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For her, I abandoned my cave

In the Ivory Mountains.

And I move to a desertic place,
But, for her, I created a Jungle.
A Jungle with rare things.
Earth was no more
Reality What was reality?
Dreams The Jungle of Dreams.
Only for her
She is so precious for me
So I became a beast.
A King for a Queen
The King of the Jungle of Dreams.
And I transformed in a Lion
She, the Lady with Many Names,
Was, not a Lioness, but a Panther.
A Black Panther with green maroon eyes.
And all began with two paths.
Her path crossed my path
Only a few words from her
Enough to attract me.
Only for her
I have written thousands
Or a million of words
But she worth it.
If one day I tell this story to my son or to my friends, what will
they think?
It is a story of love on the web ?
What kind of relationship she and me have developed trough
all this months ?
We have exchanged ideas interesting ideas.

Poems Music Photos Articles Videos Books Blogs
Emotions Fantasies Passions Dreams Fears
She has send me gifts and songs with her voice
I send her flowers daily at my Midnight..
Interstingly, she revived certain areas of my youth creativity
And I have written stories for her about her and about me.
She can take out the best of me
And she has opened her heart to me many times
And, in several occasions, we have made love to each other
with our words.
A strange kind of love Virtual love?
No, I dont think that category is right
Platonic love ?
Mhh No.
Im sure of one thing:
Its a hidden love practiced but not openly confessed.
A forbidden love Both of us are married.
And we have a considerable difference in our ages: Im twenty
years older than her.
Different culture, origins, beliefs, environments, languages
But as she says, it seems that we are from the same star.
But, why Im talking about love ?
Maybe this is another kind of emotion/feeling/sentimental
An emotion that only can exist in and by the internet.
How do I have to call to thiskind of emotion ?
Interesting Im not confused at all. But I have to recognize
that this is an epistolary relationship like in older centuries.
Words written words are extremely important.
Not face to face word Not a chat on real time
Words simple words.

Lately, we have been writing in three or four different lines of

We have open three or four conversations by mail and there
is the original social network messenger.
And we have been loyal to each other
We attend at each communication of each other
We have respect and admiration for each other
We have interest in each other
We are not just killing the time with a hobby.
No. This is a serious relationship.
May I call it friendship ?
Im not so sure either
My academic mind are trying to understand better this
My emotional side are trying to decode what kind of feeling I
have for her
But, what the heck, Im sure that my reptilian brain (evolutive
psychology) wants to take her in my arms, kiss her, full all my
senses with her and demonstrate my passion for her in a
sexual relationship a real one.
And I want to speak to her and to hear her voice
To see her eyes with my eyes hold her hands in mine
Touch her hair and face and her whole body
Dance with her Walk with her Be in silence with her
Im blood, bones and flesh and I confess all this.
My primitive me doesnt understand this relationship a la
And sometimes is in a real struggle inner struggle
physical struggle
I wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning... And guess who is in my
first tought in that very moment ?
I have thought that she is near to me in a strange way
mystic way
But, I cant assure that.

Well, in this rainy afternoon, here I am.

Writing my reflections only for Her.
And I cant talk someone else about Her
About what is happening between Her and this man
Yes This man is ME.

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