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PETREL 2010 C Installation :

1. Open the License File (lic_p2010.lic) found on the FlexLM directory of the
package, and change the computer name with the actual computer name.
2. Install Petrel (normally) from Petrel 2010.2.Fix :
a. C:\My Files\Download Files\Schlumberger\C2010\Petrel 2010\Petrel
2010.2.2.fix\Medicine full\32bit\PetrelReleaseSetup32.exe
b. For 64 bit machine, when there is message saying not supported
system, say yes to continue.
3. Copy FlexLM (the whole directory) into C:\Program Files x86\Schlumberger
4. Install VirtNet :
a. Control Panel Device Manager
b. Highlight computer name
c. Click Action select Add Legacy Hardware, then select Network
Adapters, follow instruction and use Have Disk and browse to the
VirtualNet program directory, select the appropriate file for either 32 or
64 bit system of your PC.
5. Copy the MAC Address taken from lic_p2010.lic into Network Address (Step
3). Look at the PDF File to do this step. Select the Virtual Network for the
address to change.
6. Restart Computer
7. Copy the content of X86 (whole directory) into Petrel 2010 installation
directory. Replace all files
8. Make sure any LmGrd is not running for other instances
9. Go to FlexLm directory which has been copied in step 2, and run
LmTools.EXE. Create new service, and enter the license file and lmgrid.exe,
Click Start/Stop Service
10.Run Petrel, if it cannot find the license file, enter : 27009@localhost (click OK
then yes then change this address 27009@localhost.)

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