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Once there was

a girl named
Seema. She
was very fond

of animals so
she every day
asked her
mother to buy
her one but her
mother always
One day
Seema was

very sad
thinking about
a small pup or
a cute kitten
when it struck
her mind that
day after
tomorrow was
her birthday
and her mother

had vowed her

that she would
buy anything
for her. Seema
was very
Day after
tomorrow she
asked her

mother for a
kitten, her
mother could
not refuse her
request so in
the evening
they went to
the pet shop.
Seema was
very happy but

she was
confused whom
to choose. She
asked her
mother and she
suggested her
to take a

Seema loved
the colour
white so she
took the white
kitten and took
it home. She
named it after
her, Seemy.
Seema would
never forget to

give her food

and water and
she also loved
her a lot. She
would eat up
all the mice in
the house and
like this
mother also

started liking
Like this
Seema and
Seemy were
united for ever.

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