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A Sample of Sharia Laws

A sample of Shariah Laws that form the basis of Muslim Family Law. These are laws that theur
proponents say govern the civil affairs of Muslim families. They are in contradiction to the Quran,
yet have been upheld by the various monarchies that have governed the Muslim world in the past 13
hundred years.

Sharias attitude towards women

1. If the husbands body is covered with pus and blood and if the wife licks and drinks it, still
her obligation to her husband will not be fulfilled.
Imam Gazzali - Ehya Ulum Al Deen Vol 2 of 9 - page 311.
2. Wives enter into their husbands slavery after marriage
Imam Gazzali - Ehya Ulum Al Deen Vol 2 of 9 page 310.
3. A Muslim man is allowed to beat his wife or wives.
Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, Shafii Law # M.10.12, Page-541 & O.17.4, Page 619.
4. A Muslim man is allowed to have four wives at one time.
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hedaya, Hanafi Law- Page 31.
Dr. Abdur Rahman Doi, Sharia the Islamic Law, page 147.
5. Women inherit half of what men do
Sharia the Islamic Law, Dr. Abdur Rahman Doi - page 299.

1. Instant and Final Divorce by men is allowed for husbands even under torture, compulsion,
influence of alcohol, narcotics and as a matter of jokes.
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, page 81 and 523.
Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, ShafiI Law - Page 560 Law# N.3.5
Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Deen Ki Baten, page 254 Law 1537,
1538, 1546 and 2555.
2. The only way for a wife to get divorce is to convince the Sharia Court and also to pay money
to her husband.
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, page 112
Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, ShafiI Law Page 562, 565 & 981-Law # n.5.0, n7-7
& w-52-1-253-255.
Dr. Abdur Rahman Doi, Sharia the Islamic Law, - page 192
17th Century Court Documents of Egypt and Istanbul
Amira Azhary, Women, the Family, and Divorce Laws in Islamic History
3. To re-marry a previous husband, a divorced wife must marry another man, a complete
stranger, have sexual intercourse with him, and then get divorced by him voluntarily. Only
then would she be allowed to re-marry her former husband
Islamic Laws Ayatollah Seestani page 469 Law# 2536.H
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, Page 15
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Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, ShafiI Law, page 673 Law # P.29.1
Maulana Dayan, Moksudul Mumeneen, page 231.
Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Deen Ki Batein.

Evidence of Women
1. Evidence of a female singer and slave (male or female) is not admissible.
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, Page 361
2. Womens testimony is not accepted in Hudood cases.
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, Page 353.
Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, Shafii Law, page 638 Law # o.24.9
Penal Law of Islam. Qazi Publications, Lahore, page 44, 45.
Maulana Tahir Mahmood, Criminal Law in Islam and the Muslim World, page
251, Institute of Objective Studies, India.
3. A Womans testimony in business transactions is half that of a mans.
Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, ShafiI Law, page 637, Law # o.24.7
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, Page 352.

1. Custody goes to the mother for boys 9 years old, and girls 7 years old, provided the mother
prays and does not marry a stranger during this time. After 9 and 7 years, boys and girls go
to the father.
Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, ShafiI Law, page 637, Law # m.13.0
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, Page 138-139

Other areas
1. Husbands are not obliged to provide to their wifes doctors fees, medicines and cosmetics.
They must provide only for food, clothes and a house. Rebellious wife doesnt get anything.
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, Page 140.
Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, ShafiI Law, page 544, Law # m.11.4
Maulana Mohyuddin Khan, Tafsir of the Koran, published from Saudi Arabia.
2. Muslim men can marry Jews or Christians, but Muslim women may only marry Muslim men.
3. A Muslim Woman cannot be a Muslim Brides guardian.
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, Page 138-139
4. A divorced wife gets maintenance only for maximum 3 months.
Imam Abu Hanifa, Hidaya, Page 145.
Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, ShafiI Law, page 546 Law # m.11.10.3
5. A Womans Blood Money is half that of a mans.
(Only sons, not daughters can claim Blood-Money) 1

If a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the latter has to pay blood money or compensation.

