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Business Requirements:

For example, your client requires end users to enter BP Name and Customer Code with a certain naming
conversion when adding or updating a Business Partner in SAP Business One.
Rule #1: The BP Name must be entered when adding or updating a BP in SAP Business One.
When the end user is entering or updating a Business Partner master data record in SAP Business One, they
wont able to save the BP unless the BP Name is entered.
If the BP Name field is blank, SAP Business One blocks adding or updating this BP, and displays the error
message Enter BP Name in the status bar.
Rule #2: The customer code must follow the naming convention C****** when adding or updating a customer
record in SAP Business One.
The customer code must start with prefix C indicating it as a customer. Any other leading character will not be
allowed for customer entry and will result in the error message Customer Code must start with C.

Solution Options:
Option 1: Implement these additional validation rules with a customized UI API Add-On by listening for
ItemEvent(et_Click) of the Add/Update button in the BP Master Data form. The validation will be triggered
when the button is clicked. Before SAP Business One commits the transaction the BPName is validated
against the rule. If the BPNAme violates the rule, SAP Business One stops the transaction by setting
BubbleEvent as false. However, this document doesnt aim to discuss this in detail.
Option 2: Customizing SAP Business One, Version for SAP HANA with SSP add-on solutions, such as B1UP
(SAP Business One Usability Package) from BoyumIT, CoreSuites from CoreSystems etc. Please contact the
SSP directly if youre interested on it.
Option 3: Customizing SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA by implementing the built-in procedure
SBO_SP_TransactionNotification with SAP HANA SQL Script. The following sections will discuss the solution
in detail.

Implementing SBO_SP_TransactionNotification
with SAP HANA SQL Script
SBO_SP_TransactionNotification is a built-in procedure of SAP Business One which is triggered when
Adding/Updating/Deleting a record of any business data, such as Business Partner Master Data, Marketing
Documents (Sales Order, A/R Invoice etc.), etc.
Prerequisites: You should have knowledge of SAP HANA SQL and SQL Script. More details about SAP HANA
SQL and SQL Script are available here.
The interface of SBO_SP_TransactionNotification:

CREATE PROCEDURE SBO_SP_TransactionNotification

( in object_type nvarchar(20),
-- SBO Object Type

in transaction_type nchar(1),
-- [A]dd, [U]pdate, [D]elete, [C]ancel, C[L]ose
in num_of_cols_in_key int,
in list_of_key_cols_tab_del nvarchar(255),
in list_of_cols_val_tab_del nvarchar(255) ) LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT AS -Return values
error int;
-- Result (0 for no error)
error_message nvarchar (200); -- Error string to be displayed
begin error := 0;
error_message := N'Ok';
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Select the return values
FROM dummy;




2 (Business Partner)

U (update)

Since version 2005 the procedure

returns a string representing the type of
object (it used to be a numerical value in
previous versions).
A full list of object types exposed through
the DI API can be found in the DI API
documentation under the section
Enumerations. The enumeration is
called BoObjectTypes.
It may have values of:

A(where a record was added)

U (where a record was updated)

D (where a record was deleted),

C(where a document was


L (where a document was closed)

Returns the number of columns or fields
in the key to the record. A Business
Partner, for example, has a key
consisting of a single field (CardCode),
so this variable would have a value of
"1". A Special Prices object, however,

has a key consisting of the CardCode

and ItemCode, so for a Special Prices
object this variable would have a value
of "2".


Returns a tab-delimited list of column

names (field names) that represent the
object key.
For a Business Partner, this would be
"CardCode". For a Special Prices object,
it would be "CardCode ItemCode".


Returns a tab-delimited list of values

required to retrieve the object from SAP
Business One.
For example, a Business Partner record
might have a value of "C40001". A
Special Prices object would contain 2
fields separated by a tab character. For
example: "V10005 ... A00001"


Implementing the procedure by adding custom code.

You are not able to modify the procedure from SAP HANA Studio directly; likewise you are used to modifying
the one in SQL Server Version with SQL Server Management Studio. Therefore we recommend you drop the
procedure, and create it again with your custom code instead of altering the procedure command.
Steps to modify the SBO_SP_TransactionNotification procedure:
1) Copy the procedure definition of SBO_SP_TransactionNotification into SQL Console of HANA, preparing for
the modification.
2) Drop the SBO_SP_TransactionNotification with SQL Command:


3) Add the code into SBO_SP_TransactionNotification as below which is copied in step 1.
4) Run the procedure creation SQL Script within SQL Console. It will create the procedure again
with modification.
Sample code:

CREATE PROCEDURE SBO_SP_TransactionNotification

( in object_type nvarchar(20), -- SBO Object Type
in transaction_type nchar(1),
-- [A]dd, [U]pdate, [D]elete, [C]ancel, C[L]ose
in num_of_cols_in_key int,
in list_of_key_cols_tab_del nvarchar(255),
in list_of_cols_val_tab_del nvarchar(255) ) LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT AS -Return values
cnt int;
--Important: User defined additional local
variable as the count of records, used in the procedure for validation
error int;
-- Result (0 for no error)
error_message nvarchar (200); -- Error string to be displayed

error := 0;
error_message := N'Ok';
--Adding additional validation rules for BP.
if :object_type='2' and (:transaction_type='A' or :transaction_type='U') t
--Scenario#1: Check if records count number of given CardCode and
--CardName is blank
select count(*) into cnt from "SBODEMOUS"."OCRD"
where "CardCode" =
:list_of_cols_val_tab_del and IFNULL("CardName",'')='';
if :cnt>0 then
error := -111;
error_message := 'Enter BP Name';
end if;
--Scenario#2: Check if records count number of given CardCode
--it is a customer
--and CardCode doesn't with C
cnt := 0; --Reset the count again for next validation
select count(*) into cnt from "SBODEMOUS"."OCRD"
where "CardType" = 'C' and "CardCode" =
:list_of_cols_val_tab_del andnot("CardCode" like 'C%');
if :cnt>0 then
error := -112;
error_message := 'Customer Code must start with C';
end if;
END if;
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Select the return values
FROM dummy;
About SAP HANA SQLScript
SQLScript is a collection of extensions to Structured Query Language (SQL). The extensions are:

Data extension, which allows the definition of table types without corresponding tables.

Functional extension, which allows definitions of (side-effect free) functions which can be
used to express and encapsulate complex data flows.

Procedural extension, which provides imperative constructs executed in the context of

the database process.

It supports complicated control logic such as conditional processing, loop, cursor, etc., as well as many built-in
functions for string, mathematical, datetime etc.

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