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HLA - Lifelong Wellness Application/Reflection Paper

Name___Sean Schmidt_____ Course ___HLAC 1527_________________

Write a paragraph (at least four sentences) on questions 1 3 (question 4 is optional):
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this course?
After taking this rock climbing course I have learned a number of things. One of those is
that working on my endurance is very important. There was a number of times during this
class where I would get tired half way up the climbing wall and fall down. Another
important thing about lifelong wellness is to work on strength training.
2. How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted your life
(home, school, work, etc.)?
Because of this class I was able to work a little more efficiently at my work. I was able to
use the techniques learned in this class to climb into sections that needed to be fixed. Also
I was able to hold myself up longer in certain situations because this class taught me
techniques on conserving energy. Another thing that this class has helped me in is out
door climbing. I now have better technique and stamina to be able to climb harder walls.
3. Discuss specific lifelong wellness concepts learned in this course and how you are going
to implement them in your life?
This course has helped me plan things ahead before acting, I was taught to look at a
specific course and planning it out before climbing it, and that is a very important thing to
do in life. Another thing that I can implement in my life is communication. This course
has made me realize that without communication, a lot of bad things can happen. For
instance in rock climbing, a persons life can be in danger if there is not a proper amount
of communication, and I believe that this can be applied to many things in life.
4. General ideas for improving this course?
This course was a great course and I would love to take it again.

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