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Cycling is an activity that brings together a series employing

sports bike. It is one of the most popular sports worldwide
fame with space a Ganado whose presence at the Olympic
Games. The bicycle is directly related to cycling the early
history of this veiculo are in the civilizations of china, Egypt
and India in 1790 was nominated seleri fero this apparatus is
comprised of a bar of a meter long united by two wheels, it
moves through the impetus of the foot which was designed by
a Scottish klikpartrikc macmiyan.
Born in Italy cyclist ias an at conciderado a striving athlete
nese cita a number of conditions physical and mental for
The athlete must have a shirt made with fibers special
protecting it from the cold and wind.
Cycling is a type of competition that develops in roads diferent
from a velodrome.


My name is:
Luz Marina Vargas
Im from:
Northern Santander
I have three children and husband
I like to travel a lot

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