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IV fluid bolus

a relatively large dose of medication administered into a vein in a short period, usually within 1
to 30 minutes. The IVbolus is commonly used when rapid administration of a medication is need
ed, such as in an emergency.
Bilous drainage on NGT
Bile may be found in the stomach if you have an intestinal obstruction that blocks the flow of
food in the intestines. Since bile is mixed with food, an intestinal blockage caused by
inflammatory bowel disease, gallstones or adhesions can force out these contents into the
stomach. This is also accompanied by severe abdominal pain and constipation.
Cefoxitin IV
Cefoxitin is an antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It may also be used
before and during certain surgeries to help prevent infection. This medication is known as a
cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.
Large gut obstruction follows a slower course. Because there is more gut to dilate, there is more
abdominal distension, which may be so severe as to interfere with his breathing by pushing up
his diaphragm. To begin with, only his colon dilates, but his ileocaecal valve usually becomes
incompetent (two-thirds of patients), and allows the dilatation to progress proximally into his
small gut.
Abdominal distention occurs because the more proximal bowel acts as a reservoir. Swallowed
air and gas from bacterial fermentation can also accumulate, adding to the abdominal
When obstruction occurs, both fluid and gas collect in the intestine. They produce a
characteristic pattern called "air-fluid levels". The air rises above the fluid and there is a flat
surface at the "air-fluid" interface.
Dehydration is caused by water remaining unabsorbed in the bowel and losses from vomiting
without the ability to replace orally.
In hypernatremia, the body contains too little water for the amount of sodium. The sodium level
in the blood becomes abnormally high when water loss exceeds sodium loss, as typically occurs
in dehydration.
High BUN levels can be caused by low blood flow to the kidneys caused by dehydration

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