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Cum sa va spun...

Cum sa m-afirm
Cum sa ma-exprim
Iubesc , traiesc
Sufar platesc...
Incerc sa dau uitarii
Nu reusesc
Decat sa m-amagesc
Sa plang,sa regasesc
Trecutul in prezent,
Un viitor inexistent.
Dar...poate candva
Voi reusi sa spun ceva
Sa fac ceva...
Care sa schimbe lumea...

How could I tell you

How can I make myself known


How to express myself

I love, I live
I suffer, I pay...
I try to give oblivion
I can only
Make a fool of myself
To cry, to find
The past in the present
An absent future
But... maybe someday
I will manage to say something
To do something
That will change the world

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