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Note to the SFA When you solve questions from Dr.

Raju's threads, please mention the month in

which the questions had appeared.
1) Given the equation of a parabola as y=x^2+10.If the line intersects the parabola at (1,9) and (3,y)
then find the value of y?
Simply substitute the (3, y) in y = x^2 + 10
y = 9 + 10 = 19
Hence y = 19
2) In a class of 10 students,6 are boys and 4 are girls. Find the probability of selecting 6 students for
a game, such that 2 particular girls are always selected?
We need to always select two girls.
So remaining students will be 8.
We need to select 4 from these 8 students.
So probability will be 8C4/10C6

2. Find the total number of 4-digit odd integers greater than 1000 which have 6 in their hundredth
unit digits place = 1,3,5,7,9 = 5 values
Ten's digit place = 0.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 = 10 values
Hundred's digit 's value = 6 only = i value
Thousand's digit value = 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 = 8 values
Therefore total no = 5x10x1x8 = 400
This is correct , they have not mentioned about repetition so if you consider that the digits
are repeated then this answer is fine , otherwise it will have to be broken into cases. But according to
the language you have to consider the repetition,
7. Col A: (x^x)^x
Col B: x^(x^x)
Answer) D
chck for x=2 , both will be equal and for x=3 column b will be greater , so nothing can be said.
11. Given that two points (0, 2) and (2, 0) lie on the circle.
Col A: Radius of the circle
Col B: 2
Answer D
There are many circles possible. If u consider one of them where the third point at the origin.

Then in that case the radius is 2root2. For many other points you will get diff results.
13. Given a set of three numbers {x, x^2, x^3}; -1 < x < 0. What is the ascending order of the set?
Answer) x<x^3<x^2
take x = -1/2 .. Now X^2 is + value i.e. 1/4 , so is highest , X^3 is -1/8 which is greater than xi.e.- 1/2
so the order is x<x^3<X^2
if you take x= -1/2 then x^2=-0.25 and x^3= -0.125.
So clearly x^3 is the greatest among them and then x^2 and then x.
1. A rectangular solid is given which consists of 10 cubes in 1 row and 3 cubes in 1 column. In that
manner there are 10 rows and 3 columns. If the length of edge of the cube is 1, then what is the
surface area of the rectangular solid?
Just imagine it a bit. You can think of a matchbox. When you imagine.
Combining all these small cubes will give you a cuboid something of the form of a match box.
This cuboid will have new dimensions, just think of the dimensions.
The length will be 10 as there are 10 rows the vertical height will be 3 because there are three cubes
in a column.
The breadth will be 1 because all cubes are of dimension 1.
So this reduces to a cuboid of length , breadth and height = 10 by 3 by 1.
You just need to find the surface area of this cuboid.
7. Col A: Quadratic square of -12, 3 & 10
Col B: Arithematic mean of -12, 3 & 10
Col A : means that you need to calculate the root mean squra = sqrt
( (144+9+100)/3)=9.1
A.M = 12+3+10/3 =8.33
So column A is greater.
11. Given a series of numbers 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3.......
Col A: The sum of the first 67 terms
Col B: 34
See if you do the sum , upto the 66 th term the series will be of the form
1,-1,2,-2,3,-3...................32,-32,33,-33 [So if you add upto here all the
terms will cancel out each other. So the 67th term will be 34.So in this case
both the columns are equal.
8. How many cubes of edge length 1 and 2 can be fitted into the rectangular solid, if the volume of
the rectangular solid is 35*10*15?
[there are only 2 dimensions for the cube given , can you check once again because it is impossible to
calculate without the last dimension given
3. Three people are to be seated on a bench. How many different sitting arrangements
are possible if Erik must sit next to Joe?

a) 2.
b) 4.
c) 6.
d) 8.
e) 10.
Answer is given 4 . how it should be 2 acc. To me?????
The answer should be 4. It is simple. Suppose that Erik and Joe have to sit together.
So the following favorable cases is possible. Suppose the third guy is T



6. A credit card number has 6 digits (between 1 to 9). The first two digits are 12 in that order, the
third digit is bigger than 6, the forth is divisible by 3 and the fifth digit is 3 times the sixth. How
many different credit card numbers exist?
a) 27.
b) 36.
c) 72.
d) 112.
e) 422.
Answer) is given 27 . why not 81 as 3x3x3x3 pls explain???
Solution: See we will go digit by digit.
The first 2 digits are fixed= 1,2
third can be filled in 3 ways (7,8,9 as greater than 9)
fourth in 3 ways (3,6,9 as should be a multiple of 3)
fifth depends entirely on 6 th so whatever 6th digit we choose accordingly the 5th will be chosen.
So the ways of choosing 6 th is 3 ways (1,2,3 so that the 5th digit number remains a single digit
So the total number of ways= 3*3*3= 27
18. The probability of having a girl is identical to the probability of having a boy. In a family with
three children, what is the probability that all the children are of the same gender?
a) 1/8.
b) 1/6.
c) 1/3.
d) 1/5.
e) 1/4
Answer) is given 1/ 4 ;

shouldn't it be 1/ 8? Pls explain?

It is also very simple just go by the definition of probability.
Consider it analogous to a 3 digit number such that each place can be filled in 2 ways.
So the total number of ways is = 2*2*2=8
Out of these only two cases are favorable = BBB or GGG
So by the basic definition probability= favorable(2)/not favorable(8)=
1) In a room there are more than 12 members which are divided into a 5 member,8 member and a
12 member group. Find the least possible members in room such that finally non are left.
Solution :
See it is mentioned that we need the least number of people. It is also mentioned that we need to
from at least one group of 5 member, 8 member and 12 member each.
So if we need minimum of 25 people(5+8+12) so that at least one of each the groups is formed.
2) A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost.If 36 people charter aircraft rather
than 40,loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?
It is mentioned that there is a fixed cost to charter the aircraft.
Let the fixed cost be x then
if there were 40 people then the price per person would be x/40.
But now there are 36 people only so the cost per person increases and so there will be a loss. The new
cost per person is
So x/36 - x/40 = 12
so x= 4320.
So we now the total cost and so the cost if 40 people charter it will be = 4320/40= 108.
3) In how many ways can 21 books on english and 19 books on hindi be placed in a row on a shelf so
that two books on hindi may not be together?
Solution :
This is quite simple.
First arrange the 21 english books among them selves in 21! ways. Now if we represent the English
books as E so a distribution of the books will look like :
E1 E2 E3 E4...................E21
So there will be 22 spaces in between the english books, including the one before E1 and the one
after E21.
So if we place the hindi books at any of these places we will get a distribution such that no hindi books
will be together.
so choosing 19 places out of the 22 available can be done in 22C19 and then these books can be
arranged among themselves in 19! ways.
So the total number of ways : 21!* 22C19* 19!
1. If x<y<0 then
A: xy

B:Y x,
[ For such problems always check for all the cases, check out for the fractional case also and also
for the integral case.
I will show you how to do it:
We will choose x and y satisfying the above given conditions:
let x=-0.2 and y=-0.1 so xy= 0.02 and y-x = 0.1 , so in this case column B is greater.
Now let us consider x=-5 and y=-4 then xy = 20 and y-x =1 . in this case column A is greater.
As we see that for diff values of x we get diff answers so we will mark the answer as cannot be
2. If N is an integer btw 200 and 300 with unit digit 5 and tens digit x,
A: N/5
B: 40+2x
Since the number lies between 200 and 300 so the hundreds place will be 2 and let the tens place be
So the number N= 2x5
N= 200+10x+5
So N/5 = 41+2x
Column B= 40+2x
Clearly Column A is greater.
4. series given -8, -3, 5, 8, 3, -5.
A: the number that would first time repeat 3rd time.
B: 3
the language is not very clear for this problem can you verify and send it to me again?

Q5) Find the total number of 4 digit odd integers greater than 1000 which have 6 in their hundreths
Solution : Just go by digit by digit and find otu in how many ways can you fill each of the digits.
Units digit : 5 ways because the number is odd so it can be filled only by 1,3,5,7,9
Tens digit: 10 ways : As there is no restriction
Hundreds place : one way as it can only be filled in 1 way.
Thousands place: 9 ways because the thousands place cannot be filled by 0 so the remainging 8 digits
are possible.
So the total required ways: 9*10*5=450
Q6) Given x((75+y)+(75-y))=900
this gives the value of x as 6. But since this is independent of y so we cannot calculate xy and so the
answer to this problem must be: Nothing can be said.
Q7) Given that two points (0,2) and (2,0) lie on the circle.
Col A: Radius of the circle
Col B: 2

The distance between these two points is 2root2. But we dont know whether this is a chord or
diameter. If it is chord such that it is root 2 distance from the center then in that case the radius will
be 2. If a chord such that the distance is greater than root 2 then the radius will be greater than 2. But
if it is such that distance between the center and the chord is less than root 2 then the radius will be
less than 2. So nothing can be said about it.
Q 8) A : (x^x)^x
B: x^(x^x)
This is a simple application of the formula (am)n= amn
A= (xx)x= xx^2
B= x^(xx)
As you can both are not the same so the comparison can be made only if we know the value of x.
So the correct option D.

GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Abhinav


Compare A and B

Col A: Area of square A

Col B: 4/3(81 x)
Answer: D..........................Correct
(Here we dont know the measurement of x hence we cannot determine.)
2. Given that a person invites 10 members to a party, of which 3 are his best friends and 7 are his
casual friends. If 2 members are to be selected from 10, find the probability that selected 2 are his
best friends?
Answer: 1/15
( Number of ways two members out of 10 can be selected(a): 10C2
Number of ways two members can be selected from 3 best frns(b): 3C2
Probability: b/a= 1/15)............................Correct

Given area of the triangle as 12

Col A: x
Col B: 4
Answer: no coordinate system is given so how should we proceed?[Since we know that the base line
is the x axis as you can see the y coordinates of both the base points is 0. So the height of the triangle
should be 4 and the area is 0.5*base*height
we know area as 12 and height as 4 so the base will be 6. That is possible only if x=3 so column B is
4. Col A: x
Col B: 60

Answer: D[ suppose that the angle is 60. then the triangle becomes and equlateral triangle.So the
third common side is 10.Now 9+1=10 so the trianlge inequality is satisfied.But in all other cases the
sum of two sides of a triangle should be greater than or equal to the thrid side. So certainly the third
side should be greater than 10 and in that case x will be greater than 60. So since two cases one of
equality and one greater than 60 is arising so it should be cannot be determined.]
5. 3. Col A: Number of odd numbers from 100 to 200
Col B: Number of even numbers from 100 to 200
Answer: B......................correct
( Here the question says from 100 to 200, so including both the values we get total odd number 50
and total even number 51)
6. 5. In triangle ABC, D is the midpoint of AC and BD is the median. Which of the following angles
could be 90?
A. <A
B. <B

C. <C
D. <D

E. None of the above

see only b can be the option in that case we can draw a circle with AC as the diameter such that the
anlgle it subtends is 90
Answer: (unable to solve)
7. Given slope of the line k = -2/3
Col A: x-intercept
Col B: y-intercept
Answer: D
( As x-intercept or y-intercept may be ve)
8. Given six symbols @, $, $, $, @, &. Find the number of different possible arrangements?
Answer: 6^6[the arrangements is with or without repitition is not stated but if with repitition then
ur answer is correct but if without repetition then think]
(As the question does not explicitly states that the symbols should not be repeated, hence number
of possible combination: 6*6*6*6*6*6 )
9. What is the value of AD?

