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the number of sessions used to calculate the report is called the sample size.

can adjust the sample size using a control in the reporting interface or by specifying
the size when you query the API.
Collection, configuration, reporting and processing are the main four compnents of
google Analytics
process Google Analytics uses to retrieve data from large, complex data sets faster is
called: sampling
What is the hierarchy of the Google Analytics data model? User-session-interaction
The visitors session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity
Hit transaction, page view and events
Google Analytics Terms of Service permit sending personally identifying information
(PII) to Google? never
Aggregation - organizes the collected data within database tables
Custom alert intelligence event
Google Analytics processes data, one of the main tasks it completes is organizing hits
Users and session
o You need to immediately find out whether people are viewing the new
content that you just added today. Which of the following would be most
useful? Real time

Which of the following are configurations that permanently modify your data
during the processing stage? Filters, goal, channel group, content group

four main parts of the Google Analytics platform? Collection, configuration,

processing and reporting

tracking code in Google Analytics: :

sends data back to your Google Analytics account for reporting

identifies new and returning users

connects data to your specific Google Analytics account

send data from a web connected point-of-sale system to Google Analytics : Measurement
you place the Google Analytics javascript tracking code: just before the closing
</head> tag

You should include Google Analytics tracking code on every page of a website you want to
the random numbers that the tracking code creates, you can override the unique ID with
your own number.


Google analytics code would be different for website and mobile app
would most quickly allow you to determine whether the Google Analytics code snippet is
working on a specific website page? Real Time
In order to distinguish between users on web pages, : creates anonymous unique
identifiers using first-party cookies
Account Property View
retrieve Google Analytics reporting data through - the reporting interface, an API
data for a report you request is stored in a standard aggregate table, it will never be
sampled in Google Analytics.
when you share a Custom Report, only the configuration information is shared. Your data
remains private.
to create a Custom Report
(at least one metric, one report and a report title must be entered)
To see the most popular pages on your site, go to Behaviour > Overview. You will there see
the 10 most visited pages on your site. If you want to see a full report, go to Behaviour > Site
Content > All Pages.
Audience reports would you use to see how your site performance differs between
desktop, smartphone and tablet users? mobile reports

can adjust the sample size : (adjusting a control in the reporting interface
specifying the sample size when querying the API )

traffic will show in the Campaigns report :

(Visits from all links tagged with the utm_campaign parameter , Visits from
Google AdWords campaigns that have autotagging enabled)
when adding parameters to a URL, you should always use utm_source, utm_medium, and
utm_campaign. The parameters utm_term and utm_content are optional and can be used
for tracking additional information.


the campaign parameters are:

utm_source: Identify the advertiser, site, publication, etc. that is sending traffic to your
property, for example: google, newsletter4, billboard.
utm_medium: The advertising or marketing medium, for example: cpc, banner, email
utm_campaign: The individual campaign name, slogan, promo code, etc. for a product.
utm_term: Identify paid search keywords. If youre manually tagging paid keyword
campaigns, you should also use utm_term to specify the keyword.
utm_content: Used to differentiate similar content, or links within the same ad. For example,
if you have two call-to-action links within the same email message, you can use utm_content
and set different values for each so you can tell which version is more effective.
recommended parameter for identifying different versions of an ad utm_content

traffic mediums are automatically tracked by Google Analytics without extra tagging or
account linking?
Referral , organic and none when traffic source is direct
every referral to a website has a medium. Possible medium include: organic (unpaid
search), cpc (cost per click, i.e. paid search), referral (referral), email (the name of a
custom medium you have created), none (direct traffic has a medium of none).
every referral to a web site has an origin, or source. Possible sources include: google (the
name of a search engine), (the name of a referring site), spring_newsletter
(the name of one of your newsletters), and direct (users that typed your URL directly into
their browser, or who had bookmarked your site).


the default channels are:


Organic Search



Paid Search

Other Advertising


every referral to a web site has an origin, or source. Possible sources include: google (the
name of a search engine), (the name of a referring site), spring_newsletter
(the name of one of your newsletters), and direct (users that typed your URL directly into
their browser, or who had bookmarked your site).

exploring metrics by campaign and traffic source. Which of the following sections will have
this report information by default? Acquisition

every referral to a website has a medium. Possible medium include: organic (unpaid
search), cpc (cost per click, i.e. paid search), referral (referral), email (the name of a
custom medium you have created), none (direct traffic has a medium of none).

measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics?

