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Ingredients for Stuffed Parwal Recipe

Parwal - 300 grams (10-12)

Oil - 2 tbsp
Asafoetida - 1 pinch
Cumin seeds - tsp
Green chilly - 2-3 (finely chopped)
Turmeric powder - tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Fennel powder - 2 tsp
Red chilly powder - tsp
Mango powder - tsp
Garam masala - tsp
Green coriander - 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
Salt - as per taste (1/2 tsp)
How to make Stuffed Parwal Recipe
Peel Parwal and remove stalk from both ends. Make a slit in centre lengthwise keeping joint
from back. With help of a knife take out the marrow and keep the Parwal in other plate.
Take tbsp oil in a pan and place it on flame for heating. Add cumin seeds in oil and saut
for while. Now add turmeric powder, green chilly, fennel powder, coriander powder, Parwal
marrow and saut for 2 minutes. Also add red chilly powder, garam masala, mango powder
and salt. Mix all ingredients really well and saut for 3-4 minutes. Turn off the gas. Filling for
stuffing Parwal is ready now.
Add green coriander leaves when masala get frigid. Take one Parwal, open it and stuff the
filling nicely into it. Like wise stuff all parwals.
For cooking stuffed parwals, take 2 tbsp oil in a pan and place it on flame for heating
(reduce the flame). Gently place the Parwals in pan, cover and cook for 5-6 minutes.
Open the lid and with help of tongs turnover the parwals and cook for another 5 minutes on
low flame. Take out the parwals which are cooked in a plate and bring the ones in corner to
center. It will take 2-3 minutes for cooking these parwals.
Spicy and appetizing stuffed Parwal is ready. Garnish with chopped green coriander leaves
and serve with chapatti, parantha or naan.

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