Answer: Here if BC is perpendicular to CD then AD= square root 85

BUT it is not given in the figure how to proceed then?[Ya not very clear]
10. Given (x + 1/x)/(1/(1-x)) = 99, find the value of x?
Answer: Unable to solve[see if you factorize it comes out to be (x^2+1)(1-x)/x =99
Note that the value of this expression will positive only if x is between x and 1 so the answer should
be a fraction but solving for x by normal methods should be difficult. If i come to a solution will mail
you later ]
GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Abhinav
4. Given that in a pack of plates, 1/3 plates are damaged, 2/3 plates are cracked and 1/3
of them are damaged and cracked. If 80 are not hampered, then what is the number of
total plates?
This is quite simple. Assume the total number of plates to be = x
Now the no of plates that are damaged is x/3 no of plates cracked is 2x/3 and the number of
plates that are damaged and cracked is x/3.
So using the concept of sets the number of plates that are damaged or cracked = only
damaged+only cracked +both
Here only damaged= 0?????????????
given here 1/3 are damaged so how come 0?
only cracked= 2x/3-x/3=x/3
Both= x/3
So the number of plates that are damaged or cracked = 2x/3
So the number of plates that are not dameged = x-2x/3 = x/3
So x/3= 80 , so x= 240
So the required total number of plates is 240.
pls explain this in detail . i still didn't get it?
hampered means either damaged or cracked . In both of the cases the plate is hampered.
So for finding the total number of plates that are there.
We need to add the hampered and the non hampered.
We know that the non hampered ones are 80.
We need to find the hampered ones.
Suppose that the total no of plates are x. x/3 are damaged , 2x/3 are cracked and x/3 are damaged
and cracked.
So using the set notations :
nAUB= nA+nB-nA(intersection) B
nAUB: x/3+2x/3- x/3 = 2x/3
So 2x/3 +80=xso x/3= 80 and x= 240

GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Abhinav

1.A certain population of bacteria doubles every 10 minutes. If the number of bacteria in the
population initially was 104, what was the number in the population 1 hour later?
Given answer: C
My answer: A [It should only be 26 * 104
[See suppose that at time zero there were x, so after 10 minutes it will be 2x , again at 20 minutes it
will double of 2x that is 4x ....So at the end of 60 minutes will be 26x. Same is the case here.]
2.A string of length 12 inches is bent first into a square PQRS and then into a right-angled triangle
PQT by keeping the side PQ of the square fixed. Then the area of PQRS equals
area of PQT
2(area of PQT)
3(area of PQT)
3(area of PQT)/2
none of these
Given answer is 3(area of PQT)[See it is correct.
If the right angled triangle given has one side PQ=3 which is fixed.
So this side cannot be the hypotenuse for the right angled triangle.
So let the hypotenuse be y and the other side be x.
Since we know that sum of all the sides ahoud be 12 so from there we get a relation that x+y=9 .
Similarly since it is a right angled triangle so 9+x^2=y^2.
This gives another equation y-x=1.
From this you can find x and y and then answer the problem.
My answer: D
3.A circular rim 28 inches in diameter rotates the same number of inches per second as a circular
rim 35 inches in diameter. If the smaller rim makes x revolutions per second, how many revolutions
per minute does the larger rim make in terms of x?
none of these
Given answer: 48 x
My answer: E[It is correct .
See the first statement means that if we consider one second the circumference distance moved by
both the rim is the same.

So if the smaller rim covers x revolutions per sec so the distance per second moved by the smaller in
one sec will be 2pi*14*x and this should be equal to the distance moved by the bigger rime.
If the bigger rim makes y revolutions per sec then 2pi*y*35/2= 2pi*14*x.
From here we get y=4x/5. So this is the number of revolutions per second.
So the number of revolutions in one minute will be multiply by 60 so we get it as 48x.
4.A rectangular circuit board is designed to have width w inches, perimeter p inches, and area k
square inches. Which of the following equations must be true?
none of these
Given answer: 2w-pw-2k=0,
My answer: C[Your answer is correct]

GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Abhinav

1. Jack and Jill, who both work in the evening wish to arrange for an evening off together.
Each evening that Jack is off is followed by 3 evenings that he is a work, and each evening
that Jill is off is followed by 5 evenings that she is at work. If Jack will be off this
evening, and Jill will be off tomorrow evening, how many evenings must pass before they
have an evening off together?
(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 24
(D) 28
(E) So long as they continue this working pattern, they will never have the same evening off.
If we denote the evening off as o and working evenings as w then we can form the following
description for the two people:
For Jack: o w w w o w w w o w w w o w w w o w w w o w w w o w

For Jill: w o w w w w w o w w w w w o w w w w w o w w w w w o
So if we form the series for off evenings for the two people and check whether the two A.P. series
formed have any terms in common, then our problem will be solved:
For Jack: 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29
For Jill: 2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44
Clearly the two series has no common terms so among the options the choice E seems to be correct.
2. A certain car dealership sells only full-size and mid-size cars. One of its sales representatives
receives an annual salary of $15,000. He also receives a commission of $800 for each full-size
car he sells and $500 for each midsize car he sells. What is the least number of cars he must
sell in a year to receive total annual earnings of exactly $25,000?
(A) 7
(B) 12
(C) 13
(D) 14
(E) 17
Since the representative gets a fixed salary of $15000 so if his earnings in a month were $25000 then
it implies that $10000 must come from the commision from cars.
It is important to note that though it may seem that the information gives only one equation and
solving is not possible but since it asks for a minimum number of cars so this information leads us to
an unique solution.
Let the number full size cars be x and the number of midsize cars be y.
Now we can write the equation as 10000=800x+500y
Simplify this equation, you get the equation as 100=8x+5y.
Now in order that the number of cars be minimum the criteria here will be that we must have many x
cars and fewer y cars.
Now see each option one by one:
7-Not possible because if all are x cars 8*7=56 , but the total should be exactly 100.
12-Not possible be cause even if it is all x cars the total is 96 and the total is 100 , same with 13.
Only possible is 14: 10x types and 4 y types such that the total is exactly 100 and so option D is the
correct choice.
3. A school supply store sells only one kind of desk and one kind of chair, at a uniform cost per
desk or per chair. If the total cost of 3 desks and 1 chair is twice that of 1 desk and 3 chairs
then the total cost of 4 desks and 1 chair is how many times that of 1 desk and 4 chairs?
Let the uniform cost of desk and the chair be x and y respectively.
From the first condition the equation that can be formed is:
From here we get the info that x=5y

Now we need to find k in :

Substitute x=5y in this so that both the sides are in terms of y and so that y can be striked off from
both the sides.
From here we the value of k=7/3.

GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Abhinav on February 3rd

1. Given xyz = odd integer, then which of the following is even?
I. x(y + z) II. xy + z III. yz +x
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only I and II
D. Only III
& so on.........
ANS: are the three are even.......................Correct
2. Col A: -2.4+ 4.8
Col B: 2
Ans. A...........................Correct
1. Given xyz = odd integer, then which of the following is even?
I. x(y + z) II. xy + z III. yz +x
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only I and II
D. Only III
& so on.........
ANS: are the three are even.......................Correct
2. Col A: -2.4+ 4.8
Col B: 2
Ans. A...........................Correct

As shown, if d is the diagonal of the square ABCD, then find the area of the
square? Ans. D^2/ 2..........................Correct

Col A: y + z
Col B: w
Ans. W= 180-z and x+y+z=180 I think it cant b determined...............Correct
5. The discount on a certain product is x% in June and it is followed by another
discount of x% in July. If the resulting price is 81% of the original price, then
Col A: x
Col B: 10%
(Similar to this)
Ans. Explain this to me.
[Answer will be both are equal:
Let the intial price be M.
So the selling price after a discount of 10% will be = M(1-x/100)
Again a dicount of 10% is given on this so the new selling price will be = M(1x/100)2
Now the problem says that this is 81% of the initial,
So M(1-x/100)2= 0.81M
or 1-x/100=0.9 [Taking square root on both the sides
Solving you get the value of x as 10%.]

6. Given the standard deviation of set of three numbers w + 6, s + 6 and p + 6 as

k, then what will be the standard deviation of set w, s and p?
(Similar to this)

ANS in my opinion it would b same but still explain.

[The standard deviation will be the same in both the cases because for calculating
the standard deviation you subtract the number from the mean term by term. As
the number is increased by some amount,the mean will increase by the same
amount. So when you take the difference this increase gets cancelled and the
calculation is the same for either of the case.]

GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Mohan on January 11th

JAN 7TH thread:
1. Given that there are three couples, who are to be arranged in 6 seats. Find how
many ways they can be arranged, such that husband and wife sit together?
We can club each couple in to 1 single thing.
Then there are 3 things which need to be arranged in 3 seats and that can be done in 3! ways.
Each couple among themselves can be arranged in 2 ways.
So, the total no.of arrangements with the given condition = 3!*2*2*2 = 6*8 = 48
Hence total there are 48 ways we arrange them with the given condition
2. Given a figure of semicircle like above with the radius of circle given and the angle of
the sector is also given. Find the area of the shaded region?

