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Purse Instructions

Please dont be intimidated by the amount of instructions. Ive broke everything down so it will be easy for
everyone to understand! If you have any question please email me at
These designs and instructions are copyright 2008 by Molly Mine
You may need to raise your embroidery foot height when making some of the designs and when putting
the pages together, I just raised mine and left it up a little higher than usual the whole time I was doing
this set!
Its very important in this set not to go back and forth by skipping steps and then going back. There are so
many pockets in this design set that its possible your pressure foot can get caught on something and
damage your machine or ruin your design page so follow the steps in the order they are to be sewn only.

1. Lots of empty bobbins because with some of the in-the-hoop designs your bobbin thread will need
to be the same colors as your needle thread on the final satin stitch.
2. 1 package of multi colored craft foam, make sure you dont get the kind with sticky back.
3. Organza, enough to fill a 5x7 hoop about 20 times
4. Several colors of fabric in polka dots, stripes and solids and prints that match. This will be dated
information at some point but as for now Sept. 2008 I purchased the fabric used in my book at
5. Lots of brightly colored threads
6. Optional crystals to spice up the purse and bling-bling fabric for the phone.
7. Mirror board I purchased mine here:
product=16589&keyword=mirror if you cant get the mirror board you can use a heavy foil
wrapping paper, just glue it to card stock. What ever you use make sure its kid safe and not a
choking hazard.
8. Tinted Vinyl for the glasses. You can purchase colored dividers in the school supplies and use
them, be sure to test it before you use it on the glasses. I purchased some neat tinted vinyl here
also its not real dark though so
you may want to try the dividers first. Once again make sure that the glasses are kid safe and the
lenses are secure so they wont be a choking hazard. I tested these glasses pretty good before
letting my daughter and son get hold of them.
9. Medium weight good quality tear-a-way
10. Sew in ink jet fabric sheets (printable fabric)
11. 505 or KK spray adhesive
12. Needles (I use 11/75)
13. Bobbin thread
14. Small sharp curved scissors.
15. 42 medium size beads to go between the pages.
16. Elastic cord for the beads
Basic Applique
1. Applique position stitch shows you where to place your fabric, cut fabric bigger than the size
actually needed and use the 505 or KK adhesive (dont spray near your machine!) to hold down
the fabric during sewing.
2. Applique Material stitch tacks down the fabric.

3. Cut away the excess fabric next to the running stitch as close as you can without cutting threw the
4. Applique tack down is a zigzag stitch that will go around the edges of the fabric to hold it in place
and take care of any nicks caused by cutting too close. Sometimes in this purse the tack down
stitch will run without stopping with the applique material stitch and thats to protect your
design from pulling away from the edges if there is a lot of sewing that may cause
shrinkage. Other times the tack down will run with the applique stitch.
5. Applique is the heavy satin stitch that finishes your applique pattern for any particular part of a
design, some designs have several applique in layers so just follow the steps on the color charts.

General Instructions
1. Be sure to use the tie off tip on my website for all the designs that are made in the hoop!
2. When placing your foam let it hang over the sides until the satin applique stitches have run and
then remove it, it pops out really easy.
3. Do not use spray adhesive when you are placing the pre-made pockets onto the pages
4. If the foam isnt a good match it may be better to use white and then use markers to color around
the edges once stitching is done. You can also use markers to color any tear-a-way the might
show white around your edges. I use multi colored sharpies.
5. If holding down the handle, pockets and other pieces that you cant use spray adhesive on makes
you nervous you can use painters tape to hold them down. Necessity is the mother of invention
you know!

