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. Then, translate each pasuk carefully, paying close attention to the Read each
of each at the end of your translation. as best you can. For the verbs (in bold), write out the
, please translate that as well. Circle any words that are unfamiliar on a " If there is
to you.


' )

: , , .
. . :

: :




)WORKSHEET #1 (cont
: ] [I was stricken ,
] [those who attack ] , [are stricken with tzara'at :

: ] [he would take vengeance ]:[from their gods

' : . , ,
] , [as they are :


' : " ] [persuading
, ] [additions , , ) (
, . , ,
) ( , . ) ( ') ,
( ] [his detestable things - idols , :

: , " ] ]:[[stutterer

' ':

' : ] [judged :

: ] [do his utmost , , ,

, :

: ' :



: ] [accustomed , . ] [with someone else ,
] [because I am not destined ] [their redeemer ] ,[in the future :


:' ] [there is stated with it ] ,[a consequence
, ] [we do not find . ] [also , ,
] [destined , , ] [from now on ,
, ) ' ( - :

: ] [when you go:

: ] [as you ] [think ] [that he will resent .
[because of this ] [the breastplate :

]from here, i.e.

NOTE: In v. 27, we read:

' -
. Kindness/Peace refers to Aharon- : : The Rebbe connects this verse to
and Truth/Righteousness refer to Moshe.


- :
: ] [on your behalf
, ]" ["on behalf of:


][which are connected

: ] ,[spokesman :
- : ] [master ]:[prince



: ] ,[to get permission ] .[he had sworn to him , , ,,
, ,:


: , . , ] ,[they lost their property ] [is considered:




: ] ,[to get permission ] .[he had sworn to him , ,,
, , ,:
?What's bothering Rashi


: , . , ] ,[they lost their property ] [is considered:
?What's bothering Rashi


: ] ,[designated ] [saddled
] [to appear , ) ( ] [humble :


?What's bothering Rashi

' : ] [chronological order ] [precise ]:[Scripture

?What's bothering Rashi


' :
] [be afraid:


][with this intention


?What's bothering Rashi

: ] ,[which are stated above

, , ] [we don't find ] [that he did them , ] [will eventually
, ) ( ' . ] [don't wonder , ][it means
, ] [I will have placed them:
?What's bothering Rashi

' :
: ] [when you hear ] [and he refuses :
?What's bothering Rashi

: ] ,[it is an expression of greatness ) (

] [its drash meaning ] [he validated" :

]make him

,[will .

?What's bothering Rashi

] [and so I say to you : ]:[in God's name
' ' : ] [he warned him ] [first ,
) ( ] [is exalted , ] [therefore ) ( . ][who seeks
] [to take revenge ] [hides ] ,[rescue " ]there is no
[ability ] [to escape , ] [except , ] [he teaches him ] [and warns him:
?What's bothering Rashi


:- )( WORKSHEET #4 -
' :
: :
?What's bothering Rashi
] [he neglected ][he was punished

: , ] [he didn't circumcise ,

. , ] [should I do the bris and leave? ] [danger
! ] [wait ? " ) "( . ?
] [he busied himself [This appears] . ) ( . ] [became ] [a kind of
] [and swallowed him ] ,[his thighs , ] [understood
] [because of :
?What's bothering Rashi

] [a stone ] [and she touched
: ] [she threw it down :
?What's bothering Rashi

: :
?What's bothering Rashi

: ] [cause ] [murdered , ] [killer ] [of my husband :

?What's bothering Rashi

] [And he released :
: . :
?What's bothering Rashi

: :
?What's bothering Rashi

: . ] [a noun ," ] [serves , ) ( .

, :
?What's bothering Rashi



' :


' :

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