60/360*pir^2 - sqrt(3)/4r^2 if it is a equilateral triangle Correct

3. A person X sells his TV set to another person Y at a loss of 15%, but Y sells it to
another person Z at a profit of 10%. If Z pays $9350 to Y, then
Col A: The amount Y pays to X
Col B: 8500
Let the cost price of the TV set be C
Given that person X sells his TV set to another person Y at a loss of 15%
So he must have sold at a selling price of 0.85C to Y
Now this 0.85C will be the cost price for Y
Y sold this same set at a profit of 10% to Z
So, he must have sold it at a price of 1.1*(0.85C)
Given that Z pays $9350 to Y
=> 1.1*(0.85C) = 9350
=> C = 9350/(1.1*0.85)
Now amount Y pays to X = 0.85C = 0.85*[9350/(1.1*0.85)] = 9350/1.1 = 8500
Hence both the columns are equal
4. Given few numbers like 2, 5, 6, 7, 9. Find the number of ways of arranging a five
digit even number from the given numbers?
Let the five digit number be ABCDE
Last digit E can take only 2 and 6 from given 5 numbers (Since then only the number will be an
even number)
We need to know whether repetition is allowed or not.
If repetition is not allowed then
D can take 4 values after selecting a digit for E
and C can take 3 values after selecting a digit for E and D
and B can take 2 values after selecting a digit for E, D and C
and A can take only one value after selecting for the other digits
So the total possibilities are: 2*4*3*2 = 48
But if repetition is allowed then last digit E can be selected in 2 ways and the others in 5 ways
So the answer will be 2*5*5*5*5
5. In how many ways, 7 gents and 4 ladies can be arranged circularly in a meeting?
We can arrange 11 people in a ciruclar table in (11-1)!/2 if the order of clockwise and anti
clockwise is not important and it will be (11-1)! if the order of clockwise and anti clockwise is
So, there is a possibility for 10!/2 also.
They will be more specific in the question about the order. So no need to worry.
6. Given 1 < x < 2 < y < 3 < z < 4

Col A: x + y + z
Col B: some value (xx)
=> x + y + z < 9
=> x + y + z > 6
So the value of x + y + z lies between 6 and 9
If the value in Column B is lesser than 6 then column A will be greater than Column B
If the value in Column B is greater than 9 then Column A will be greater than Column B
If the value in Column B is in between 6 and 9 then the relation cannot be determined
7. Given that there are two light poles, one pole is having bulb A and another is having
bulb B such that the first pole is 60ft and second pole is 100 ft height. If the distance
between two poles is 30 ft, then find the distance between A and B?
Solution: 50
8. Given a sequence like x, w, y, z, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3. Find the value of x?
Sequence is nothing but
a3 = a2 + a1
=> z = 1
y = -z = -1
w = z y = 1 - (-1) = 2
x = y w = -1 2 = -3
So the sequence will be -3, 2, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3
9. Col A: (10)^-2
Col B: 0
Column A = 0.01 is greater than Column B = 0
10. From the set of numbers: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, how many different sums can be formed
by summing up any two numbers in the set?

Minimum value will be 1 + 2 = 3
Maximum value will be 5 + 6 = 11
So total numbers will be {3, 4, 5, 6, ....11}
which will be 9
11. Given a figure of a square like above. Find the area of the shaded region?

Solution: Total area = 15*15 = 225

Area of the unshaded triangle = (1/2)x^2
So shaded area = 225 (1/2)x^2 (1/2)x^2 = 225 x^2
1. A circle is inscribed in a square, which is inscribed in another circle. Find the ratio of
areas of smaller circle to the larger circle?
For the smaller circle the diameter will be a (which is the length of the square)
So the area will be = Pi*a^2
For the bigger circle the diameter will be a2 (which is the diagonal of the square)
So the area will be = Pi*(a2)^2 = 2*Pi*a^2
So the ratio will be = [Pi*a^2]/[2*Pi*a^2] =
2. Given a point on the x-axis (-k, 0) at point 'R' and another point S (m,0) on x-axis
which is not shown in the figure is given. If RS = k^4, then
Col A: m
Col B: 0
Given a point on the x-axis (-k, 0) at point 'R' That means definitely it cannot take a value of 0.
And also given that RS = k^4
=> k + m = k^4
=> m = k^4 k
Now depending on the value of k the value of m will depend

If k lies between 0 and 1 then k^4 > k and m will be lesser than 0.
If k is other value then k^4 will be greater than k
Hence relation cannot be determined is the correct answer
3. Given the age of a person X as four times the age of his son. After ten years, if the
age of X is twice the age of his son, then what is the present age of his son?
Let the age of X be x and sons be s
Now given that x = 4s
After 10 years their age will be s + 10 and x + 10
Given that x + 10 = 2(s + 10)
=> 4s + 10 = 2s + 20
=> 2s = 10
=> s = 5
Hence present age of son is 5 years
5. A certain sum of amount P, increases at r% from 1990 to 1995 and 1995 to 2000. If
the total amount is (7/5) p at the end of 2 terms, then what is the rate of interest?
Total amount = (7/5)p = p + (2/5)p
Since it contains 2 terms we can write the above one as
p + 2*(1/5)p
Since total amount will be = P + Ptr/100
Hence the rate of interest will be 100/5 = 20%
6. If x < y < z, then
Col A: xy
Col B: yz
=> xy < y^2
=> yz > y^2
Hence yz will be greater than xy
So Column B will be greater than Column A
7. When a number is divided by 12, the remainder is 5. What is the remainder when the
square of that number is divided by 8?
Given that when k is divided by 12 it leaves a remainder of 5.
So, k will be of the form
k = 12m + 5
Now k^2 = 144m^2 + 25 + 120m = 8(18m + 15) + 25
So, if k^2 is divided by 8 it will leave a remainder which is equal to the remainder when 25 is

by 8 (Since first term is a multiple of 8 and so it leaves a remainder of 0)
=> Remainder when 25 is divided by 8 is 1
Hence the remainder is 1.
1. If 4y 1 > 9, then
Col A: y
Col B: 3
Given that 4y 1 > 9
=> 4y > 10
=> y > 10/4
=> y > 5/2
Hence relation cannot be determined
2. Col A: 0.2% of 4
Col B: 1/500 of 4
Col A = 0.2/100*4 = 0.8/100 = 0.008
Col B = 4/500 = 0.008
Hence both the columns are equal
3. A square is formed by joining midpoints of another square as shown in figure. If the
perimeter of larger square is X, then
Col A: Perimeter of smaller square
Col B: X/2
Given that the perimeter of the bigger square as X
=> Length of the square = a = X/4
Length of the smaller square will be a/2 = (X/4)/2 = X/42
So perimeter will be X/2 = 2(X/2) = 1.4*(X/2)
Hence Column A is greater than Column B
4. Given that in a pack of plates, 1/3 plates are damaged, 2/3 plates are cracked and
1/3 of them are damaged and cracked. If 80 are not hampered, then what is the
number of total plates?

Let X be the number of plates in a pack
n(damaged) = X/3
n(cracked) = 2X/3
n(damaged and cracked) = X/3
Now, total number of plates = X/3 + 2X/3 X/3 + 80 = X
=> 2X/3 + 80 = X
=> X/3 = 80
=> X = 240
Hence the number of plates are 240
5. In a set of numbers from 1 to 10. If two numbers are to be selected from these 10
numbers with replacement, then what is the probability that at least one of them is
P(Atleast one of them even) = P(1 even and 1 odd) + P(both are even)
P(Atleast one of them even) = P(1 even)*P(1 odd) + P(1 even)*P(1 even)
Since repetition is allowed these will be independent events
Total number of possibilities of selecting 1 number out of 10 = 10
From the given list 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 are even numbers (total in 5)
and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are odd numbers (total in 5)
We can select 1 odd in 5 ways
and even number in 5 ways
Now P(1 even) = 5/10 and P(1 odd) = 5/10 = 1/2
Hence P(Atleast one of them even) = (1/2)*(1/2) + (1/2)*(1/2) =
6. Given d as the standard deviation of set:{ x, y, z}, then
Col A: The standard deviation of x +2, y+2 and z+2
Col B: d + 2
Given that standard deviation of set:{ x, y, z} as d
mean will be (x + y + z)/3 = k
So stand dev = sqrt [(x-k)^2 + (y-k)^2 + (z-k)^2]/3
Now consider x +2, y+2 and z+2
mean = k + 2
So stand dev = sqrt [(x-2-k+2)^2 + (y-2-k+2)^2 + (z-2-k+2)^2]/3
=> sqrt [(x-k)^2 + (y-k)^2 + (z-k)^2]/3 = d
Hence column A = d
So Column B is greater than Column A
GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Mohan on January 4th
1) A plant grows 1/7,1/8,1/9,1/10,1/11,1/12,1/13 each year for 6 years. another plant grows 3/4
for 6 years.
colA:height of ist plant in 6 years
colB:height of 2nd plant in 6 years

Something wrong with respect to the question. Since they said that each year the plant grows 1/7,
1/8, 1/9, 1/10, 1/11, 1/12 and 1/13 for 6 years but there are 7 values.
2) Given the perimeter of sector as 'pi' and area of sector as 3pi/2. find the radius of the circle.
I guess it has to be arc length and not the perimeter of the sector
See perimeter of a sector = 2r + r
And if we proceed it with this value we are getting some complex values for r and
Hence it must be r
Given r = -->(1)
And area of the sector = (1/2)r^2* = 3/2 -->(2)
=> r = 3/2
3) Given (x-1/x)/(1+1/x)=99
find the value of (x-1/x)/(1-1/x)?
=> (x^2 -1)/(x+1) = 99
=> (x-1) = 99
=> x = 100
Now take,
=> (x^2 1)/(x-1)
=> (x +1) = 100 + 1 = 101

Column A: Area of shaded region in A

Column B: Area of shaded region in B
In figure A,
Diagonal of the square is 2r
Hence the length of the square = diagonal length/2
=> Length of the square = 2r/2 = r2
So area of the square = length^2 = (r2)^2 = 2r^2
Area of the circle = r^2

Shaded area in A = Area of circle Area of square

=> ( 2)r^2
In figure B,
Length of the square = 2r
So area of the square = length^2 = (2r)^2 = 4r^2
Area of the circle = r^2
Shaded area in A = Area of square Area of circle
=> (4 )*r^2
Hence Column A is greater than Column B
5) Given a fig , with label A representing three bars on it, label B representing five bars on it,label C
representing three bars on it and the label D representing 2 bars on it. if each bar represents 5 units
, then in which class the median lies.
If we arrange all these in ascending order we will get as:
2 (D) 3 (A) 3 (C) 5 (B)
For even numbers the median will be the average of middle two terms.
That means it can lie in any of the class A or C
Hence answer is cannot be determined
6) Given that 'S' represents the mean of a set of variables whose mean is 56 and 'S' lies between
80th and 85th percentile, and T represents mean of set of numbers whose mean is 56 and T lies
between 85th and 90th percentile.
I guess what ever may be the variables or numbers for S and T the mean will remain same.
Hence both the values S and T which are nothing but the means of set of numbers and set of variables
they will be 56
Hence both the columns are equal
8) From a city M a person travels to city P of 500 miles at a uniform speed of 400miles/h and travels
back from city P to city M at a uniform speed 500m/h. what is the average speed of a person in a
round trip.
Average speed of trip = (Total distance of the trip)/(Total time)
Time while travelling = 500 miles/(400 miles/hr) = 5/4 hrs
Time while returning = 500 miles/(500 miles/hr) = 1 hr

So average speed of the whole trip = (500 + 500)/(5/4 + 1)

=> 1000/(9/4)
=> 4000/9 miles/hr
9) On a particular day X member of people go to the post office. Of whom 7 people mailed letters, 9
people buy stamps and 10 people mailed packages but didn't buy stamps or mail letters.
Column A: The number of people who buy stamps and mailed letters
Column B: The number of people who mailed packages but didn't buy stamps or mailed letters.