Purse Handles
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of medium to heavy tear-a-way
3. Make sure on the handle you have the same color thread in your bobbin as you do for your
needle thread!
4. After running the applique position stitch place a layer of fabric under your hoop using spray
5. On top of the hoop place a layer of craft foam (not the sticky back) only to the line shown on the
color chart. Except for over the line shown allow the foam to hang over the edges of the handle
design about to make it easier to remove later
6. Over the foam place your fabric but place it all the way past the applique position stitches
7. After the applique position stitch is sewn ONLY remove the excess fabric, leave the foam in to be
removed later
8. DONT forget to remove the excess from the fabric under the hoop
9. Finish stitching and it should just pop right out of the hoop.
10. If you have foam showing around the edges or stabilizer you can use a magic marker to color the
edges. Since I used pink fabric I used a pink highlighter around a few of my edges.

Accessory Page 1
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of medium to heavy tear-a-way with one layer of organza
3. After your applique position stitch for each item place a layer of craft foam over the stitches and
on the craft foam place your applique fabric.
4. Follow the steps in the Color Chart

Accessory Page 2
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of medium to heavy tear-a-way with one layer of organza

3. On the keys you will need to place a piece of craft foam over the applique position stitch and on
top of that place your applique fabric
4. Before moving to the applique material step you will need to put a piece of applique fabric under
the hoop as well.
5. After your applique material stitch is run remove the excess fabric from around the key on top and
on bottom of the hoop but leave the foam to be removed once the final satin stitch is done.
6. For the lip balm you will need to add the back you created on the accessory page 1 designs to the
back of your hoop between step 14 and step 15.
7. After step 15 make sure the back of the lip balm is where it should be then move on to the next
step. You can also trim any unnecessary threads here.
8. For the nail file Ive added a applique position stitch for you to place either a piece of gray foam
over the applique position stitches or you can float a couple of layers of heavy tear-a-way under
your hoop for the nail file part to give it some stiffness
9. Remove the foam or tear away from around your file.
10. For the top of the nail file please follow the same steps above for the keys using steps 3-5

Accessory Page 3
1. Print Color Chart
2. On this page and all pages with pockets you will need to place your organza under your tear-away so the pocket can keep the extra stiffness that the tear-a-way adds without it tearing loose
when your child plays with it.
3. The fabric is wider than the actual pockets so when you sew it to the purse page its more
forgiving so follow the directions above for the applique and the directions on the color chart too.
4. When all stitching is done remove the tear away from the top edges and cut around the cut lines
for the rest of the pockets.
5. For the lip balm you will need to add the back you created on the accessory page so be sure to
follow the directions on the color chart.

Accessory Page 4
1. Print Color Chart
2. This page is kind of a repeat of page 1 except for the Lotion which is the finished design when
done. Please follow the directions on the color chart.

Accessory Page 5
1. Print Color Chart
2. On this page you will have to use organza because all the designs have a dense applique stitch
that will pull away from the tear-a-way.
3. On the Bank Of Daddy card and on the cell phone leave the fabric around the edges after the
applique position and tack down stitches run and cut them right before you add the back of the
design under the hoop and this will keep the fabric from pulling away from the edges.
4. Follow the directions on the color chart for everything else.

Accessory Page 6
1. Print Color Chart
2. On this page and all pages with pockets you will need to place your organza under your tear-away so the pocket can keep the extra stiffness that the tear-a-way adds without it tearing loose
when your child plays with it.
3. The fabric is wider than the actual pockets so when you sew it to the purse page its more
forgiving so follow the directions above for the applique and the directions on the color chart too.

4. Be sure not to put any spray adhesive over the vinyl but if some gets on it you can remove it with
some rubbing alcohol.
5. When all stitching is done remove the tear away from the top edges and cut around the cut lines
for the rest of the pockets.

Accessory Page 7
1. Print Color Chart
2. Same as page 6 directions except for the mirror step below.
3. On the mirror piece be sure to cut the inside of the hole after the applique material stitch

Accessory Page 8
1. Print Color Chart
2. After running the applique position stitch lay a piece of craft foam over the stitches and a layer of
your fabric on that and another piece of fabric under the hoop over the running stitches as well.
3. On step 4 there will be two running stitches one for the placement of the mirror board and one for
the placement of the top of the mirror stitched in Accessory Page 7
4. To make a template for your mirror board use a piece of printer paper and a pencil, like you would
if you were trying to make an imprint of a penny, by shadowing around the stitch lines with the
pencil, this is a great way to make templates for your fabric! Check my tips page for a photo
tutorial of this as well.