The percentage of sessions which contain three or more pageviews

The percentage of sessions that result in a site registration

The percentage of sessions during which users spend at least 2 minutes

on the site

When configuring a goal, why is it useful to assign a goal value?

To attribute monetary value to a non e-commerce site

Goals let you specify:

which interactions should be used to calculate conversions

these best defines a Destination goal in Google Analytics?

A website page viewed by the user once they have completed a desired

Setting up goals allows you to see________.

conversion rates

following are required in order to see data for each page of a three-page conversion
process in the Goal Flow report? Check all that apply.

You must set up each of the three pages as a funnel step in the Goal

You must set up a Goal for the conversion.

the following could be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics?

The percentage of visits that result in a site registration

The percentage of visits that contain only one page view

All of these could be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics

Conversion rate

The percentage of visits during which visitors spent at least two minutes

on the site
whenever weekly revenue for your spring sale campaign increases or decreases by 10%.
Which of the following would me most useful?


Intelligence Alerts

a heavy-machinery business and use your website to generate sales leads for high-priced
items. Which of the following actions below would you consider the main macro
conversion for your site?

A potential customer signs up for your weekly newsletter.

A potential customer fills out and submits a lead form.

the Assisted/Last Click or Direct Conversions and First/Last Click or Direct

Conversions ratios summarize a channels overall role. A value close to 0 indicates
that a channel completed more sales and conversions than it assisted. A value close
to 1 indicates that the channel equally assisted and completed sales and
conversions. The more this value exceeds 1, the more the channel assisted sales and
In this example the value is 0.5. That means for example 5 assists and 10 last click or
direct conversions = 5/10 = 0,5. If the value would be about 1, the paid keyword
played equally an assisted and completed role. If the value would be --greater than 1,
the keyword played an assisted role.


manual tagging can provide data for only the following dimensions: Campaign, Source,
Medium, Content, Keyword. When you use auto-tagging, however, you can see data for
several additional dimensions, including:

Query Match Type (How your keyword was actually matched to the search

Ad Group (The ad group associated with the keyword/creative and click)

Destination URL (AdWords Destination URL)

Ad Format (text, display, video)

Ad Distribution Network (Google Search)

Placement Domain (the domain on the content network where your ads were

AdWords Customer ID (the unique three-part number thats assigned to your

AdWords account)
Google Analytics dimensions are only available for AdWords traffic? Check all that apply.

Matched Search Query

Query Match Type

Placement Domain

determine the conversion value of a paid keyword : Multi-Channel Funnels

Time Lag report counts the number of days from the first user interaction (e.g., impression,
click, direct session) to conversion.
the Top Conversion Paths report shows the conversion paths that your customers took on
their way to purchase.

Your Multi-Channel Funnel reports have no data : You havent implemented Goals or


Why might a site have a high Bounce Rate?

The site only has one page (e.g. a simple blog).

The ads that bring the users to the site set different expectations than

the landing page.

The page that your users typically land on doesnt have enough
information or a good call-to-action.

In the Linear attribution model, each touchpoint in the conversion pathin this case the
Paid Search, Social Network, Email, and Direct channelswould share equal credit (25%
each) for the sale.
An attribution model is the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and
conversions is assigned to touchpoints in conversion paths.
Youve found that most of your customers initially learned about your brand via a display
ad. Which of the following attribution models will give credit to display ads that introduced
customers to your brand? Select all that apply.

Linear attribution model

First Interaction attribution model

Position Based attribution model

dimensions describe characteristics of your users, their sessions and actions. Each
dimension and metric has a scope: users, sessions, or actions.
metrics shows the number of times your ads were displayed impression
not every metric can be combined with every dimension. Each dimension and metric has a
scope: users, sessions, or actions. In most cases, it only makes sense to combine dimensions
and metrics that share the same scope. For example, Sessions is a session-based metric so
it can only be used with session-level dimensions like Source or City. It would not be logical
to combine Sessions with an action-level (or, hit-level) dimension like Page.

