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Is Rio de Janeiro ready?

1. In small groups, brainstorm what is needed to host the Olympic Games.


2. Watch the video from the Wall Street Journal and complete the sentence below:
The video is talking about ____________________________________________________________.
3. Watch the video from the Wall Street Journal and complete the sentence below:
a. Rio planned to

) collect and treat 60% of the sewage and accomplished it.

) collect and treat 80% of the sewage and accomplished it.
) collect and treat 80% of the sewage and didnt accomplished it.

b. The strategies to cut off expenses for the games were


) reduce the quality of the food for the athletes and volunteers.
) build low-quality permanent structures for the games.
) reduce the number of volunteers and build temporary structure for the games.

c. The opening and closing ceremonies will be


) as luxurious and elaborated as the ones in London and Beijing.

) less luxurious and elaborated than the ones in London and Beijing.
) more luxurious and elaborated than the ones in London and Beijing.

d. Some athletes decided to skip the games because


) there arent TV sets in the bedrooms.

) they are afraid of contamination.
) the sewage in the city is not fully treated.

e. Concerning the Zika virus, Greg Rutherford, British long jumper, decided to

) skip the games and stay in England.

) come to Rio and use insect repellent.
) come to Rio and freeze his sperm to have kids in the future.

f. Concerning the Zika virus, Korean athletes


) are not coming to Brazil.

) will use special uniforms to prevent contamination.
) will practice only water sports.

g. Concerning the security of the games


) Rio doubled the number of policemen comparing to London.

) Brazilian Federal Police and the army will guard the streets in Rio.
) International Intelligences are not helping the security project.

4. Is your city ready to host big events like the Olympic Games? What would need to be adjusted?
Pair up with a friend and make a list of improvements.

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