Accessory Page 9
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of organza with one layer of tear-a-way. ON THIS PAGE ORGANZA ON
BOTTOM. If you dont use the organza on the bottom your tear away will pull away from the
edges after the purse has been played with for a while.
3. The fabric is wider than the actual pockets so when you sew it to the purse page its more
forgiving so follow the directions above for the applique and the directions on the color chart too.
The top of the pocket and the top of the tulip are both finished in this design. If you dont use the
organza your edges will not be as smooth and pretty.
4. When all stitching is done remove the tear away from the top edges and cut around the cut lines
for the rest of the pockets.

Accessory Page 10-14

1. Print Color Charts
2. Ive included the Credit Card and Money tutorial for these pages.
3. On accessory pages 11 and 12 make sure you add the childs name to the drivers license and to
the charge it card!

Accessory page 15
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of medium to heavy tear-a-way, organza isnt needed in this hoop
3. Make sure on the ear pieces you have the same color thread in your bobbin as you do for your
needle thread!
4. After running the applique position stitch place a layer of fabric under your hoop using spray
adhesive over the entire applique position stitches
5. On top of the hoop place a layer of craft foam (not the sticky back) only to the line shown on the
color chart. Allow the foam to hang over the edges of the ear piece design about to make it
easier to remove later, do not let it hang over the line mentioned above though.
6. Over the foam place your fabric but place it all the way to the end of the applique position line.

7. After the applique position stitch is sewn ONLY remove the excess fabric, leave the foam in to be
removed later
8. DONT forget to remove the excess from the fabric under the hoop
9. Finish stitching and it should just pop right out of the hoop.
10. If you have foam showing around the edges or stabilizer you can use a magic marker to color the
edges. Since I used pink fabric I used a pink highlighter around a few of my edges.

Accessory Page 16
1. Print Color Chart
2. Use tear-a-way only on this page, no organza is needed but you can use it if you want.
3. Step 3 and 5 shows you where to place the ear pieces of the glasses, steps 4 and 6 tacks them
4. When placing the foam over the lenses be sure not to use any spray adhesive or it will stick to the
5. On step 8 after running the applique position stitch lay a piece of craft foam over the stitches and
a layer of your fabric on that and another piece of fabric under the hoop over the running stitches
as well.
6. On step 8 remove the fabric from over the lenses but leave the foam until sewing is finished!
7. After running step 8 make sure you cut away the fabric from the lenses under the hoop too, you
can also remove the tear-a-way from over the lenses at this point.

Starting Pages
I dont like to start my pages with the first page; I always start in the middle That way youll have the
process down when you get to the front and back which show most.

Page 4
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of organza with one layer of tear away.
3. On the nail file holders I used inch ribbon, you can spray the sides with adhesive to hold it down
but be sure not to spray the center, you can place a piece of paper over it when you spray.
4. When you get to step 9 simply line up the stitch line on the pre-sewn pocket with the line on the
purse at the bottom and on the sides. Do not use spray adhesive on the pockets.
5. The applique stitch around this page will be thin. After stitching remove the tear-a-way from edges
only and cut away the organza and trim any threads that are around the edges.

Page 3

Print Color Chart

Hoop one layer of organza with one layer of tear-a-way
On steps 10 and 13 line the pocket with the bottom and sides of the applique position stitches.
Before stitching step 15
a. Change your bobbin to the same color thread that is in your needle
b. Place page 3 under the hoop with spray adhesive.
c. Check it and double check it to make sure the position is correct
5. Run the applique stitch
6. Check to see if page 3 is caught and trim any loose threads then you can do the applique satin
edge and eyelets to finish the pages!

