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Pols 1100-400

Persuasive essay in point form

What is the situation with respect to the wealth and income gap between the rich
and poor in the United States? Should something be done about it, or is the gap a
healthy part of capitalism?
I think that there is much to be said about the income and wealth gap in the United
States of America. While we take a look into I believe it is important to understand
the definitions, terms and data of the reality of the situation. By looking into and
fully understanding the full scale of the income and wealth gap, we will be able to
see how it affecting people in each class and the impact it has on our country as a
Wealth and income inequality is the unequal distribution of assets within a
population. The United States shows bigger discrepancies of wealth between rich
and poor than any other major developed nation.
I think that many people think of the term wealth in the same as look as net worth,
which would be the total of assets minus spend age. However assets can include
almost anything like your car, cash, stocks, and land and retirement funds. On the
other side what you spend or are liable for are things like what you owe on your
house and/or car, credit cards, student loans and other bills that you have not paid
and your still owe.
In the United States, wealth inequality is more talked about than income inequality.
Income equality is a non equal distribution of profits, wages, dividends and salaries
among the population. The income and wealth inequality in the U.S has a huge
impact on the majority of our society and doesnt benefit our economy in a positive
In our day we currently live in one of the wealthiest country but does that really
count for anything if the reality of the situation includes the fact that the most
wealth is unevenly distributed.
As shown in the graph, Income disparities have become so pronounced that
Americas top 10 percent now average nearly nine times as much income as the
bottom 90 percent. Americans in the top 1 percent tower stunningly higher. They
average over 38 times more income than the bottom 90 percent. But that gap pales
in comparison to the divide between the nations top 0.1 percent and everyone else.

Americans at this lofty level are taking in over 184 times the income of the bottom
90 percent. (Income Inequality |" Inequalityorg. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 July 2016.

"Income Inequality |" Inequalityorg. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 July 2016.


So many people in our country think that having a gap between rich and poor s normal and is
something that should be expected for such a large and successful country. However the social
and economic outcomes of the situation show that there should be a change.
Inequality affects education, happiness, trust, health, and crime and other areas of our society.
For example children of highly paid people are more likely to attend more prestigious schools
and research has found a connection between low scores in math and reading along with
inequality between U.S States. On another note, economic inequality is a large factor in the
poverty rates in the United Sates. When the working lower class is working longer hours at a
lower wage and their income isnt rising, the outcome is unchanged, ongoing poverty. In an ideal
and logical situation, working longer and harder should result in higher wages and status and
would have a positive outcome for more social and economic mobility for more people.
Poverty more the majority that is caused by economic, income and wealth, inequality affects us
now and will affect the future generations to come. With wages at a halt and low for the lower
and middle class, the working earners are going to continues to feel the effects of inequality.

Possible solution
The first step in getting through a problem of economic inequality is to start at level 1 and the
bottom of the class and involve the young people that will be the leaders of our country. Those
that are most affected by this inequality are the lower and middle class citizens, and particularly
young adults who are starting to have piling debts along with the debts of their parents. Those of
us that struggle to be able to participate in higher education and go through either volunteer
positions or really low pay to gain experience in hopes of having a better career later on.
Another solution that would help could be to look at tax rates for the high income and wealth
people and companies and raise their taxes based on income. By raising these taxes, the
inequality would balance out a bit more
In conclusion, although people underestimate the actual extent to which the wealth and income
inequality gauges, they still agree that the wealth should be more evenly distributed. The
majority of people wants better distribution and also supports the idea of the government taking
initiative in making a transition to a more equal society. (

"In U.S., 67% Dissatisfied With Income, Wealth Distribution." N.p., n.d. Web. 21
July 2016.

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