Let A correponds to Mailing letters

B corresponds to buying stamps and
C corresponds to Mailing packages
Given that
c = The number of people who mailed packages but didn't buy stamps or mailed letters = 10
Hence Column B = 10
Also given that the number of people who buy stamps = f + b + h + e = 9 -->(1)
Now the number of people who buy stamps and mailed letters = f + h
From (1) we can get f + h = 9 b e < 9
Hence Column A will be lesser than 9
And Column B is 10
Therefore, Column B will be greater than Column A
10) There is a square PQRS it is tilted 90 degrees anticlockwise, so as to reach another point R' S'
what is the distance covered by the square if it's length is 2.
We can find out the distance traveled by a point R

which is nothing but the length of the arc of radius = length of the square and angle of the arc as 90
Distance traveled = r/2 = 2/2 =

AC is the ladder and AB is the wall. If the ladder slided downwards against the wall AB, then
Column A: x
Column B: y
It completely depends on the slope of the line
So the answer will be relation cannot be determined
12) Given a triangle ABC, D is the midpoint of AC, BD is the altitude. if one of the angles in the
triangles can be 90 degrees which of the following could be true.
d)any one of these
In a right angled triangle,
It is possible to draw an altitude from the right angled vertex to the opposite side which will be the
midpoint of the opposite side
Hence the right angled side will be B
13) In the year 1995, a company gets 'y' profit. in 1999 , the profit is $2.6y then what is the average
of profit from 1995 to 1999 in terms of 1995 profit.
This question is not very clear

Here is the possible solution for this question

Average = (y + 2.6y)/2 = 3.6y/2 = 1.8y
Average will be 1.8 times of 1995 profit
14) There are 'n' seats in an auditorium and there are 6 indentical rows. The last row chairs are
pulled out and equal number of chairs is placed in each of remaining rows such that each row
appears in dentical after the whole transaction what is the minimum value of n?
Given that there are n seats in an auditorium
And there are 6 rows arranged with equal number of seats
So each row will have n/6 seats
Now these n/6 seats are distributed equally among 5 rows
So each row will get (n/6)/5 = n/30 seats
So, in total every row will have n/6 + n/30
This value has to be a proper integer value since chairs cannot exist in fractions
So the least possible value for which this becomes an integer will be 30
Hence the minimum value of n will be 30
16) The water flows into a cylinder at 1000cubic inches/min. if the rise in the water lavel in the tank
is 0.1 inches/min. what is the radius of the cylinder.
Water flows into a cylinder at 1000 cubic inches/min
In 1 minute, 1000 cubic inches of volume will be filled
And also given that in 1 minute it water level rises by 0.1 inch which is nothing but the height
So, find out the volume in 1 min = (r^2)h
=> (r^2)*(0.1) Since height raised by 0.1 inch in 1 min
But we know that in 1 min the volume raised is 1000
=> (r^2)*(0.1) = 1000
=> (r^2) = 10000
=> r = 100/sqrt()

As shown above two lengths of the rectangle are 2x and x. If the circumference of the circle is
4sqrt(5), what is the area of the rectangle?
Diameter of the circle = [(2x)^2 + x^2] = x5
Now circumference of the circle = d

=> (x5)
Given that the circumference of the circle as 4sqrt(5)
=> 4sqrt(5) = (x5)
=> x = 4
Now area of rectangle = x(2x) = 2x^2 = 2*(4*4) = 32
18) Given the probability of raining on each of five days is 1/6 , excepts on the first day it is 2/5 and
on the last day it is 4/5 what is the probability that the rain will occur on at least one of the five
P(raining on first day) = 2/5
=> P(It won't rain on first day) = 3/5
P(raining on second day) = 1/6
=> P(It won't rain on second day) = 5/6
P(raining on third day) = 1/6
=> P(It won't rain on third day) = 5/6
P(raining on fourth day) = 1/6
=> P(It won't rain on fourth day) = 5/6
P(raining on fifth day) = 4/5
=> P(It won't rain on fifth day) = 1/5
P(it rains atleast on one of the five days) = 1 P(It wont rain at all on five days)
P(It wont rain at all on five days) = P(Won't rain on 1st day)*P(Won't rain on 2nd day)*P(Won't rain on
3rd day)*P(Won't rain on 4th day)*P(Won't rain on 5th day)
=> P(It wont rain at all on five days) = (3/5)*(5/6)*(5/6)*(5/6)*(1/5) = 25/72
P(it rains atleast on one of the five days) = 1 P(It wont rain at all on five days)
=> 1 25/72
=> 47/72
19) There is a series 's' and 'n' positive integers where mod(n-5)<5
Column A: Mean of integers
Given that, |n-5| < 5
=> n will take values from 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 which satisfies the above relation
So, S = {1,2,3,4,5}
Mean of the integers = 3
Median of the series will be also 3

Hence both the columns are equal

20) Given six teams like instrument 1.instrument2.. and so on in a musical competition with 5
judges and their respective scores are 31,24,14,10,43,47. what is the minimum number of teams
which must get 7 or more than 7 score from any of judges.
First of all we need to know what is the minimum and maximum scores that each judge can award for
any of the teams
With out those values we cannot solve this one out
I hope there needs some additional information required
21) What is the probability of selecting an odd number from 1,2.....n , such that n is odd number
greater than 50
First of all we need to know whether n is greater than 50 or not.
If it is not greater than 50 then the probability will be 0.
Now upto 1,2,3...n will have n/2 odd numbers if n is even and (n+1)/2 when n is odd.
If it greater than 50 then it takes different value depending on whether n is even or odd
Let n is an odd number
Now we know that upto n we have (n+1)/2 odd numbers from which we need to subtract all odd
numbers lesser than 50 (which are 25)
Hence total number of odd numbers greater than 50 are (n+1)/2 25 = (n 49)/2
So when n is odd then required probability = [(n 49)/2]/n = (n 49)/2n
Let n is an even number
Now we know that upto n we have n/2 odd numbers from which we need to subtract all odd numbers
lesser than 50 (which are 25)
Hence total number of odd numbers greater than 50 are n/2 25 = (n 50)/2
So when n is even then required probability = [(n 50)/2]/n = (n 50)/2n
GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Mohan on January 2nd
1) If 7 workers worked 140 hours extra than usual. four workers spend x hours extra , 3 workers
spend 2x hours extra. find the difference between median and mean
This question is not very clear...
2) There are X members in a meeting , in how many ways a group is formed such that A members
are always excluded and B members are always included.

Here is my explanation for this question. Question is not very clear but we can approach it in the
following way
Total members = X
Out of which A members should always be excluded and
B members should always be included
So the point is all about the other people X A B
We are not sure about the size of the group.
We can select 0 from X A B and all members from B
We can select 1 from X A B and all members from B
Similarly, we can select 2 from X A B and all members from B
Similarly, we can select 3 from X A B and all members from B
and so on
Similarly, we can select all members from X A B and all members from B
So the total number ways will be = (X A B)C1 + (X A B)C1 + (X A B)C2 + (X A B)C2 + (X A
B)C3 +.....+ (X A B)C(X A B)
Formula: nc0 + nc1 + nc2 + .. + ncn = 2^n
=> (X A B)C1 + (X A B)C1 + (X A B)C2 + (X A B)C2 + (X A B)C3 +.....+ (X A B)C(X A
B) = 2^(X A B)
So, i guess the final answe is 2^(X A B)

What is the value of AD?

First we need to assume that <ABC and <CED as 90 degrees since nothing is mentioned about that
in the question and with out that we cannot solve the problem
We need to find out the value of AD
Observe that CDE and ABC are similar right angled triangles

Now, x/(6-x) = 6/1

=> x = 36 6x
=> 7x = 36
=> x = 36/7
Now AD = CD + AC
CD = sqrt(1^2 + (6/7)^2) = sqrt(85/49)
AC = sqrt(36 + (36/7)^2)
Hence the value of AD.
It's coming out with some absurd square root value.
Might be the values are not proportionate
4) Given an event , every number of a community exchange cards with every other number if the post
man delivers 420 cards then how many members are there in community
Here the order is important.
Let N be the members in the community
=> NP2 = 420
=> N(N-1) = 420
=> N = 21
5) Given that, if the area of the triangle STR is 1/9th area of the equilateral triangle PQR,
then what is the ratio of QT/TR?
A. 1:3
B. 3:1
C. 2:1
& so on..

Let PQ = QR = PR = a
Let SR = ST = TR = b

Area of equilateral triangle PQR = (3/4)a^2 and

Area of equilateral triangle RST = (3/4)b^2
Given that [3/4)b^2]/[(3/4)a^2] = 1/9
a = 3b
Now QT = QR TR = a b = 2b
TR = b
Hence QT/TR = 2
6) Given P=x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3); where x is a positive integer , then
colA:the remainder where P is divided by 3
colB: 1
When a number is divided with 3 it can leave a remainder of wither 0 or 1 or 2
If it leaves a remainder 0 then it will be divisible by x
If it leaves a remainder 1 then it will be divisible by x + 2
If it leaves a remainder 2 then it will be divisible by x + 1
Hence what ever be the remainder that x leaves when it is divided by 3 it leaves a remainder of 0
when x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3) is divided by 3
Therefore, Column A = 0
Column B = 1
Column A is greater than Column B
7) In an equation x/7+w/28 =1 find the number of the integer solutions
Integers can be positive and negative.
If we consider negative numbers also then we might end up at infinite numbers.
So it might be positive integers
x/7+w/28 =1
=> 4x + w = 28
So total possible values are:
(0,28) (1,24) (2,20) (3,16) (4,12) (5,8) (6,4) (7,0)

Given a figure of a sector of circle, with radius as 5cm and RT length as 1 cm, then
Col A: QS
Col B: 6
Given that the radius of the circle as 5 cm (PT)
Assuming that PT passes through R
RT = 1 cm
PR = 5 1 = 4

