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Janee Saliba

PHL 120-501
Interstellar EC
Dec. 12, 2014
Christopher Nolan's Interstellar was pretty much about a former NASA pilot, Cooper,
who helps NASA navigate a shuttle called the Endurance into a wormhole to find a habitable
place for the people who Earth. Earth was beginning to become inhabitable as it became like a
second Dust Bowl. The film starts off talking with Cooper's family that talked about an unknown
intelligence that was bothering the young girl, Murphy. It turns out that the "poltergeist" bugging
her had a secret coded message sent in gravitational waves. This code left behind coordinates
that was deciphered by Cooper and Murphy that led to a top secret NASA facility that was
described as "America's Best Kept Secret." NASA found three possible planets that humans can
live on, however they needed to send out a group of people to find out which one of the three
was the best fit. I like the fact that even though Cooper and Murphy said goodbye on bad terms,
they were still able to come together and figure out how to help all of humanity. Even though
Cooper was a very, very long distance away from Murphy, he was able to send her a message via
gravitational waves much like the ones she experienced when she was younger that held the rest
of an equation that Murphy needed to finish solving. I also like how it plays on ethical issues
such as the frozen fertilized eggs that contained diverse genetic codes of the human race. It
seems to me, that the only choice the scientist at NASA really wanted was for Plan B to go
through and for the human race to just die off and start anew with the eggs. The film altogether
was extremely beautiful and well put together in my opinion. The fact that Christopher Nolan
hired a physicist to help him create a more accurate version of wormholes and relativity. I found

the film to be ridiculously long, but since it was under Nolan's direction you knew that you were
in for a good ride. I like the accuracy of the science that they used in the film. It is also a fact that
since Nolan was directing, you knew that you were in for an almost 3-hour mind-bending movie.
It was basically a film about exploring the unknown and hoping that you discover something
worth finding. All in all, I liked it. I did get confused at first, but as the movie went on it
somewhat started coming together for me.

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