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August 2016

Dear friends and family,

Greetings from muggy Wisconsin. Of course it is nothing like Thailand, and we do still miss the
weather there, but after surviving a Wisconsin winter the summer does seem rather hot and
humid. Does that mean we are adjusting to yet another country?
Summer has flown by and we are actively engaged in preparing for another school year. Luke
will be a Junior this year and is considering a career in the military and/or medicine. He has
many medical type classes this year and next at the high school level. He is also planning on
enlisting in the Army after his 17th birthday in September. Thanks for keeping him in your
At New Tribes Bible Institute Gina and I are getting ready for nearly 70 new incoming
freshmen as well as almost 100 returning upperclassmen. Those students involved in Leadership
Training are already on campus and preparing to serve in one leadership
position or another. They leave for a 4 day camping trip in the Upper
Peninsula, Michigan and when they return they will be involved in
welcoming new students as well as preparing for orientation and
I will actually miss the beginning of the new semester as I have
been invited to speak at a missions conference for TEAM
mission in southeast France. I am leading a team from my
home church and we will cover the speaking, music and
children's program so that the missionaries can enjoy some
down time before resuming their ministries in September.
Since I will be in France I am taking the opportunity to fly
down to Tunisia, Africa to visit my brother and his family who
are missionaries with Pioneers. It will be a busy three weeks
but we trust the Lord will allow us to be a blessing to the
missionaries we will be serving. Thanks for praying for safety
for me as well as for Gina as she takes care of things at home from
August 10th to 31st.

Our return to the States in July 2014 has unfortunately been

accompanied by a significant decrease in financial support. We
have made efforts primarily in the Wisconsin area to build up
our financial and prayer partnership team. While we have seen
slow but steady growth as a result of these efforts, the
reality is that we have been operating in the red for
nearly six months now. While we have savings to draw on in the
short run this is not a feasible plan for the long haul. The Lord has provided
some painting work for me during the summer as well, but now that school is starting up again I
will be resuming my full-time roll there.
We are committed to renewing our efforts to contact
people and churches and invite them to partner with us in
fulfilling the Great Commission. We trust the Lord will
raise up partners who will come alongside us through
finances and prayer so that the unreached people groups
of the world will have the opportunity to hear the gospel
of Jesus Christ.
Through these new financial partners we are trusting the Lord to increase our monthly budget
by $2,000. If by next June we are still operating with a budget deficit we will need to
pursue a different way of serving. After almost 15 years serving as missionaries it is hard to
imagine starting a different career path. However, we rest assured that the Lord is sovereign
and that His plans are perfect.
Thank you for praying with us that the Lord will raise up churches and
individuals to partner with us. We would love to have you join our partnership
team if you haven't already. Additionally, we are interested in sharing the
role we play in world missions with individuals, small groups and churches.
If you are able to connect us with those who are interested in partnering
with global missions we would love to hear from you.
We appreciate the role you have played in our lives over the years. From the missionary training
to 6 years in Brazil, then 4 years in Thailand and now 2 years in Wisconsin, your prayers and
financial partnership have allowed us to be
fully engaged in discipling high school and
Support and Contact information:
college students, preparing them to be like
Christ and go out and reach the lost with
the gospel.
Send Checks to:
Andy and Gina Templeton
New Tribes Mission
937 Perkins Ave.
1000 E. 1 . Street
Waukesha, WI 53186
We are so very grateful,
Sanford, FL 32771
Andy # 262-212-7768
Andy and Gina Templeton ACCOUNT # 200645
Visit NTM.ORG to set up an ONLINE giving account

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