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Graphic Organizer

Emily Ward

Disability Category: Behavioral Disorder
Possibly / Common Strengths:

- Athletic- very knowledgable about sports (especially football)

- Family oriented- very caring towards younger sister and defends her at any cost
- Job focused- works very hard at outside job and does very well at it (shelf stocker at
local grocery store)
- Sense of humor- always has a witty response to different things said and is very quick
on his feet with puns.

Common Disability Characteristics

Instructional or Behavioral Strategies

student may be taught to use for school success

A) Easily frustrated

A-1: Teach him how to use response cards

A-2: Teach student positive self talk

B) Does not follow directions

B-1: Give student more choice (choice board) and

teach him the process for choosing different options.
B-2: Have the student repeat directions to show what
he heard

Social / School (Skills)

A) Limited social interactions

A-1: Incorporate PALS into learning more frequently

and teach student how PALS works
A-2: Teach student social skills through role play and

B) Lies, steals, deceitful

B-1: Teach him the check in/ check out process

B-2: teach student how to tell the truth through role-
playing and modeling

Behavior / Organization
A) Impulsive

A-1: Teach self-management/self-monitoring/self-

correcting strategies
A-2: Use the Good Behavior game

B) Verbally agressive

B-1: Use/teach him the journaling process

B-2:Behavior contract

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