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Hi, this is my story about how I was drawn to advocate to take

action against opioid abuse and overdose.

As a first generation immigrant family, trying to establish a new
life in the United States, the dangers of drug abuse were foreign
and distant, However as the kids grew up and left elementary
school, there was an instinctive worry as a parent that would they
would fall into such habits. Although drug abuse did not penetrate
our family, there were plenty of friends and family that seemed to
be suffering from it. I met many young adults that fell victim to
this addiction and lost their purpose, potential and sometimes
even their life.
The extent and reach of the epidemic became clear to me as
started working on a project for my masters. 78 American die
every day from Opioid overdoses. It is an epidemic and it is
tearing away at the fabric of our society.
As a parent and as a healthcare professional I feel compelled to
do something. The government is acting, there is legislation in
place. Recently funding was proposed. We need to make sure that
the funding is released and is used for education and access to
treatment. I hope you will do your part as well.
Support the CARA Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of
2016. Advocate with your state representation to make sure the
funding is released and is used for education and access to
addiction treatment. Narcan Can Save a life, come and join the

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