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RUTH Back cover copy

Many suitors
Unspeakable tragedy
Band of women
Together, these tenacious women
This powerful tale of love, loss, and loyalty is the reimagined modern take
on the well-known Book of Ruth. Naomi, the imposing matriarch of her
family, is the guiding force that leads this tenacious band of three women
through their struggle with the deep loss of their husbands, and
subsequent upheaval from the life they had always known. Ruth and
Naomi meet many valuable suitors and friends alike on their journey
around the country in search of their new lifes purpose. They form a
strong, emotionally unyielding bond as they embark on the rebuilding
and discovery of their new fate.
By Allison
Gabriels Version
This powerful tale of love, loss, and loyalty is the reimagined modern take
on the well-known Book of Ruth. Naomi, the imposing matriarch of her
family, is the guiding force that leads this tenacious band of three women
through their grief over the deep loss of their husbands, and the
subsequent upheaval from the life they had always known. Ruth and
Naomi meet many suitors and friends alike on their journey around the
country in search of their new lifes purpose. They form a strong,
emotionally unyielding bond as they embark on the rebuilding and
discovery of their new fate.

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