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Sociological Imagination

There are three different types of perspectives.

They all look at the same thing just in a different way.
They all provide us with a better understanding on
why we act and do the things we do. It is based on
our social behavior in society.
A Functionalist perspective is a sociological
approach that emphasizes the way in which the parts
of a society are structured to maintain its stability.
According to a Functionalist perspective, they see
society as a living organism in which has many parts
that work together as a whole in order to function.
A Conflict perspective is a sociological approach
that assumes social behavior is best understood in
terms of tension between groups over money, power,
housing or political representation. A person with this
perspective looks at things based on a persons social
position, the power they have, or even the amount of
money they. One might also think of where a person
lives and the knowledge they hold.
An Interactionist perspective is a sociological
approach that generalizes about everyday forms of
social interaction in order to ex[lain society as a
whole. An Interactionist looks at things in a way on
which we interact daily whether it is with our parents,
teachers, friends or even strangers. We interact with
society on a daily basis and they see that as a whole.
It is all based on our social behavior with society

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