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{- Solution to Project Euler problem 3

- by Project Nayuki

-- By the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, every integer n > 1 has a unique factorization as a
product of prime numbers.
-- In other words, the theorem says that n = p_0 * p_1 * ... * p_{m-1}, where each p_i > 1 is prime
but not necessarily unique.
-- Now if we take the number n and repeatedly divide out its smallest factor (which must also be
prime), then the last
-- factor that we divide out must be the largest prime factor of n. For reference, 600851475143 = 71
* 839 * 1471 * 6857.
main = putStrLn (show ans)
ans = largestPrimeFactor (600851475143 :: Integer)

largestPrimeFactor n =
p = smallestPrimeFactor n
if p == n then p
else largestPrimeFactor (div n p)

smallestPrimeFactor n = head [k | k <- [2..n], mod n k == 0]

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