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In both The Moment Before the Gun Went Of and Comrades by

Nadine Gordimer, the central irony surrounding ones falsely perceived
understanding about society shows apartheids disconnection between
the societal groups.
Narrator + Mrs. Telford irony = think they understand society but
Those city and overseas people dont know its true (112)
Theyll be able to use it in their boycotts (111)
Blacks expose small children to everything (115)
Nothing satisfies them (114)
The example of black (114)
Are you still at school, Dumile?(95)
Hes made by a Zimbabwean artist, I think the names
Dube (96)
She breaks the silence; says something, anything (96)
But the foolish interruption becomes revelation.(96)
Only the food that fed their hunger was real (97)
Disconnection between groups, Cant help unless part of
suffering group
In this room, the space, (96)
No, she was going (92)
They know, reading the Sunday papers (112)
Farmers usually have one particular (112)

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