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Marife N.


BSAct - 4

April 11,

Reflection Paper on
"A story of a Carpenter"

The story of a carpenter is definitely a story worth sharing. Anyone who have
encountered such a situation will be able to relate and make there own
reflection. A journey towards their own life as a builder.
I for one is one of those persons who could easily reflect my own actions in
building my own life. As a builder, I could say, that I'm no better than the
carpenter himself, because I thought building a future is obeying the orders
of my parents including taking up a college degree that does not seem to fit
me. My mind was in utter disarray, often daydreaming of what will I have if I
followed my own heart. If I followed what I love. And it made such an impact
to my life I obeyed because that's what they asked me. I was trying to do my
best but still thinking of my dreams, wondering how I have faired. So, I work
with a disconted heart that affects my reason to study. Although it is the right
thing to do. It seems wrong for me. And it gives me the notion that my life
can never be planned by anyone else but me. I will make my own decisions
and face the consequences. By then, I will be able to define my next step for
building my own future.
The carpenter may not have known that it would be his house that he is
building, but he was unnerved at the idea of leaving the only thing that he
loves. So, he worked halfheartedly even though he loves what he is doing.
For me these may be considered as a failure that I failed to see. But he is
only human, so do I and it only means that we are not unerring. And we
always regret the decisions we have made when we get the results of what
we have done. Although we are building for the better future still no matter
how perfect we followed our plan there will always be a flaw. Be it in the form
of emotional downpour, physical pains and incapacity to do it. Even if we
want all things to be the best. There are some things that wedged the result.
But, what matters most is that we can still patch up the plan that was flawed.
One way or another there is some things that can be done.
We know that something better may come despite of the things that we have
lost. But we must also bear in mind to do the best we can because we do not
know what the future holds for us but one thing is sure enough, we hold our
own future. So as a builder of my own life I'd better start building a firm
future and start believing that I could do the best despite the circumstances
and accept the fact that there are things that may never go according to the

plan whether we do our best or we lack our interest. Either way we hold the
choices and only we can decide.

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