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The Romance of the Sun and the Moon

The moon was alone one evening, shining in the midnight sky. Although she
was surrounded by myriads of tiny, sparkly stars, she felt as if there was no
one to understand her. She eagerly searched the skies for a friend, perhaps
a meteor, with whom to discuss the joys and sorrows of her life. But there
was nobody.
On the other side of the world, the sun yawned and awoke to shine his light
upon the blue-green temples of God. He heard the call to worship, and saw
the waves of people bowing and praying. He felt full of good will and charity
towards the masses of God's servitors. Perhaps they were not holy, but at
least they were faithful.
The moon stayed alone, suspended in the sky with none to touch her. A tiny
star whispered to her of a great being, the sun, who brought joy and light to
the world. She listened with interest, for it seemed that once, a long time
ago, she had seen a being such as this. Beautiful as he was, the sun seemed
always just beyond her reach. She would visit the places where he had
been, and would always find that he had just left. Those who knew him
spoke of his wonder and his glory, and she felt unworthy to be in his
Now the sun was unaware of her yearning, for he was too busy making the
crops grow and warming the world. Those who wished his light had only to
look upward to heaven and he was there, beaming down upon them.
The moon continued to follow the sun, always coming nearer to him, always
hearing that he had just left that portion of the sky, or was just over the next
mountain range. Where before there was despair, now she was ever more
hopeful, for she knew that she was approaching his presence.
She came closer and closer, until one glorious day came when she stood
before him, naked and unafraid. The world looked up and saw only
blackness - in the middle of the day. But the moon stood mid-way between
the sun and the earth, and all of his glory was for her.
His light blotted out all of her loneliness, all of her pain, all of her past. She
stood bathed in wonder before him, and his light filled her soul.
She passed away from him full of light and joy, and though his light was too
bright to remember, it was also too powerful to forget. She was dizzy with
wonder. As time passed, it seemed that she once had been a being full of
light, yet it was so long ago
Such is the soul of man, dear one. It yearns for the glorious light of Truth,
which destroys all loneliness and memory. The many lives of man are as
many times as the moon sees the sun - after each, nothing remains but a
vague idea of a beauty once seen. And there is always the longing, and
always the return.

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