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Escola Estadual Apolinria Jales

Disciplina: Ingls

Turma: 2 ano b Turno: vespertino



1. Leio o texto abaixo e responda as questes a seguir. 1,0

Soccer in Brazil
Soccer is the most popular Sport in Brazil. The Brazilian national soccer
team has won the FIFA World Cup tournament a record five times. Pel, one of
the most recognized Footballers in history, led Brazil to 3 of those
championships and is the top scorer of all time in the sport.
All of the contemporary talents in the national team prominent in the
soccer World include Neymar, Thiago Silva, and David Luiz in the men's team,
as well as Marta in the women's team.
top scorer: Artilheiro

a) Segundo o texto, quantas copas do mundo o brasil ganhou?

b) Qual jogador conduziu o Brasil a ganhar 3 copas do mundo?

c) Quem so os talentos atuais do time de futebol masculino do Brazil? E


d) Traduza a frase a seguir:

Soccer is the most popular Sport in Brazil.



The Brazilian national soccer team has won the FIFA World Cup tournament a
record five times



2. Escreve 5 esportes em ingls e suas respectivas tradues em portugus.


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