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-Updated: uLE to 4.

42a (Beta)
-Updated: SMS to 2.9 Rev.4 patched by SP193, to also support V0-PS2s.
-Replaced: HDLoader with 'Open PS2 Loader'/OPL 0.8
OPL simply is supperior in many cases now and also users with 'slim' PS2s,
or old PCMCIA-PS2s can use it. It simply also more matches the 'FMCB-Thing',
to be compatible to as many PS2-Versions as possible.
-Changed: ESR.ELF is now the 'dvdv direct'-version, so it auto-starts the ESR-Di
Furthermore, ESR-GUI (test 2) is still included and linked to the OSDSYS and a
Button-Shortcut on StartUp.
-Includes modified (Example-)FREEMCB.CNF (one with app-versions, one only with n
Normally the CNF is created after the 'FMCB-Loader'/MC-KELF is successfully inst
but with this Example-CNF (which gets installed instead of the embedded one from
FMCB-Installer) it might be easier for some people, to create their own custom P
(for example including emulators, games, engine-ports and so on.)...
-created 'Docs+Extras'-Folder and included documents and additional files (langu
age-files, fonts,...) in it for those various apps.

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