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Campaigning has emerged from conventional use of communication to the

virtual one. Even though social media truly benefits the widespread of
information and outreach into global scale, the most effective way to campaign is
by prioritizing the objection to local area. Hereby I mean, if I am chosen as one of
#SDGMovers to represent Medan in this work of UNDP and AIESEC in Indonesia, I
should aim people living in Medan and nearby as the objection of the campaign.
The only reasons are (1) they are reachable and expected to be easy to get
connected to, (2) they realize and understand what problem is going on in here
and might relate those problems to the campaigning of awareness of SDGs, (3)
the cumulative of single movements in different area can raise a big movement
(aka: think globally, act locally). My pitch to this strategy of improving the virtual
campaign is being real to be virtual. The strategy I address here simply
introducing the local people (preferred: YOUTH) and involving them to the
campaign. In this idea, as I have been introduced to various youth communities
in the city (I am active member in a community caring for the climate change), I
will effort to invite the young people from those communities to talk about this
SDG campaign in real talk and involve them to help us out in sounding the
campaign to all people in the city. Itd better to start first from the closest
community and contagiously spread to the entire city. In conclusion, the most
effectively-working strategy of social media campaign is involving the youth in
community to help campaigning virtually. Therefore, we not only improve the
youth awareness in social media, but we also improve their awareness into real

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