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Imam Shafi, Umdat Al Salik, ShafiI Law, Page 590 Law # o4.9.
Dr. Abdur Rahman Doi, Sharia the Islamic Law, page 235
The Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2002.2

The Political Ideology of the Shariah

Shariah is not simply an issue of civil laws governing Muslim family life, it is a political ideology and
in contemporary times, its main proponent has been the late Maulana Maudoodi. One cannot
understand the real reason why there is such a demand for Shariah among extremist Muslims,
without making the link between the founder of modern Shariah and modern Political Islam,
Maulana Maudoodi are some of his quotes:
Call To Jihad
An independent Islamic State is a prerequisite to enable them to enforce Islamic Laws
and fashion a Muslims lives as ordained by God.
Jihad In Islam
If the Muslim Party commands adequate resources it will eliminate un-Islamic
governments and establish the power of Islamic governments in their stead.
Islamic Jihad does not recognize their (non-Muslims) right to administer State-affairs
according to a system, which in the view of Islam is evil.
Islamic Law And Constitution
Islam, speaking from the viewpoint of political philosophy, is the very antithesis of
secular Western democracy. It (Political Islam) is a theocracy in the sense that where an
explicit command of God or His Prophet already exists, no Muslim ruler or legislature,
or any religious scholar can form an independent judgment, not even all Muslims of the
world put together, have any right to make the least alteration to it.
Zimmis (non-Muslims in an Islamic State) are exempted from military duty. Those who
do not accept the ideology of Islam as their guiding light cannot become the Head of the
Islamic State.
The system of this (Islamic) government is such that it does not leave much room for
man to exercise his own free will.

2 In

Saudi Arabia, the concept of blood money as per Islamic Sharia (If a person has been killed or caused to die by
another, the latter has to pay blood money or compensation, as follows:

100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man

50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
50,000 riyals if a Christian man
25,000 riyals if a Christian woman
6,666 riyals if a Hindu man
3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman
That is, a Muslim man's life is worth 33 times that of a Hindu woman

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Fine arts like dancing; music and painting, which are strictly un-Islamic, found patronage
from those who had been forbidden to practice these Ugly arts.
Free will
The notion that man is an independent being, free to follow his own desires and dictates
of his reason, is a foolish presumption.

The worldwide struggle by Muslims against Shariah

While Ontarios mainstream non-Muslim politicians toy with the idea of introducing Shariah in the
life of Muslim Canadians, they are oblivious of the worldwide struggle by Muslims to send these
unislamic laws to the scarp heap of history.
Here are only a few examples of this struggle:
No Muslim in his right mind could equate rape with fornication, as done by Muslim jurists
- Muhammad Asad, (a Polish Muslim scholar who translated the Quran and was a former
Pakistani ambassador, while commenting on Shariah. The Friday Times, (Lahore) Pakistan.
June 21 27, 2002 Vol. XIV.
The law is extremely unjust and gender biased. It equates rape with adultery and extends
the requirement of four adult Muslim male witnesses to prove adultery to the cases of rape
as well. This means in practice that the law protects rapists. Also, it excludes the testimony
of women and minorities in awarding Hudood punishment
- Tyranny of Hudood Laws- by Dr Farzana Bari, Acting Director, Centre for Women's
Studies, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. The essay was published in The News,
Karachi, Pakistan on Tuesday May 14, 2002.
Currently, the state of Terengganu in Malaysia, has drafted a Hudud law. The provision for
rape states that if the victim is unable to prove that she was raped, she will be charged for
slanderous accusation and flogged 80 lashes. An unmarried woman who is pregnant is
assumed to have committed adultery, even if she has been raped. For the crime of rape, the
woman is expected to produce four male witnesses who are deemed to be "just" Muslims.
The punishment for zina is 100 lashes if she is unmarried, and if she is married, she will be
stoned to death. A woman cannot be a witness
- Jaclyn Kee, Communications Officer, Women's Aid Organization,
P.O. Box 493, Jalan Sultan, 46760 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +60-3 - 7956 3488 Fax: +60-3 - 7956 3237,
Currently, the Pakistan government is being advised by a board to repeal the countrys
(Shariah) Hudood Laws.

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