Now PRS is a right angled triangle

We know PS = 5 and PR = 4
Hence by pythagoras theorem RS = 3
Hence QS = QR + RS = 3 + 3 = 6
Hence both the columns are equal
9) Given that there are three hooks and 5 paintings. in how many ways , can these paintings be
arranged among the three hooks
Here order is important
Therefore, it will be 5P3 ways (Selecting three from 5)
10) Given that the probability of hapening an event a is 0.80 and event b is 0.60
ColA: the probability of hapening event A or B
ColB: 0.92
Assuming both the events are independent to each other
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A)*P(B)
=> P(A or B) = 0.8 + 0.6 0.8*0.6
=> P(A or B) = 1.4 0.48 = 0.92
Hence Both the columns are equal
Given that L1 and L2 are two tangents to the circle and point (3,4) is the centre of the circle

Column A: Slope of the line l

Column B: 1
I think the option is D is the correct answer.
Since we don't know the x and y-axis
If we can assume L1 and L2 as x and y-axis (for simplicity)
Now slope of line l is same as slope between (3,4) and (0,0)
Hence slope = 4/3
=> Column A is greater than Column B
12) ColA: 1/97+1/98+1/99+1/100
ColB: 1/25
these questions are appering frequently , is there any shortcut for doing this to save the time
It's very simple to solve these problems.
Here is the simple trick
1/97 > 1/100
1/98 > 1/100
1/99> 1/100
Add all the above inequalities
=> 1/97 + 1/98 + 1/99 > 1/100 + 1/100 + 1/100
=> 1/97 + 1/98 + 1/99 +1/100 > 1/100 + 1/100 + 1/100 + 1/100
=> Column A > 4/100
=> Column A > 1/25
=> Column A > Column B
Find the y-intercept of the line

Find out the equation of the line and write in the form of x/a + y/b = 1
Then b will be the y intercept
14) How many cubes with least possible dimensions can be formed from a rectangular cuboid of
dimensions 7*6*5?
This is possible if the dimension is a multiple of 7, 6 and 3
Since we need the least possible dimension and that will be the LCM of 7, 6 and 3
LCM of 7, 6 and 3 is 42.
So side of cube (least) will be 42.
=> Volume of cube is=42*42*42
Volume of the rectangular cuboids is =7*6*3
Number of cuboids=42*42*42/(7*6*3)=14*42=588
Hence the number of cuboids required are 588
15) On the occasion of a certain meeting . each member exchanged shake hand with one another. if
the total shake hands were 21 how many members are there in the meeting
Let there be n number of people.
We need to select 2 people from n number of people
That can be done in nC2 ways
=> nC2 = 21
=> n = 7
16) A painting 4.5ft*1.5ft is to be bordered with a 3 inches wide wooden strip. what is the minimum
length of the strip required to border the painting
It's nothing but the perimeter of the painting
=> 2(4.5 + 1.5)
=> 2*6
=> 12 feet
17) If 5 is added to some quantity 'k' it contributes 20% of the solution . what is 100% of the solution
in terms of k?
5 is added to some quantity 'k' it contributes 20% of the solution
=> 5/(5+k) = 0.2

=> 5 = 1 + 0.2k
=> 0.2k = 4
=> k = 20

GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Mohan on December 30th

1) Given the points (5,9) ,(x,1) and (4,5) if points lie on the same line and find the value of x.
Since all three points lie on a same line then the slope of any points will be equal.
First find out the slope of (5,9) and (4,5)
=> (9-5)/(5-4) = 4
So, slope of (5,9) and (x,1) must also be 4
=> (9-1)/(5-x) = 4
=> 8/(5-x) = 4
=> 5-x = 2
=> x = 3
4) Given that P takes 4 hours to complete the work, Q takes 6 hours to complete the work and R
takes 8 hours to complete the work. If these three work together to complete the same work. what
is the percentage work done by P
P takes 4 hours to complete the work
=> In 1 hour P can complete th of work
Q takes 6 hours to complete the work
=> In 1 hour Q can complete 1/6 th of work
R takes 8 hours to complete the work
=> In 1 hour R can complete 1/8th of work
If they all work together then in 1 hour they all can do ( + 1/6 + 1/8)th work
=> 13/24 th work
Let x be the total required to complete the work if they all work together
=> (13/24)x = 1
=> x = 24/13 hours
Hence it will take 24/13 hours to complete the work if they all work together.
In this 24/13 hours P can do a work of (24/13)*(1/4) th work
=> 6/13 th work
Hence percentage work done by P = 600/13 = 46%
5) What is the value of (x,y) ?

A(0, b) means it is at a height of b units from O

=> OA = b units
Given that AC = k units
=> OC = b k units
Hence coordinate of D will the height Oc = b k
=> y = b k
Now, ACD and AOB are similar triangles
=> AC/AO = CD/OB
=> k/b = x/a (since CD is nothing but the x coordinate of D)
=> x = ak/b
Therefore, (x,y) are (ak/b, b k)
6) In an apartment 92% have cars and 14% have bikes and everyone in the apartment have either
bike or car
Column A: Fraction of the people having a car as well as bike
Column B: 1/10
Solution:In the figure provided let A corresponds to Car and B corresponds to Bike

Let total number of people be 100

=> a + b + c = 100 -->(1)

=> a + c = 92 -->(2)
and b + c = 14 -->(3)
From (1) and (2)
sub b = 8 in (3)
=> 8 + c = 14
=> c = 14
Hence the fraction of people having both bike as well as car = 14/100 = 0.14
Column A = 0.14
Column B = 1/10 = 0.1
Hence Column A is greater than Column B

GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Mohan on December 28th

1) Find the area of the circle inscribed in a square having diameter as 16sqrt(2)

First Find out the length of a square which will be the diameter of the circle
a2 = 162
=> a = 16 = diameter
So radius = 8
Area of the circle = pi*(8*8) = 64pi
2) Given mean of three numbers 2x,7x, and x^2 is 12. find the range of the numbers.
here i got x=3 and -12 how can we find the range?
It's the absolute difference of these two numbers
which is 3-(-12) = 15
3) Which of the following can not be necessarily true?
a) a+b+c=180
b) a+b>c

c) a^2+b^2=c^2
d) atleast two are acute angles
for this C and B are not necessarily true. am i correct?
See if a, b, c in the option b) are corresponding to the sides then
we know that sum of two sides will be always greater than third side.
In that case a + b > c will be true
Hence it leaves only C which is true only for right angled triangles
4) Given (x-3)/x-1)<0 where x>1 find x?
can we find x?
If x takes only integer values then x can take a value of 2.
But otherwise,
x can take any value between 1 and 3
5) If three sides of a quadrilateral are equal and are of the x cm, then find the perimeter of
here the fourth angle must be equal to x. So it is it correct?
No since we dont know the angles between them, we cannot directly assume the value of the other
side as x.
6) In a group 7 out of 15 students admitted in a university and one of them absent everyday. If 315
students were admitted last month, how many students were not absent at all?
The actual meaning of the question is In 7 students, one of them is absent everyday. If 315 students
are admitted then how many student were not absent at all.
315 in the sense 45 times 7 .
Here the given condition is one among 7 is absent everyday.
So, 45 times only 6 students are present.
Therefore, answer is 45 x 6 = 270
7) If a person 'A' did 1/5th of the work and another 'B' did 1/6th of the remaining work. what is the
work still left?
Here A did 1/5th of the work, remaining work is 1-1/5=4/5.
B did 1/6th of remaining work so 1/6(1-1/5)=4/30=2/15
Total work is 1
Work left is 1-(1/5+2/15)=1-1/3 =2/3

8) A computer system digit code has 5 digits in that 'x' repeats once, y repeats twice and z repeats
twice system accepts this code xyzyz and yyxzz
colA:the number possible for the system code
colB:xxx(some value)
It's just the number of ways we can arrange 5 numbers with 2 numbers repeating twice
Col A: 5!/(2!*2!)
9) Column A: The angle A
Column B: 60 degrees

By looking at the figure we might think that the given two squares are equal in sides.
But nothing is mentioned in the question about this.
So in these Quantitative comparison questions we cannot assume anything just by looking at the
They clearly mention in your GRE exam that nothing is drawn to the scale, so you cannot assume it to
scale, if there is any question which is drawn to the scale then we will inform it in the question.
Is it clear now?
Never assume anything in these Quantitative comparison questions unless they mention it in the

2) If the area of right angled triangle ABC is 2, then

Col A: Area of the shaded region
Col B:

By the symmetry of circle, AB = BC = radius of the circle

Hence given triangle is an isosceles right angled triangle.
So (1/2)*AB^2 = 2
=> AB = BC = 2
There fore the radius of the = 2
Required area = (r^2)/4 = *4/4 =
Hence both the columns are equal
3) A number 'n' when divide by 24 gives 21 as remainder. which of the following can be the
There are given some options. i think here anyone can be the quotient because 24*3+21=some
24*4+21=some dividend same for other options also
am i correct?
Yes bhargav you are correct it can take any value. I guess some additional data is missing
cola: r+rt^2
colb: -1
Column A: r(1+t^2)
We know 1+t^2 will always be greater than 1
and -1<r<0
So depending on the value of r and t we choose the value of column A depends.
Therefore relation cannot be determined
6) As shown in the figure above, on the triangle, they are three arcs of a circle whose radius is 2.
Find the length of all the three arcs together?

