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A curriculum is the syllabus that the students of that curriculum follow and syl

labus refers to the subjects and the topics in those subjects that need to be ta
ught by the teachers. Having the same curriculum throughtout the nation would be
advantageous in many ways. For example, it would be easier to evaluate profiles
of different students. It would also be easier to design a common entrance exam
ination for admission into undergraduate courses. Because of these and many othe
r reasons I agree with the give statement and I will be discussing these reasons
in further detail in the following paragraphs.
Consider a hypothetical situation of a country where each state has its own curr
iculum and its own board of education. Suppose that, one state has a more advanc
ed course in one subject, say physics, when compared to the other states. And al
so each state board conducts its own examination. So, each of these examinations
is different in its level. Many problems arise in a situation like this.
Firstly, how do we conduct a common nation wide entrance examination for all the
se states? However the question might be, students from the one state which has
a more advanced program in physics will do better in the examination (supposing
the syllabus of all the other subjects is the same) and that wouldn't be just. A
nation wide common curriculum would help avoid uch a problem.
Secondly, as different states conduct different exainations, how can a college s
eeking undergraduate admissions evaluate profiles of two students from two diffe
rent students? Again the problem here can be solved by having a common curriculu
m throughout the country.
Thirdly, the amount of funds that need be allocated to all the state boards, by
the central government, in such a country would be really high. This inturn woul
d increase the tax burden on the citizens of that country. On the other hand hav
ing a common curriculum would cost a lot less.
There are some disadvantages too. For example, students in a particular state mi
ght want to learn more about their state's history or have their state's languag
e as their second language. But such problems can easily solved by introducing e
lective subjects.
Hence, having a nation wide common curriculum would benifit in many ways as ment
ioned above.

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