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Subject: English Language

Class: Year 2 Cemerlang

Level: Moderate


Time: 1 hour



Theme: World of Story

Topic: My Hobbies
Focused skill: Reading
Integrated skill: Writing
Content Standard:
2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to read independently for information and enjoyment.
Learning Standard:
2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with
a) fiction
b) non fiction
Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
1. write 5 out of 6 blanks correctly.
2. write 5 simple sentences correctly.
3. write 4 out of 5 blanks correctly.

Educational Emphases: Mastery Learning, Contextual Learning

Previous Knowledge: The pupils have been exposed to definition of hobby.
Moral Values: Obedience, cooperation, helpfulness.
Teaching Materials:
1. Mahjong paper
2. Worksheets

Steps / Phase


Teaching Learning Activities

Set Induction


1. Teacher does the actions.

(+ 5 mins)


2. Pupils guess teachers actions.


3. Teacher shows a few drawings to the pupils


4. Pupils guess the drawings.


Sanis Hobby
(+ 15 mins)

1. Teacher pastes the mah-jong paper

Sani likes drawing. He draws pictures of

2. Teacher reads the story.

fish. She also draws cars. He draws

3. Pupils listen to the teacher.

under a tree by the lake. On a sunny

4. Teacher reads and pupils follow after teacher.

day, Sani puts on his hat.

5. Teacher explains the story.

Rebus activity.

Sanis Hobby

(+ 15 mins)

1. Pupils read the text.

2. Teacher asks the boys to read the text.

Sani likes __________. He draws

3. Teacher asks the girls to read the text.

pictures of ________. She also draws

4. Teacher gives the worksheet to each pupil.

_________. He draws under a _______

5. Pupils complete the worksheet.

by the lake. On a _______ day, Sani

6. Teacher discusses the answers.

puts on his ________.

(+ 20 mins)


1. Teacher gives the small book to each pupil.

2. Teacher gives instruction
3. Pupils complete the small book.
4. Teacher guides the pupils.
5. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.

(+ 5 mins)


Word Search

1. Teachers recall the lesson.

2. Teachers instil the moral values.

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