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1. I love the color ______________.

16. My eye ____________ is amazing, I can see from far away.

2. The wind _____________ my kite across the playground.

17. The new __________ has been picked for a new school!

(blue , blew)

(site , sight)

3. When I have nothing to do I get ______________.

18. I got some new ___________ when we went shopping.

4. Do you like to play any ______________ games?

19. Can you ___________ the door to your bedroom?

(board , bored)

(close , clothes)

5. I need a __________________ from all this homework!

20. My mom is so _____________to me, shes the best!

6. I didnt use the _____________ on my bike and ran into the tree!

21. I saw a baby ____________ in the woods.

(brake , break)

(deer , dear)

7. I would love to _________ a new baseball glove!

22. My library fine is _________ today, I owe $2.00.

8. I have to finish my homework ________ 7:00 PM today.

23. How ________ you say hello in French?

9. Can you wave ___________ to your friend from the window?

(by , bye , buy)
10. One penny is the same as one ____________.
11. I love the _______________ of fresh popped popcorn.
(sent , scent)
12. What kind of ____________ do you like for breakfast?
13. What is the ______________ number on the license plate?
(cereal , serial)
14. He ___________ his gum too loudly!
15. Which puppy did you ______________? The brown or black

(due , do)
24. What color do you want to _________ your hair?
25. My dog is sick and my mom thinks he might ____________.
(dye , die)
26. I really want to go to the ________ and go on the rides!
27. My brother got a ________ share of my smarties.
(fair , fare)
28. What an amazing ____________ for you, winning 3 races!
29. If your ___________ are cold, put slippers on them.
(feat , feet)


30. Will you help me __________ my pencil?

(choose , chews)

31. The library ____________ me $3.00 for late book returns.

(fined , find)

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