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Manufaturing a nano pencil

You have dreamed it,
It's at your fingertips.
You need copper wire construction electrician in1.5square millimeters(diameter1.4mm)or2.5
square millimeters (diameter 1.8 mm)

(1) Here a single coil split right center rod sharpened. The coil is wound on a 4 mm rod.
To be determined based on the pen tray.
It can be woundClockWiseorCounterClockWise.
The number of turns is not important but preffered 27turns.

To make beautiful turns, you have to wrap them contiguously and then remove them with a
For the split part, flatten the tip with a hammer and cut with a chisel or pliers cutting type.


(2) This type of pen is very powerful and ideal to start. It processes 95 percent of health problems.
It allows to receive new energy through the small loop of the coil and evacuate by the small rod right
split, the old and bad energy by restoring the balance.
It deals only with the physical part of the disease.
(3) To treat a difficult disease with the need to act on the emotional part too with the tool "give and
take", two split coils and one or two central rods must be associated.
Here a 3.2 mm wire, CW (Clockwise) or CCW (CounterClockWise) but in the same direction.

(4) Additionnals informations for passionates seekers can be found in the health workshop number
There's a supplement for Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis by adding a CO2 Gans just on the tip of
the central rod.


(5) Make a maximum of coils to distribuate to all your friends and family. They all deserve access to
this unknown technology.
Picture : Children too.

(6) The first step is to strip and degrease your copper.

For this, soak in one liter of cold water added to 60 grams of pure caustic soda for 24 to 48 hours.
They may become slightly darken or silver.


(7) You need pure caustic,NaOH,sodium hydroxide.
Avoid sink drain cleaners which may contain chlorine. Not to be confused with washing soda (sodium
carbonate) used to wash the walls or baking soda.

(8) Several methods for the nanocoating (coating, coverage by nano technology) are
Fire, gas, steametc.
I recommand the German method, which combines many advantages.

Practical, economical, safe and clean.

60gramsof pure caustic soda.
an aluminium foil in small pieces.


3 necked Coca-Cola plastic, the transparent part ONLY, where there's the thread and cut
into pieces.
- 3 leaves of a plant pampered, it increase the vibration of the "potion". Here's a piece of
Apple tree leaf.
Put everything in a sealed bottle, gently pour a liter of boiling water to 100 degrees.
Beware, it bubbles, do not breathe, prepare it outside or on the balcony.
Put the cap to hold the vapor, simmer 24 hours.

Only bottlenecks of Coca Cola bottles are fine, where there's a special carbon composition.

(9) The nanocoating using German method can start.

- Take a tight jam jar and pour in just 4 cl of the "potion".
- Put the coils out of the stripping and close the lid.


Place near a warm source to create a little steam for 24 to 48 hours, stirring carefully the jar,
every 6 hours.
Prevent the coils to be in contact with the potion, if possible.
My last coating took place at room temperature, at my big surprise.

(10) Pliers to cut the ends in the longitudinal direction, gently flattened with a hammer.

(11) Ready for the phase of "polarization"

The coil should be moist.
The aim is to align the atomic structure, all must be in the same direction.
A digital ohmmeter is used on the 2000 kilohms caliber ( or 2 megohms).


The symbol used is Omga .
It will inject a current of the order of microampere, it lasts a short time (about 5-15 seconds).
We must see a varation on the display often between 100 and 1200 ohms.
The polarization phase is completed.
The meaning is shown on the picture.
To test an ohmmeter, connect the two cords and make it touch each other, the display shows a
value close to zero (the resistance of the wire).

(12) At this point, they already enjoy good music in 432Hz. The "mantras" of Mike Oldfield and
Pink Floyd albums vivify them and also raising our vibrations, essential key for the success of the



(13) We have now reached the phase of "charge and discharge".

This time we need to make the coils and the rod, consume the
current to force them to recreate new, it's a learning effect.
A voltmeter is used as a current consumer in the 2 volts caliber
You can plug a 1.5 volt battery to check its efficiency.
The coils are placed in a sealed box with a mid galvanized wire
mesh at the bottom and 4 cl of the potion who served
The minus touch the fence, and the plus touch the coils for at
least 10 seconds.


The reading is not important, even negative.
Tips must be wet.
This operation is repeated every six hours for three days corresponding to the drying.
The cover rests on the box.
It's said that at the first measurement, the voltage drops to zero; there's nothing, after the
polarization, the voltage does not fall.

(14) Three days have passed, everything is dry, it shows caustic white powder.

Smooth operation and final rinse with distilled water bath.

Drying, the nano is perfect.


If turquoise streaks appear, do not touch, it's bonus (Gans CuO2).

Do not touch the nanocoating, this nanotechnology penetrates the body easily.

(15) Assembly is done with a towel paper, parchment paper, coton to isolate, cornering, protect
the nanocoating and insulate the central rod coil.



(16) The pens are used from reflexology boards or on a reflex point of the area
painful or body in question producing adverse effects.
Exposure times vary from three to ten minutes.
They can reach three times ten minutes if the results are slow .
The pen is not used over the shoulders, not the head.
To be confirmed : the pen is not suitable , it is personal but you can treat who you want.
You can treat it yourself without problems , but if the pencil lacked efficiency, you must try to get
treated by someone else .


For men, the pencil is held by the right hand, the one that gives energy and operates in hand
left , the one that receives the energy .
For women, it's the opposite.





(17) Our animals also enjoy the avant-garde techniques.

(18) The recorded results are staggering .

Tendinitis, three weeks , it is in short work .
A headache , it amuses .
That said there is one final condition :
Visualize perfectly healthy and joyful.
Make his heart beat as it is a million times more powerful than the brain.
Thanks yourself since everything is in us ...
Change in thoughts and words impeccable .
And the generous donor of this technology to humanity ?
He gave you a key to the universe.
Do not look over your doubts !!!


EVERYTHING is in control.

(19) Yes, that's him, his name is not mentioned in the tutorial. Found ?

(20) The nanocoating captures continuous flow of energy in magneto gravitational from the center
of our galaxy in the form of plasma.
It is possible to capture this plasma at higher speeds using Gans .
(Gas nano in a solid state )
Nano gas in solid form .
First, a copper wire coated by nano layer and in contact with the Gans .
Here three types of Gans interest us :
- Iron Gans : with Fe, obtaining CH3. Brown powder.
- Zinc Gans : with Zn, obtaining CO2. White powder .
- Copper Gans : Cu , obtaining CuO2. Blue powder.





(21) z




(22) And feets.



(23) Mounting with paper.

Ideal for protecting against wear , shock, it helps to center and pinch it all .
It is interesting to find pencils or containers before its coils to adjust the lengths and diameters.



(24) This table summarizes the destination of Gans depending on the desired use.

Test the E36 Zusanli for 1 minute and find the legs of your 20 years ...




Here, a sore jaw that is resolved in five minutes

Welcome to The Keshe world.

PhilippeSTEPHAN (writer)
Freddy GUERIN (translator)



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