It's nothing but the length of an arc with an angle of 60 (Since the given triangle is an equilateral
Each arc length = r(angle) = 2*(/6) = /3
Since total three arcs are there the length of all the three arcs = 3*( /3) =
8) In a shop the discounts are as follows.A 40% discount on each coat and 20% discvount on each
shirt. if a person buys 2 coats and 1 shirt then wt is the total discount he gets for buying.
A) i think we cannot determine answer from this, because ther cost is not mentioned here
Yes bhargav you are correct some data is missing in this question

1) Find out the remainder of this expression (10^8 + 10^6 + 10^4 + 10^2)/11
We can use remainder theorem for solving this question.
For suppose there is a function f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c
And if we divide it with (x k)
Then the remainder will be f(k)
For example,
Consider f(x) = 3x^2 - 4x + 1
If we divide this with x 2
Then the remainder will be f(2)
=> f(2) = 3(2^2) - 4(2) + 1
=> f(2) = 12 8 + 1 = 5
Hence the remainder will be 5 if we divide 3x^2 - 4x + 1 with x 2
Let us use the same concept of remainder theorem for this problem
Let f(x) = x^8 + x^6 + x^4 + x^2 (where i just replaced 10 with x)
Now this f(x) is divided by x + 1 (since we considered x as 10 and 11 can be written as 10 + 1)
Hence from the remainder theorem if we divide f(x) with x k then the remainder will be f(k)
Here k = -(1)
Hence the remainder is f(k) = f(-1)
f(-1) = (-1)^8 + (-1)^6 + (-1)^4 + (-1)^2
=>f(-1) = 1+ 1+ 1+ 1 = 4
Hence the remainder is 4
2) A person spends a part of amount of $20,000 for buying .40% of remaining amount is given at 6%
interest and rest of money is given at 10% interest. if the total interest of the person gets $1250
then what is the amount he used for buying?
Let x be the amount of money that a person spend for buying
Now the remaining money is 20,000 x

Now 40% of this remaining money is 0.4*(20,000 x) is given at 6% interest

And the rest of the money which is 0.6*(20,000 x) is given at 10% interest
I guess Interest has to be given per year or per month. Nothing has been mentioned so let us assume
by the end he will get 6% and 10% respectively.
6% of 0.4*(20,000 x) + 10% of 0.6*(20,000 x) = 1250
0.06*0.4*(20,000 x) + 0.1*0.6*(20,000 x) = 1250
=> 0.024*20,000 0.024x + 0.06*20,000 0.06x = 1250
=> 0.084*20,000 0.084x = 1250
=> 0.084x = 430
=> x = 5120 (app.)
Hence out of 20,000 he used 5120 for buying
3) given that a set 'N1' has five different numbers and'N2' has five different numbers and none of
them have common numbers. If one number is selected from N1 and one number is selected from
N2 how many different combinations are possible.
Given that in N1 there are 5 different numbers
And in N2 there are 5 different number (which are distinct from the 5 numbers in N1)
We can select one number from 5 numbers in N1 in 5 ways
Similarly we can select one number from 5 numbers in N2 in 5 ways.
If we can do one thing in m ways and another thing in n ways then both do both of them in m*n ways.
So we can select a number from N1 in 5 ways and N2 in 5 ways. So altogether we can select the
both in 5*5 = 25 ways
4) There are x boxes and in each of the boxes some number of balls are placed .if fewer by 3 boxes
are taken and 12 balls are placed into all boxes equally, then 5 balls are left wt is the number of
Given that there are X boxes (We need to assume that all X boxes will have equal number of balls
Now fewer by 3 boxes are taken. That means total number of boxes taken are X 3
Now 12 balls are placed in to X 3 boxes equally and 5 balls are left out
That means total number of balls will be 12*(X-3) + 5 = 12X 36 + 5 = 12X 31

But since we know that total number of balls has to be perfectly divisible by X (Since initally X boxes
has equal number of balls each)
So, 12X 31 has to be divisible by X
It will be possible only if X is a multiple of 31 (since 31 is a prime number)
=> Least possible value for X = 31
Hence the total number of boxes will be 31
5) Given a series a1,a2,........a3 if a1=4, a2= -5 and an=a(n-1)-a(n-2) find the sum of the first 100
numbers.. is there any shortcut to do this problem.
Hi bhargav, these kind of problem generally involve concepts on periodicity.
Periodicity means after some terms in the sequence same set of numbers will repeat. So we need to
identify that periodicity first and need to solve it. Initially it might take some time to understand but
once you are thorough with it then it won't take much time in solving these kind of problems.
Here is the explanation have a look at it and let me know if you have any doubts in this:
a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ... + a99 + a100
=> a1 + a2 + (a2-a1) + (a3 a2) + (a4 a3) + .... + (a98 a97) + (a99 a98)
=> a2 + a99
We need to find out a99
a3 = a2 a1
a4 = a3 a2 = a2 a1 a2 = -a1
a5 = a4 a3 = -a1 a2 + a1 = -a2
a6 = a5 a4 = -a2 - (-a1) = -a2 + a1
a7 = a6 a5 = -a2 + a1 - (-a2) = a1
a8 = a7 a6 = a1 - (-a2 + a1) = a2
Hence the pattern repeats like this a1 , a2 , a2 a1, -a1, -a2, -a2 + a1.....
That is from 7th term onwards the same pattern repeats.....
So, a7 will be the same as a1
a8 will be the same as a2
a9 will be the same as a3
a10 will be the same as a4
a11 will be the same as a5
That is a1, a7, a13, a20, will be the same
1+ (n-1)6 = 6n 5
a99 doesnot comes under this category
a2, a8, a14,...will be the same
2 + (n-1)6 = 6n-4

same with here...

a3, a9, a15, will be the same category
3+ (n-1)6 = 6n 3
Yes a99 comes under this category
Because substitute n = 17 in 6n 3 we will get 99
Hence a99 = a3 = a2 a1
Hence the sum of all 100 terms will be = a2 + a99 = a2 + a2 a1 = 2a2 a1 = 2(5) - (-4) = 10 + 4 = 14
Hence 14 is the final answer.
6) Given a cone , the specifications of the triangle given where two equal sides x, one side 6 formed
by the two sides and perimeter of semicircle 50pi. find the perimeter of the triangle.

Perimeter of the semicircle = Pi(r) = 50Pi

=> r = 50
Hence the x = diameter of the semicircle = 2r = 2*50 = 100
Hence the perimeter of the triangle = x + x + 6 = 206

Col A: Area of square A

Col B: (4/3)*(81 x)

We know that x will be greater than 0
=> 81 x < 81
=> Column B < (4/3)*(81) = 108
So, Column B < 108
And Column A = 81
Since Column B < 108 it can take a value greater than 81 and lesser than 81. Hence the relation
cannot be determined
So the final answer is D

Given area of triangle as 12

Col A: x
Col B: 4
Observe that (x,0) and (9,0) lie on x-axis
Area of triangle will be = (1/2)*base* height
Height of this triangle is nothing but the y coordinate of (3,4) (which is the perpendicular dist. From xaxis)
Base = (9-x)
Height = 4
Hence area = (1/2)*4*(9-x) = 18 2x = 12
=> 2x = 6
=> x = 3
Hence Column B is greater than Column A
1) Find the area of any trapezium?
i solved it by using 1/2(b1+b2)*h
i got 3a^2 but answer is given 6a^2

Even i'm getting 3a^2. Then it might be the total area of the figure
2) Given there are 3 marrid couple and they have to b arranged in 6 seats. in how many ways they
can b arrangd such that husband and wife should always be together.
We can club each couple in to 1 single thing.
Then there are 3 things which need to be arranged in 3 seats and that can be done in 3! ways.
Each couple among themselves can be arranged in 2 ways.
So, the total no.of arrangements with the given condition = 3!*2*2*2 = 6*8 = 48
Hence total there are 48 ways we arrange them with the given condition
3) For a given series p1,p2, and n>2. if p(n+1)=5pn+4, find 'pi' such that 'i' is smallest
number divisible by 7.
Given P1 = 1 and
P(n+1) = 5Pn + 4
The smallest number divisible by 7 is 7 itself.
P2 = 5P1 + 4
P3 = 5(5P1 + 4) + 4 = 25P1 + 4(5+1) = 52 P1 + 4(51 + 50)
P4 = 5(25P1 + 4(5+1)) = 53 P1 + 4(52 + 51) = 54-1 P1 + 4(54-2 + 54-3)
So, in general
Pn = 5n-1 P1 + 4(5n-2 + 5n-3)
So, P7 = 57-1 P1 + 4(57-2 + 57-3) = 56 P1 + 4(55 + 54) = 15625 + 4(3125 + 625) = 15625 +4(3750)
=> 15625 + 15000 = 30625
4) Find the shaded area.


<BOC = 90 30 = 60
OB = OC = radius = 1
Hence corresponding angles opposite to these sides will be equal.
Hence triangle BOC is an equilateral triangle.
Shaded area = Area of sector OBC Area of triangle OBC = /6 - (3/4)
5) Column A: Area of triangle ABD
Column B: Area of triangle ADC

Sum of angles in a triangle = 180
=> 6x = 180
=> x = 30
Now ABC is a right angled triangle:
Let AC = a
and ADC is an equilateral triangle and the area = (3/4)a^2
Now consider triangle ABC
Since the angles are in the ratio 30 : 60 : 90
then the lengths opposite to these angles will be in the ratio of 1: 3: 2
=> AC/1 = AB/3 = BC/2
=> a = AB/3 = BC/2
=> AB = 3a
So, area of triangle ABC = (1/2)base*height = (1/2)(AB*AC) = (1/2)(3a*a) = (3/2)a^2
So area of triangle ABD = area of triangle ABC area of triangle ADC
=> Area of triangle ABD = (3/4)a^2

Hence both the columns are equal.

6)given a centre of circle (3,1) and one point in the circumference is given asked find out the radius.
i think radius is the distanc between given points. is it correct?
Yes bhargav you are correct
7) In a class 500 students, the marks prcentile as given if 'f' is 20% , 'g' is 40% and 'h' is 60%
colA:the percentile by with g is more than f
colB:the percentile by which h is more than g
First let us find out the values for f, g and h
f = 20% of 500 = (0.2)*500 = 100
g = 40% of 500 = (0.4)*500 = 200
h = 60% of 500 = (0.4)*500 = 300
Col A: Percentile by with g is more than f
=> (f-g)/g*100 = 100/100*100 = 100%
Col B: Percentile by which h is more than g
=> (h-g)/g*100 = 100/2 = 50%
Hence Col A is greater than Col B
8) For a match ,5100 tickets were sold and if profit is $205,000. if there are $30 ticket and $50
tickets , how many $50 tickets were sold?
Let x be the $30 tickets
and 5100 x will be $50 tickets
Total profit = 30x + (5100 x)50 [Considering the profit as the total amount recieved on all the
=> 30x + 255000 50x = 205000
=> 50000 = 20x
=> x = 2500
Hence the total tickets of $50 will be 5100 2500 = 2600
9)if 5^3X+5^2Y+5Z+P=264 where x,y,z,p are non zero lss than 5 find the value of X+Y+Z+P?
Given that x, y, z and p all are non zero integers less than 5.
So possible values we can assign for x, y, z and p are 4, 3, 2, 1, -1, -2, -3.....
There is no particular method to solve it but only by trial and error method.
First find out any combination for x, y, z and p which satisfies the above equation.
Start with x = 2 (simple since 125*2 will be 250 which is close to 264)

=> 125*2 + 25y + 5z + p = 264

=> 25y + 5y + p = 14
Let y = 1
=> 25 + 5y + p = 14
=> 5y + p = -11
So, take y = -2 and p = -1
=> -10 1 = -11
Hence one set of combinations which will satisfy the given equation are:
x = 2, y = 1, z = -2 and p = -1
But the fact is that we will get mutliple answers by taking different combinations.
That is if we take other combination as x = 2, y = 1 , z = -3 and y = 4
Here the total sum is 4
So, i guess there must be some mistake in the question.
11) Given the dimensions of a triangle 5,6,and 8.if the angls opposite to sides 5 and 6
are x and y then
colA:third angle
Observe the below figure
According to the pythagoras theorem,
ABC will be a right angled triangle with angle ACB = 90

Since 5^2 + 6^2 = 61

Triangle that we are discussing in the question is ADC.
Since sqrt(64) is greater than sqrt(61)
The third angle DCA will be greater than 90 (Try observe the graph carefully you will understand the
logic behind that)
GRE QUANT DATABASE November 25th questions given by one of my student updated by Mohan
1) Find the value of x. polygon has 8 sides.

