawaii and eastern island was practice by tribes to have
tattoos sailors started to practice. At the time Sailors tattoos were brought
up by criminals and the bottom of the society. Tattoos were one of the first
man made arts goes to show based on our history. Tattoos are like cave
painting ancient paintings just the modern version.
Fog- Blind light

Do you believe this is it art?

This is art, the idea that fog can create this illusion of not being present in a
chamber where fog covers you unable to see further than your hand is not
about seeing is about not being able to see. The artist was trying to show
the beauty in becoming visible as emerging from the mist. As I mention art
opens the mind to new ideas.
Why or why not?
I still definitely believe this was art. This piece is made to be watch and
experience bringing art to another level. This piece of allusion and brought
meaning to just fog. I think art cant be defined art can bring experience
for yourself and even others depending on the piece. The specific artist
Gormley wants to bring development making a new show blind light.
Look up some information about the piece does your opinion change with
more information?
It does not change my opinion on the art exhibit by Gormley. Hes idea was
to main piece blind light was ways to explore disorientation. It was a rare
piece but that doesnt mean it couldnt have been included as art, artist was
introducing an idea in hes way.
Fountain, 1917 by Duchamp
Do you believe this is it art?
In this specific piece I dont think Is art. The idea that a white curved bowl
into which people urinate could be art its definitely nothing about it that
seems to have any expression or thought.
Why or why not? Explain your answer in at least a few sentences using
what we have discussed.
This art piece is identical to a receptacle which is were we urinate. The
American society of independent artist did not consider it art didnt even
want it to be in an exhibition. Hes ideas always a version of something
already made the artist found fascinating things that are ordinary. The artist
idea was to make art comical although in this piece I did not feel like there

was nothing really he was expressing or introducing any ideas.

Look up some information about the piece does your opinion change with
more information?
After more research I still feel as this piece was just presented to the public
as a comical idea. Duchamp bought the urinal from a sanitary supplier and
just summited it. This urinal is associated with body waste not associate to
any artist expression.

Holpuch, A. (2012, September 28). Andres Serrano's controversial Piss
Christ goes on view in New York. Retrieved July 21, 2016, from
Brooks, K. (2014, May 13). One Of The Worlds Most Controversial
Artworks Is Making Catholics Angry Once Again. Retrieved from
Howarth, S. (2000, April). Marcel Duchamp, 'Fountain' 1917, replica 1964.
Retrieved July 23, 2016, from
Jones, J. (2008). Jonathan Jones on how Duchamp's urinal revolutionised
modern culture. Retrieved July 23, 2016, from
L.H.O.O.Q. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2016, from
Jones, J. (2001). L.H.O.O.Q., Marcel Duchamp (1919). Retrieved July 23,
2016, from
tattoo Sacred Art. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2016, from
Randall, E. (2013). Tattooing Makes Transition From Cult to Fine Art.
Retrieved July 23, 2016, from
Jones, J. (2015). Ink-credible: Do tattoos count as art? Retrieved July 23,
2016, from

Antony Gormley. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2016, from
Dorment, R. (n.d.). Gormley finds himself in the fog. Retrieved July 23,
2016, from

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