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I only wanted a kiss.

It was a September night when he first held my hand. The fire ran through my veins
as our skin touched for the first time. I didnt want it. Night after night, our lips met
as we fought the uncertainties life threw in our faces. He was as cold as the
pavements on December days when I fought for the chance I thought we had. I
dont want this, he spit out those words as we took a walk in our street. I tried to
hold back my tears as we went back, theres no us. He finished my fairy tale in
four words. THERE. IS. NO. US. He didnt know that my ears pounded with my chest
as we parted ways.
I only wanted a kiss.
I never wanted it. Days and nights collide that he was there when the world turned
its back on me. No permanent job, no friends, not even a family that I shouldve
talked about this. I watch the sun rise as the cold enveloped my heart, theres
nothing to feel, yet there were stains of tears on my pillows every morning. I was
the victim of my own feelings. Im seeking for stable feelings when the only person I
know could give me nothing but heartaches and cold shoulders.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am the tiniest star in the universe that sparks in the night time when the moon
chose to stay beneath the clouds. There were streaks of blood a sign that the sky
can no longer hold the waters it carry. Yet I refuse to hide. They began to move,
people started dancing to the music of cold wind when I remain frozen above.

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