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Under this broad heading, so much of what the Award does could be fitted that selecting pieces
and excluding others is a difficult exercise. Some selections are provided here

Contribution of architecture in expressionism

Architecture Is An Expression Of Values-Norman Fost

Your best work is your expression of yourself. Now, you may not be the greatest at
it, but when you do it, you're the only expert. (Frank Gehry)
We've just been through a period of extreme abstract expressionism and it's coming
now to a screeching halt. Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water. (Frank

As abstract art forms based on rhythm, proportion and harmony,

architecture and music share a clear cultural lineage. Now, through
digital expression, architecture can attain new heights of creative
supremacy- Walter Pater
Expressionism Architecture "Colored glass destroys hatred", "Without a glass palace
life is a burden", "Glass brings us a new era, building in brick only does us harm"Paul Scheerbart Glass Pavlian,1914

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