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Melissa Acevedo

July 24, 2016

EDU 214

The assignment we did today was to create a linear science project using
power point. I enjoyed this project. Even though I hadnt done a power point
presentation in a long time I was able to remember how to use the program. I had
fun doing the project I choose and conducting the actual experiment. It was a
different twist on the traditional science fair project. This type of assignment would
be a great one to do with students, because I believe most of them have used, or
heard of power point. It would also be nice to give students the choice of what type
of presentation they would like to give. I would like to see how many students would
rather do it by computer then by hand. I was always the type who loved to do
projects by hand (cutting, pasting, drawing, etc.) rather than doing a paper or
presentation. Over all I liked this assignment and would definitely use it in the
classroom with my own students.

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