You want to create a report comparing the performance of pages on your site and decide to
use the following dimensions and metrics: Page Title, Avg. Visit Duration, Goal 1 Conversion
Rate. Which of the following statements is true about this report?
Google Analytics will allow you to create this report, but the report does
not make sense since you chose to combine session-level metrics with the
hit-level dimension Page Title.
following reporting tools would you use to show the dimension city next to the dimension
source in a report? secondary dimension
metrics are quantitative measurements. The metric Sessions is the total number of sessions.
The metric Pages/Session is the average number of pages viewed per session.

You want to know whether button X is clicked more often than button Y. event
In order to see data in the Events reports, which of the following must you do in addition to
implementing the standard Google Analytics tracking code on your site?
Add additional Event Tracking code to each action on your site that you
want Google Analytics to track as an event
like the JavaScript and mobile SDKs which include a tracking ID with each hit, you must also
add a tracking ID to every hit you send to Google Analytics through the Measurement
Protocol. This will ensure that the data appears in your specific Analytics account and

You publish articles by many different authors on your site. You want to create a report that
shows the total number of pageviews for each author. Which of the following features will
allow you to add author information to Google Analytics?
Data Import
you can add data to Google Analytics using the Data Import feature. This might include
advertising data, customer data, product data, or any other data. Specifically, with
Dimension Widening, you can import just about any data into Google Analytics. For
example, if youre a publisher you might want to segment your data based on the author
and topic of your online articles. While this data is not normally collected by Google
Analytics, you might have it stored in an internal system.
the most common way to get data into Google Analytics is through your tracking code, but
you can also add data from other sources. By adding data into Google Analytics, you can
give more context to your analysis. There are two ways to add data into your Google

Analytics account without using the tracking code: through account linking and
through Data Import.
Also, according to Google, the Measurement Protocol lets you send data to Google Analytics
from any web-connected device. Recall that the Google Analytics JavaScript and mobile SDKs
automatically build hits to send data to Google Analytics. However, when you want to collect
data from a different device, you must manually build the data collection hits. The
Measurement Protocol defines how to construct the hits and how to send them to Google
How can you add data to Google Analytics from other sources? (select all that apply)

Link your AdWords account to Google Analytics to import advertising data

Use Cost Data Upload to import click and cost data from non-AdWords


Import a .csv file into Google Analytics to attach new dimensions to

existing dimensions
you can link various Google products directly to Google Analytics via your account settings.
This includes:

Google AdWords

Google AdSense

Google Webmaster Tools

When you link a product, data from that product flows into your Analytics account. For
example, if you link AdWords to Google Analytics, youll see your AdWords click, impression
and cost data in your Analytics reports.
Also, with Dimension Widening, you can import just about any data into Google Analytics.
For example, if youre a publisher you might want to segment your data based on the author
and topic of your online articles. While this data is not normally collected by Google
Analytics, you might have it stored in an internal system.
With Dimension Widening, you could import author and topic as new dimensions for your
content pages. You could use each articles page URL as the key that links the new data to
your existing Google Analytics data. Once added, author and topic would be treated just like
any other dimensions in Google Analytics you could add these dimensions to custom
reports, dashboards or segments.

You can add data using Dimension Widening either by uploading a file or by using the
Google Analytics APIs. Uploading a file, like a spreadsheet or .CSV, is easy, but it can be time
consuming if you need add data often.
Also, you can use the data import that is called Cost Data Import. You use this feature
specifically to add data that shows the amount of money you spent on your non-Google
advertising. Importing cost data lets Google Analytics calculate the return-on-investment of
your non-Google ads. This is helpful when you want to compare the performance of your
advertising campaigns.

you can add data using Dimension Widening either by uploading a file or by using the
Google Analytics APIs. Uploading a file, like a spreadsheet or .CSV, is easy, but it can be time
consuming if you need add data often. To save time, you can build a program that uses the
APIs to automatically send data into Google Analytics on a regular basis.

data from mobile apps is not sent to Analytics right away. When a user navigates through an
app, the Google Analytics SDK stores the hits locally on the device and then sends them to
your Google Analytics account later in a batch process called dispatching.

if the app gets uninstalled, the Google Analytics SDK deletes the identifier. If the app
is then reinstalled, a new anonymous identifier is created on the device. The result is
that the user will be identified as a new user, not a returning user, but no other data
in your Google Analytics reports will be impacted.

instead of using JavaScript to collect data like you do on a website, youll use an SDK, or
Software Development Kit, to collect data from your mobile app.

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