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Kirsten Anderson


Second Week of School


Day 1: Health Issues (Foundation of Unit)

HE 17C guide student learning through introductory lecture regarding the avenues
of obtaining health information (appropriate sources, ie CDC, USDA, FDA, etc)
HE 1A Review major health concerns of individuals, families, and community
(chronic illnesses)

Day 2: Media and Technology

HE 4A Class discussion of perception of what media deems as healthy

HE 4B Discussion on input of media portrayal of lifestyle products
Small group research, discussions of celebrity influence over diet/fitness
trends etc.
Homework: current event of medial portrayal of health. Discuss level of

Day 3: Health Info

HE 5A Have students define health (in their own words), describe in detail what it
means to be healthy
Discuss in small groups
HE 5B How do we quantify what it means to be healthy? Vitals?
HE 5D How can we use this info to have positive influence with the community?

Day 4: Decision-Making (group project, case scenario research-presentation)

HE 16B Students will research and create a graphic organizer depicting steps to
take to achieve health; include counseling (who, where, why) to discuss potential
problems with health which may arise amidst making these changes (precautions)
Ifthen how a patient proceeds when a health issue is identified (share with
class about fictional case scenario)

Current Event Presentations

Kirsten Anderson
Student presentations from their own research of the media dictating to the public
(potentially false information without scientific backing) certain bias toward
diet/exercise trends via advertising

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