Given polygon is a regular octagon
Hence x = 360/8 = 45
3) Above is a square. Side is 100. it is divided into 2 parts the bigger is double the area of the smaller
one. X=2Y so what is the length of a


Area of the bigger rectangle = 100a

Area of the smaller rectangle = 100*(100 a)
Given that,
100a = 200*(100 a)
100a = 20000 200a
300a = 20000
a = 200/3
Hence the value of a is 200/3
4) The slope is some value. Then coordinate x is (7,12) the the other is y coordinate has value in
which the x coordinate is greater than the x coordinate by 7. and the value of the other coordinate
is 8. so what is the value of the horizontal value of y.
Questions needs some additional information in order to solve it.
Let me tell you the possible interpretation that we can interpret from the above questions.
Given X (7,12)
Y (x,y)
Given that x is greater than the x coordinate by 7
So, possible x = 7 + 7 = 14
and other coordinate is 8
So, Y (14, 8)
Horizontal value of Y is nothing but x coordinate which is 14
5) The perimeter of a triangle is A (a,b-3) , B (a,b), C (a-4,b-3). What is the perimeter.
First find out the length of each side.

AB = 3
BC = 5
AC = 4
Hence the perimeter will be 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
6) A truck carries some goods. It takes 10 rounds to carry them . in the last round it does not go fully
loaded. What can be the total number of goods. (something like this)
It depends on the options given
Let the maximum load that the truck can carry on each day be L and k be the load that the truck
carried in the last round.
So the total goods will be 10L + k (where k will be lesser than k)
Finally question turns out to be a remainder problem that is when a number is divided by 10 leaves a
remainder k. What is the number is the final question.
I guess the final answer will be the one from the options which is not a multiple of 10
7) There are some people in the elevator, 20 people. Some average 140 pounds some avg 210
pounds. The max the elevator can bear is 2400. how many are 140 pounds and how many are 210
pounds. (something like this)
Given that the number of people in the elevator as 20
From which let x people have an average of 140 pounds and the rest of all have an average of 210
Total weight of x people = 140x and
Total weight of 20 x people = 210*(20 x)
Hence the total weight of the people = 140x + 210*(20 x)
Given that the maximum weight that the elevator can weigh = 2400
=> 140x + 210*(20 x) <= 2400
=> 4200 70x <= 2400
=> 70x >= 2400
=> x >= 5.71
Since x corresponds to the total number of people it cannot be in fraction
So, x = 6
Therefore, 6 people have an average of 140 pounds and the rest of 14 have an average of 210 pounds
8) Keri will randomly select one of the 16 candies in a dish. There are 3 red , 5 purple and 8 blue
candies in the dish
col A: the probability that kerri will select a blue candy

col B : the probability that Kerri will select a candy that is either red or purple
Col A: The probability that kerri will select a blue candy = No.of blue candys/Total no.of candies
=> Col A = 8/16
Col B: The probability that Kerri will select a candy that is either red or purple = P(Kerri selecting Red
candy) + P(Kerri selecting Purple candy)
Note that selecting a red candy and purple candies are independent of each other.
Col B: 3/16 + 5/16 = 8/16
Hence both the columns are equal
GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Mohan on December 1st
1) Find out the remainder of this expression (10^8 + 10^6 + 10^4 + 10^2)/11
We can use remainder theorem for solving this question.
For suppose there is a function f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c
And if we divide it with (x k)
Then the remainder will be f(k)
For example,
Consider f(x) = 3x^2 - 4x + 1
If we divide this with x 2
Then the remainder will be f(2)
=> f(2) = 3(2^2) - 4(2) + 1
=> f(2) = 12 8 + 1 = 5
Hence the remainder will be 5 if we divide 3x^2 - 4x + 1 with x 2
Let us use the same concept of remainder theorem for this problem
Let f(x) = x^8 + x^6 + x^4 + x^2 (where i just replaced 10 with x)
Now this f(x) is divided by x + 1 (since we considered x as 10 and 11 can be written as 10 + 1)
Hence from the remainder theorem if we divide f(x) with x k then the remainder will be f(k)
Here k = -(1)
Hence the remainder is f(k) = f(-1)
f(-1) = (-1)^8 + (-1)^6 + (-1)^4 + (-1)^2
=>f(-1) = 1+ 1+ 1+ 1 = 4
Hence the remainder is 4

2) The water flows into a cylinder at 1000 cubic inches/min. If the rise in the water level in the tank
is 0.1 inches/min, find the radius of the cylinder?
Water flows into a cylinder at 1000 cubic inches/min
In 1 minute, 1000 cubic inches of volume will be filled
And also given that in 1 minute it water level rises by 0.1 inch which is nothing but the height
So, find out the volume in 1 min = (r^2)h
=> (r^2)*(0.1) Since height raised by 0.1 inch in 1 min
But we know that in 1 min the volume raised is 1000
=> (r^2)*(0.1) = 1000
=> (r^2) = 10000
=> r = 100/sqrt()
3) The best way to find out quickly the SD of two sets
ex: set A: {15,19,20,21,25} B={15,18,20,22,25}
First find out the mean for both the sets
=> Mean A = 20 and Mean B = 20
So, both the means are equal.
Observe that if there is a series {a, b, c, d, e} and mean m
then SD = sqrt([(a-m)^2 + (b-m)^2 + (c-m)^2 +(d-m)^2 +(e-m)^2]/6 )
It's just the difference between the number and the mean
If we observe the given two sets all the numbers are equal except {19, 21} in the first set and {18, 22}
Other terms contribute to the same value in the numerator since the mean same.
If there is any difference then it must be because of these terms
(19 20)^2 + (21 20)^2 = 1 + 1 = 2 (for first set)
(18 20)^2 + (22 20)^2 = 4 + 4 = 8 (for second set)
Hence SD for the second set will be more
It's just the square of difference between the number and it's mean by which you investigate to find

out which one is greater

4) Col A: Area of rectangle whose perimeter 20
Col B: Area of rectangle whose perimeter 24
If it is Square then Column B is greater than Column A but when it comes rectangle then any thing is
possible if we take for perimeter 24 = 1 + 23 where the area of this is 23 and 20 = 10 + 10 then the
area of this is 100
Hence we cannot conclude it.
The final answer is Option D
5) Given a series a1, If a1 =-4, a2 =5 and an = a(n-2)-a(n-1), then find the sum of first 100
numbers in the series?
[NOTE: 1, 2, (n- 2), (n-1) and n in the above question are subscripts].
a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ... + a99 + a100
=> a1 + a2 + (a2-a1) + (a3 a2) + (a4 a3) + .... + (a98 a97) + (a99 a98)
=> a2 + a99
We need to find out a99
a3 = a2 a1
a4 = a3 a2 = a2 a1 a2 = -a1
a5 = a4 a3 = -a1 a2 + a1 = -a2
a6 = a5 a4 = -a2 - (-a1) = -a2 + a1
a7 = a6 a5 = -a2 + a1 - (-a2) = a1
a8 = a7 a6 = a1 - (-a2 + a1) = a2
Hence the pattern repeats like this a1 , a2 , a2 a1, -a1, -a2, -a2 + a1.....
That is from 7th term onwards the same pattern repeats.....
So, a7 will be the same as a1
a8 will be the same as a2
a9 will be the same as a3
a10 will be the same as a4
a11 will be the same as a5
That is a1, a7, a13, a20, will be the same
1+ (n-1)6 = 6n 5
a99 doesnot comes under this category
a2, a8, a14,...will be the same
2 + (n-1)6 = 6n-4
same with here...
a3, a9, a15, will be the same category
3+ (n-1)6 = 6n 3
Yes a99 comes under this category
Because substitute n = 17 in 6n 3 we will get 99
Hence a99 = a3 = a2 a1
Hence the sum of all 100 terms will be = a2 + a99 = a2 + a2 a1 = 2a2 a1 = 2(5) - (-4) = 10 + 4 = 14

Hence 14 is the final answer.

6) Given Q = 968*18
Col A: Q + 968
Col B: 968*19
Answer: Both the columns are equal
7) 20 bulbs , 2- are defective , 2 bulbs r chosen at random , whats the probability that neither of
bulbs chosen are defective?
Answer: 18c2/20c2
8) If N = 5^9 + 7^10, then
Col A: The least factor of 'N' greater than 1
Col B: 3
N = 5^9 + 7^10
Now Last digit of 5^9 is 5
and last digit of 7^10 is 9 (Left for you to find it)
Hence the last digit of the N will be 5 + 9 = 14 which is 4
Hence any number with last digit equal to 4 will have a factor of 2
Hence 2 is the least factor greater than 1.
Hence column B is greater than Column A
9) Given y = 2x + 5 and x^2 = 4.
Col A: y
Col B: 3
x^2 = 4
=> x = +2 or -2
y = 2*2 + 5 = 9 and y = 2(-2) + 5 = 1
Hence y = 1 and 9
Hence Option D) relation cannot be determined
10) There are certain events in which two persons compete and there is a trophy for each game. If
one looses a game, he gives trophy to the other player and if he wins he gets 1 trophy. At the end, if
one has won 4 games, then other has 8 more trophies than the number of trophies he had at the
start, assuming there is no tie in any of the games, find the number of games they played?
Suppose A and B participating against each other.

Let A won 4 games.

