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Steinberg 1

Evan Steinberg
Jennifer Enoch
ENC 2135
2 August 2016
Rhetorical Rational
For Project three I transformed the argument of how prominent is corruption
within charities from a website into two different genres, each argument being directed
towards a different audience. The first genre was a text message and it was directed at
new and upcoming charities. The text message is between an experienced executive of a
charity and a new executive. The audience wouldnt directly be able to access this text
message because it is a private conversation. But once published the audience would be
able to access the text message in a variety of ways such as a poster, brochure, or
PowerPoint. The text message is a very informal way to portray the argument yet is also
very versatile because it can be accessed by multiple audiences. The text message was
obviously between two people that have had previous interactions with each other. By
having previous interactions, the text message is able to take on a informal tone which
makes the information presented in the text message more accessible and easily
understandable. The text is effective because it allows people who are new to the non
profit sector an informal way to gain information when they might not necessarily have
all the background needed or have the resources to access a formal academic paper.
Furthermore, since the text message can be used in other genres such as posters,
PowerPoints and brochures the information in the text message can become more
accessible and reach a wider audience. Furthermore, although the conversation is
informal there is still a sense of respect and formality between the two parties in the text
message. The second genre was infographics directed at skeptics who believe corruption

Steinberg 2
doesnt exist in the non profit sector. The access point for this genre could be a variety of
sources since the infographic can be used in other genres such as brochures, and
PowerPoint presentations.

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