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Janee Saliba

PHL 120-501
Ferguson EC
Dec. 12, 2014
Ferguson Assignment
There has been a lot thats going on with the Ferguson case. In my opinion, I think
it was blown way out of proportion and its being dragged on a lot longer than it actually
needed to be. I feel that in this case, it was a coincidence that Brown was black and he
was shot. Brown has already been linked to possibly robbing a convenience store prior to
the shooting. So, anyone who tries to play the race card automatically gets shutdown
because that card is no longer valid when Brown obviously robbed a convenience store.
If this was the reason for the argument between him and the officer and he was resisting
arrest, then the officer technically did have the right to use force against Brown. I also
feel that they brought a lot of unnecessary attention towards other cases in which a police
officer used excessive force. It may have brought light to police brutality, but these
situations shouldve been brought up when they actually happened. For example, the Eric
Garner case in which a police officer put Garner in a chokehold which ultimately led up
to his death. It took five months for this situation to actually have some attention. I saw
that video back when it first came out in July, and I thought that it was something very
wrong that should have been brought to attention, but it never did. Now, that this
Ferguson case isnt going the way many people believe it shouldve, Eric Garner is
thrown into the mix, and its after FIVE months. I find it absolutely ridiculous and a
waste of time to bring up such a situation that should have been given more attention

when it came out in July. There are a lot of different ways this whole Ferguson case
should have gone, however it didnt go that way and people need to just learn to deal with
it. Yes, there is police brutality. Yes, it was an unfair decision. Yes, Michael Brown was
black. A lot of things that happened because of the decisions from this case couldve been
handled a lot better.

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