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A pair of reposing
Arabian princes,
She calls Vladimir
And retarded Cat,
Are purring and pawning
In the soft domain
of her loving lap
A distant admirer
Pets his intrigue,
A half eaten heart
Surrender and dreams.
Oh felines of feeling
Closeness is surely
Better than cream
-James Fredholm
Sonnet Poem

Quiet, furry
Munching, sniffing, hopping
Asleep in the clover
Cinquain Poem

The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
-Carl Sandburg
Free Verse Poem

The limerick packs laughs ANATOMICAL

Into space that is quite ECONOMICAL.
But the good ones I've SEEN
Hardly ever are CLEAN
And the clean ones so seldom are COMICAL.
Limerick Poem

Blowing from the west

Fallen leaves gather
In the east.
- Yosa Buson
Haiku Poem

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