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Albert Einstein Father of atomic age nuclear power

Isaan Newton Complex Math and calculus
Pythagoras Pythagorean theorem
Archimedes Calculation for pi , area of circle
Alexandria area of triangle
Blaise Pascal Pascals Triangle
John Napier Logarithms
Daniel Bernoulli Bernoullis principle of hydrodynamics
Evariste Galois Theory of Equations polynomial

Scientist and Inventors:

J.J. Thomson Electron (1897)

Ernest Rutherford Proton (1911)
James Chadwick Neutron (1932)
Bohr electrons revolved in orbits around the nucleus of an atom3

Benjamin Franklin Electricity and stove

Thomas Edison DC electricity
Nicola Tesla AC electricity
James Watt Steam engine
The Wright Brothers Flew first aircraft
Alexander Graham Bell 1st Practical telephone
Galileo Galilei Telescope and projectiles parabola and INERTIA
William gilbert Earth has magnetic poles
Robert Boyle Electric repulsion and attraction act on vacuum
Alexandria 1st steam Engine and area of triangle
Cavendish Universal gravitational constant (G)
Evangelist Torricelli Barometer and velocity without known time
Kepler Planetary motion
Stefan-Boltzman Radiant heat Transfer
Bernoulis equation work & energy (mgh, 1.2 mv^2) Fluid flow based on
conservation of energy
Faradays law - any change in the magnetic environment of a coil of wire will
cause a voltage (emf) to be "induced" in the coil
Lenz Law - the polarity of the induced emf is such, that it produces an current
that's magnetic field opposes the change which produces it.
Fleming (right hand generator) (left hand motor)

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