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My Philosophy of Technology

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel Socrates

Underlying my philosophy is the belief that students are not empty vessels devoid of
ideas waiting to be filled with knowledge. Rather, students are Digital natives who are familiar
with technology from an early age and are filled with ideas that only require the right spark to
convert their curiosities into a blaze of opportunities to learn more and more ideas. Education
serves as a process that molds students to become independent worthwhile beings. Before this
can happen, learners should be given the opportunity to challenge existing assumptions and
engage in critical thinking through participation in the learning experience. Students have past
experiences that I can learn from just as they can learn from me. Recognizing the value of prior
knowledge, it is my role and goal as a teacher to increase opportunities, by stimulating students
to not only learn but to feel personal changes by their participation.
I believe that technology is becoming the engine on which teaching and learning
operates. As teachers, we need to move with the time to ensure that we assist students to
maximize their potential. Technology is everywhere, entwined in almost every part of our lives.
It affects how we shop, socialize, connect, play, and most importantly learn. With their great and
increasing presence in our lives it only makes sense to have mobile technology in the
classroom. If we use technology correctly, students will be prepared for their future careers.
Also, it gives students the chance to interact with their classmates more by encouraging
collaboration. Technology also helps the teachers prepare students for the real world
environment. As our nation becomes increasingly more technology-dependent, it becomes even
more necessary that to be successful citizens, students must learn to be tech-savvy.

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