Page 6
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of organza and one layer of tear-a-way

3. On step 6 use clear vinyl and just place a large piece over the applique position stitches and then
cut a straight line over the top and cut away the vinyl from the edges, you dont have to cut real
close on the sides of this one. Do not use any spray adhesive on the vinyl.
4. Money pocket placement is the same as on pages 4 and 3
5. The applique stitch around the edges of this page will be thin.

Page 5
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of organza and one layer of tear-a-way
3. A simple page, all you need to remember on this page is to line up your pocket with the applique
position stitches on the sides and bottom
4. Before stitching the second to last step:
a. Change your bobbin to the same color thread that is in your needle
b. Place page 6 under the hoop with spray adhesive.
c. Check it and double check it to make sure the position is correct
4. Run the applique stitch
5. Check to see if page 6 is caught and trim any loose threads then you can do the applique satin
edge and eyelets to finish the pages!

Purse Page 7
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of organza with one layer of tear-a-way.
3. On this page there are two pockets made in-the-hoop, so cut two pieces of fabric (can be
contrasting) 7 x 4, fold, press and set aside.
4. Follow steps 1 and 2 for the page applique
5. After youve ran your applique position stitch for the pockets youll see that there are lines on each
side of the page and this is to show the placement of the pockets. Lay your folded fabric with the
fold to the line and then run the applique material stitches, do not use spray adhesive. Remove
the excess fabric from around each pocket edge.
6. Follow the rest of the steps on the color chart to finish the page.

Purse Back Cover


Print Color Chart

Hoop one layer of organza with one layer of tear-a-way.
Step 1 shows you where to place your handle. You can just hold it in place for step 2
Step 2 tacks down the handle
When you get to step 13 simply line up the stitch line on the pre-sewn pocket with the line on the
purse at the bottom and on the sides and the same thing applies to the tulip pocket.
6. Do not use spray adhesive with the pockets if possible. If you feel you need to then I would
suggest placing a piece of paper in the middle of the pocket so the adhesive wont get on the
purse inside the pockets. You can also use painters tape to hole the pocket in place
7. After running the applique material stitch cut away the excess fabric and tear-a-way from around
the pre-sewn pockets.
8. Continue sewing until you get to step 18. Here you will need to do several things
a. Change your bobbin to the same color thread that is in your needle
b. Place page 7 under the hoop with spray adhesive.
c. Check it and double check it to make sure the position is correct
9. Run the applique stitch

10. Check to see if page 7 is caught and trim any loose threads then you can do the applique satin
edge and eyelets to finish the pages!

Page 2

Print Color Chart

Hoop one layer of organza and one layer of tear-a-way
Cut a piece of fabric 5 X 7 fold, press and set aside for the sunglasses pocket
Before stitching step 13 place your folded fabric up to the line, do not use spray adhesive.

Cover Page
1. Print Color Chart
2. Hoop one layer of organza and one layer of tear-a-way
3. This page has a lot of stitching but is really very simple with no pockets so the only thing you need
a. Change your bobbin to the same color thread that is in your needle
b. Place page 2 under the hoop with spray adhesive.
c. Check it and double check it to make sure the position is correct
4. Run the applique stitch
5. Check to see if page 2 is caught and trim any loose threads then you can do the applique satin
edge and eyelets to finish the pages!

Special Thanks And MISC

THANK YOU for purchasing this purse!
A very special thank you to Pamela Burnett for sticking with me threw this project and going the extra
Thanks to Anita for the idea that spring boarded into this great purse!
Of course thank to my Lord Jesus for not striking me down with a lightening bolt while I was digitizing this.
Ever attempt has been made to assure accuracy of these directions and the designs themselves have
been tested and retested for accuracy but if you have any problems please let me know and Ill be quick
to help.
Color photos of this set are available in the molly mine yahoo group under the files section. You can
download the file named purse photos and use them to refer to as you stitch. They were not added to the
files of the purse to keep the download size to a minimum. Here is the link
Linda Atwill
Molly Mine

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