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Sedentary Workplace

Red Flags for your Health

Is your workplace inactive?

45% of women and 37% of men

Sedentary is defined as:

spend less than 30 minutes a

day up on their feet at work

Lifting no more than 10 pounds at a

time, occasionally lifting documents, and

small tools

In 1970, 2 in 10 American jobs

were predominantly sitting at a


Mostly sitting, sometimes walking to ful-

fill job duties

11.6% of those in health-diagnosing oc-

By 2000, more than 4 in 10

cupations, for example doctors or dentists, are obese.

38.6% of truck drivers are obese

2 minute breaks increased worker productivity by 11.15%

Employee Wellness Programs

Lower healthcare costs
Reduce chronic disease
Decreased illness, injury

Breaks are most effective when taken before

theyre needed!

and disability
Reduced absenteeism
Increase employee productivity and efficiency
Lower stress levels, improved morale
28 percent of workers said
they would feel more satisfied
and more loyal to their employer if their company offered more options to improve their health and lifestyle.

adults were in jobs predominantly sitting at a desk

According to the Centers for

Disease Control (CDC), healthcare spending on chronic diseases accounts for 75% of healthcare spending

Get involved in your

Employee Wellness
Program for life
changing health

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