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100 100
1Franklymy dearI dont give a damn.
2Im going to make him an offer he cant refuse.
3You dont understandIcoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I
couldve been somebodyinstead of a bum which is what I am.

4TotoIve got a feeling were not in Kansas anymore.
5Heres looking at youkid.
6Go aheadmake my day.
7All rightMr.DeMilleIm ready for my closeup.
8May the Force be with you.
9Fasten your seatbelts. Its going to be a bumpy night.
10You talking to me
11Would you be shocked if I changed into something more
?Jean HarlowHell's Angels1930

12I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

13Love means never having to say youre sorry.
14I could dance with you'til the cows come home. On second thought, I'd
rather dance with the cows until you came home.

Duck Soup1933
15You talking'to me?
Taxi Driver1976
16Gif me a visky, ginger ale on the side, and don'be stingy, baby.

Anna Christie1930
18Made itMaTop of the world
19Im as mad as helland Im not going to take this anymore

20LouisI think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
21It's not the men in your life that counts, it's the life in your men.

I'm No Angel1933
22Bond.James Bond.
23Theres no place like home.
24I am bigIts the pictures that got small.
25Show me the money
28Play itSam. PlayAs Time Goes By.

29You cant handle the truth
30I want to be alone.1932
31After alltomorrow is another day
33Ill have what shes having.
37Ill be back.
38TodayI consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
40Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know
what youre gonna get.

43Well always have Paris.
46OhJerrydont lets ask for the moon.We have the stars.
48Wellnobodys perfect.1959
51Youve got to ask yourself one questionDo I feel luckyWelldo

52You had me athello.
54Theres no crying in baseball
56A boys best friend is his mother.

57Greedfor lack of a better wordis good.

58Keep your friends closebut your enemies closer.
59As God is my witnessIll never be hungry again.
63Mrs.Robinsonyoure trying to seduceme.Arent you
67Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the worldshe walks into mine.

71Wait a minutewait a minute.You aint heard nothinyet
75I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
83Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.
94I feel the needthe need for speed
95Carpe diem. Seize the dayboys. Make your lives extraordinary.

100Im king of the world1997
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
I can look at the menu. Doesn't mean I'm gonna eat.

Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too
bright.The Shawshank Redemption

Politics and crime, theyre the same thing.GODFATHER

Even the strongest man needs friends. GOD FATHER

Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smiles back .

It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.
The Shawshank Redemption

The truth is out there. The X files

I give you my hand.I give you my lovemore precious than money.Ghost
VS. Love Story
.. VS
Anakin,this path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone.

In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I
love you. Gone with The Wind

To be or not to be, thats a question.-"Hamlet"

Everything that has a begin has an end.

We are not here because we are free .we are here because we are not free.

Ill never let go ,Ill never let go ,Jack .

I love waking up in the morning and not knowing whats going to happen, or
who Im going to meet, where Im going to wind up.(Titanic)

I figure life is a gift and I dont intend on wasting it. You never know what hand
youre going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.

I dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating around
accidentallike on a breeze.
Stupid is as stupid does. ()

The Lion King
Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.

I laugh in the face of danger.

Im only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesnt mean you go looking
for trouble.


What is the most expensive commodity in this century? talent!

An organization without discipline.

First my gaze toward the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.

Who knows me understand my needs, Im a mystery to he who know me not .

I can reliably inform you that, uncle lee is very angry. the consequences will
be severe

I was reckless, I was reckless, never thought that girl would play me.


You had me at hello.

I hate mondays.

Never send a man to do a cat's job.

Money is not everything. Theres Mastercard & Visa.

One should love animals. They are so tasty.
Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.
Love the neighbor. But dont get caught.
Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every
unsuccessful man, there are two.
Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.
The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise.

Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.

Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.
Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.
Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause
Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep.

There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
Hard work never killed anybody. But why take the risk?
Work fascinates me. I can look at it for hours!
God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.
When twos company, threes the result!
A dress is like a barbed fence. It protects the premises without restricting the
The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you
forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.
,, ,, ,,

I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were

you a hero in the great war?" "No," I replied, But I served in a company of
" "......
forget that there are place in the world that are not made out of stone,
there is something inside that they can not get to that is hope The
Shawshank Redemption

OLD ROSE Fifteen hundred people went into the sea when Titanic sank from
under us. There were twenty boats floating nearby and only one came back.
One. Six were saved from the water, myself included. Six out of fifteen
hundred. Afterward, the seven hundred people in the boats had nothing to do
but waith... wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never
Rose 1500 20
1500 700 ....
WILLIAM WALLACE"Fight, and you may die. Run, and you'll live at least a
while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to
trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to
come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll
never take our Freedom! Freedom
" "

" "
This car, Goeth would have bought this car. Why do I keep the car? Ten
people by that, ten people, ten more people. This pin, two people. This is gold,
two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. He would
have given me one, one more, one more person, person, Stern, for this. I
could have got one more person, and I didn't , and I didn't -"Schindler's

J: Which of the fities that you visited did your Highness enjoy the most? A:
Each in its own way was unforgettable. It would be difficult to Rome. By all
means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!
:? :

We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies
we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this
wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We are the real countries,
not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you
will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I've wanted- to
walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps.


Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call
myself. Far, a long long way to run. Sew, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to
follow Sew. Tea, a drink with jam and bread. Thatll bring us back to Doe...
The Sound of Music

Mr. Frodo: I can't do this, Sam. Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights, we
shouldn't even be here. But we are here. It's like in the great stories, Mr.
Frodo. The one's that really mattered, full of darkness and danger they were.
And sometimes you didn't want to know the end Because how could the
end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was...When so
much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing...this
shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun
shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with
you that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had
lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going... because
they were holding on to something. Mr. Frodo: What are we holding on to,

Sam? Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth
fighting for.

Aragorn: Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes... The
same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage
of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship,
But not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of
Men comes crashing down, But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that
you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!





If you nap now, you will dream; if you study now, you will realize your dreams.
The today that I have wasted, is the tomorrow that yesterdays dead so
desperately wish for.
When you realize its too late, its actually the earliest time to act. (Not sure
this makes that much sense, but ok)
Dont put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
The torment of studying is temporary, the torment of ignorance is forever.
Learning lacks not time but effort.
Happiness might not have care about your rank, but success definitely does.

Learning might not be the entirety of ones life, but if one cannot even
surmount this one small area, what can one succeed at?
Please enjoy the pain that you cannot avoid.
Only studying harder and earlier than others can one taste success.
No one can casually succeed, success comes from total self-discipline and
Time is fleeting.
The saliva that you drool in your nap today, will be the tears of tomorrow.
Study like a dog; play like a wastrel.
If you dont walk today, you will need to run tomorrow.

The person who invests in the future is a person who is loyal to reality.
Education is proportional to income.
Once today is over, it is gone.
Even now, my opponent has not relaxed in his study.
No pain, no gain.

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