And B won x games.
So total number of games played will be x + 4
We need to find out the value of x.
Now consider B, he won x matches and lost 4 matches.
So additional more trophies that B will have at end when compared to the start will be
= x - 4 (Since he won x matches and lost 4 matches and every win he will get one trophy and for every
loss he will lose one trophy)
Given that the B had 8 more additional trophies at the end when compared to the beginning.
=> x - 4 = 8
=> x = 12
Hence B won 12 matches.
So, total matches played between A and B will be x + 4 = 12 + 4 = 16
11) If the number of possible sets for choosing 4 things out of 6 things is 15, then find the possible
number of sets for choosing 3 things out of 7?
Answer is 35
12) Given initial ratio of men to total number of people in a team as 1: 3. If two women leave the
team then the ratio becomes 2: 5. What is the total number of people in the team?
Let the Men be M and Women be W
So total will be M + W
Given that M/(M+W) = 1/3
=> 3M = M + W
=> 2M = W
If two women leave then, women will be = W 2
and total people will be M + W 2
So the new ratio is M/(M+W 2) = 2/5
=> 5M = 2(M + W 2)
=> 5M = 2M + 2W -4
=> 3M = 2W 4
but W = 2M
=> 3M = 4M 4
=> M = 4

=> W = 8
The total people = 4 + 8 = 12
13) If 1 < y < 2 and 1 < xy < 4, then what would be the value of x?
Col A: x
Col B: 2
Given 1 < y < 2 and 1 < xy < 4
Consider y = 1.1
Then 1< x(1.1) < 4
=> 0.9 < x < 3.63
Hence the relation cannot be determined since 2 lies between 0.9 and 3.63
Hence option D is the correct answer
14) Three persons x, y and z altogether complete a work in 9 hours. If y and z together takes 12
hours to complete then x alone will take how much time to complete the same work?
Given that X, Y and Z altogether completes a work in 9 hours
Let x, y and z be the work X, Y and Z they can work in 1 hour respectively.
If they all work for 1 hour they can do x + y + z work
In 9 hours if all the three work together then they can do 9(x + y + z) = 1 Since it completes the whole
=> x + y + z = 1/9 --->(1)
In 12 hours y and z can complete the work
=> 12(y + z) = 1
=> y + z = 1/12 --->(2)
(1) (2)
=> x = 1/9 1/12
=> x = 1/36
=> 36x = 1
Hence it will take 36 hours to complete the work if X alone works.

15) Given X = {25, 26, 27, 28} and Y = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11}. How many distinct values can be produced by
(x + y)?
Given X = {25, 26, 27, 28} and Y = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
We need to find out distinct values for x + y
25 + 7 = 32
26 + 7 = 33
27 + 7 = 34
28 + 7 = 35
25 + 8 = 33
26 + 8 = 34
27 + 8 = 35
28 + 8 = 36
25 + 9 = 34
26 + 9 = 35
27 + 9 = 36
28 + 9 = 37
25 + 10 = 35
26 + 10 = 36
27 + 10 = 37
28 + 10 = 38
25 + 11 = 36
26 + 11 = 37
27 + 11 = 38
28 + 11 = 39
So tell me what are the distinct values for x + y
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
So, total 8.
No need to do all these calculations instead find out 25 + 7 = 32 (minimum sum) and 28 + 11 = 39
(maximum sum)
Hence the required number will be all the values between 32 to 39 which is 8
GRE QUANT DATABASE updated by Mohan on November 25th
1. Which of the following is greatest?
A. 10^100 + 2^ 100
B. 100^10 + 2^ 10
C. (100+2) ^10
D. (10+2)^ 100
& so on

But observe option D
(10 + 2)^100
=> 10^100 + 100C1*(10)^99*2 + 100C2*(10)^98*2^2 + ....... + 2^100
=> 10^100 + 2^100 + .........
Hence option D is greater
2. If 2^(x^2 +5x) =2, then what is the value of x?
Answer is [ { -5(+&-) root 29 } / 2 ]
4. There is a bag which consists of 10 bulbs, out of which 2 is defective. If 3 bulbs are chosen at
random without replacement, then what is the probability that none of the three bulbs selected are
Total Number of bulbs = 10
Out of which 2 bulbs are defective
Total number of bulbs which are not defective = 10 2 = 8
Now we need to select three bulbs from 8 non defective bulbs (since there is a condition that all the
three bulbs must be non-defective)
From 8 bulbs we can select 3 bulbs in 8C3 ways. (No.of favourable outcomes)
Total no.of possible outcomes = 10C3 (since total there are 10 bulbs out of which we need to select 3)
Probaility = No.of favourable outcomes/Total no.of possible outcomes
=> Required probability = 8C3/10C3
5. In a Isosceles triangle STU, the sides ST = SU and p is any point on UT, then which of the
following might be true?
I. ST > PS
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only III
D. Only I and II

& so on
No matter how the triangle look I ST > PS always true.
With respect to other two they might be true but not always.
If they ask in the question to find out which of them might be true then all the three be the correct
If they ask in the question to find out which of them always true then only one be correct.
7. Given Set P = {1.3, 0.9, 1.5, 1.1} and
Set Q = {1.3x, 0.9x, 1.5x, 1.1x}, then
Col A: Standard deviation of P
Col B: Standard deviation of Q
No option D is the correct answer.
Since in the standard deviation of Q it includes the value of x.
Since we don't know the range of x, the relation cannot be determined
8. Given that there are 3 hooks and 5 pictures, find the numbers of ways to select 3 picture
Answer is 60.....Since selection is important so 5P3
4. Given [x * (y)^2] < 450 and if x and y are prime numbers greater than 3, then what is the
maximum possible value of y?
Answer is 7 (by considering the number as 441= 7^2 * 9) Correct me if i am wrong
y to be maximum, x should be minimum
=> The minimum value that x can take is 5 (since the least prime number greater than 3 is 5)
Sub x = 5
=> y^2 < 90
Hence the greatest value of y which satisfies the above inequality is 9
That is 8^2 = 81 < 90
Hence the maximum possible value is 9
Does that make sense?
5. Given that a vending machine dispenses gumballs in a regularly repeating cycle of ten different
colors. If a quarter buys 3 gumballs, what is the minimum amount of money that must be spent
before three gumballs of the same color are dispensed?

Since the vending machine dispenses gumballs in a regular cycle of ten colors, there are exactly nine
other gumballs dispensed between each pair of gumballs of the same color.
For example, gumballs one and eleven must be the same color,
Similarly, two and twelve must be the same color
fifty-two, etc.
To get three gumballs all of the same color, we get one of the chosen color, then nine of another color
before another of the chosen color, then nine of another color before the third of the chosen color.
That's a total of 1 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 1 = 21 gumballs to get three matching ones.
Given that a quater buys three gumballs
means $0.25 buys 3 balls
=> 1 ball costs $0.25/3
So, in order to buy 27 balls we need 27*(0.25/3)
=> $7*0.25 = $1.75
Hence it costs $1.75 before three gumballs of the same color are dispensed

GRE QUANT DATABASE (UPDATED TILL November 9th) updated by Mohan

1. Given that a salesman gets 12% commission on the sales upto $500 and he gets 20% commission
on further sales amount on that day. If the salesmans total commission is $380 on that day, then
how much amount did he sell on that day?
Let x (> 500 assume it to be greater than 500) be the amount that salesman sell on that day.
=> 500(0.12) + (x 500)*0.2 = 380 (Since up to 500 the commission is 12% and after that it is 20%)
Now find out the value of x.
=> 60 + 0.2x 100 = 380
=> 0.2x = 420
=> x = 2100
2. Col A: 10% [sqrt(573.28 )]
Col B: sqrt(57.328)
Col A = 0.1*sqrt(573.28)

Col B = sqrt(57.328)
=> Col B = sqrt(57.328) = sqrt(573.28*0.1) = sqrt(0.1)*sqrt(573.28)
Clearly sqrt(0.1) is greater than 0.1
Hence Col B is greater than Col A.
3. Given m=(2)^(-3) * (3)^(-4) * (5)^(-5), then what is the value of (2)^(-6) * (3)^(-8 ) * (5)^(-10) in
terms of m?.
Answer is m^2
4. If|3x+2| = 8
Col A: |X|
Col B: 3
3x + 2 = 8 or -8
=> 3x + 2 = 8 or 3x + 2 = -8
=> 3x = 6 or 3x = -10
=> x = 2 or x = -3.33
Now |x| = 3.33 or 2
Hence the relation cannot be determined
5. Given that three persons X, Y and Z working together, takes 9 hours to complete a work. If Y and
Z working together takes 12 hrs to finish the same job, then how much would X take to finish
that same work alone?
Let x , y and z be the work done by each of X, Y and Z respectively in 1 hr.
Let k be the effort needed to complete the whole work.
=> 9*(x + y + z) = 1
=> x + y + z = 1/9
12*(y +z) = 1
=> y + z = 1/12
x = (x + y + z) (y + z) = 1/9 - 1/12
=> x = 1/36
=> 36x = 1
So, it takes 36 hours to complete the whole work by x.
6. Col A: 2/[(1/3)/(1/3)]
Col B: 2/[1/(3/(1/3))]

Col A = 2
Col B = 18
8. Given a line which has slope -5/8 and passes through the points (4, 3) and (2, k). Find the value of
The two point formula for slope = (Y2 Y1 ) / (X2 X1)
Where, (X1 , Y 1) = ( 2, k)
(X2 , Y 2) = ( 4 , 3)
( 3 k ) / ( 4 2 ) = -5/8
3 k = -5/4
=> 12 4k = -5
=> 4k = 17
=> k = 17/4
9. If a Rectangular plate can hold 3 cubic feet, then
Col A: The number of cubic yards that 100 such plates can hold
Col B: 13
10. There is a series of numbers 5, 12, 26.........till 100 terms. Which of these cannot be a term of the
A. 57
B. 75
C. 96
E. 47
11. Given 1 < xy < 4 and 1 < y < 2,
Col A: x
Col B: 2
12. If 0 < t < u < v, then
Col A: Median of t, u, v
Col B Mean of t, u, v
13. Given k and n are two positive even integers
Col A: The remainder when k^(2) + n is divided by 2
Col B: The remainder when k^(n + 2) + 2 is divided by 2
Given that k and n are two positive even integers

=> Hence k^(2) + n and k^(n + 2) + 2 will be even positive integers

Any even number divided by 2 will leaves a remainder 0
Hence Both the columns will be equal to 0
Therefore, option c is the correct answer.
14. Given RST as an isosceles triangle and RS = ST. P is a point on RT. Which of the following is
A. Only I
B. Only III
C. I and II
& so on..
15. Given two sets X1 = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11} and X2 = {25, 26, 27, 28}. For X1 + X2, how many different
numbers will be generated?
16. Col A: 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4
Col B: 1/1
17. A rectangular sheet is divided into unequal squares with total number of rows in the rectangle
n and columns n+2. If the minimum value of n is 21, then
Col A: The area of the square present in the 15th row and 18th column
Col B: n^2
Case 1)
First let us assume the length and breadth of the rectangular sheet be 21 and 23
The maximum square that we can draw in this rectangular sheet is 21*21
Hence any square will be always lesser than 21*21 (if we draw a square of 21 length then there is no
possibility of drawing the other columns)
Hence in this case Column B (=21^2) is greater than Column A
Case 2)
Let the us take the length and breadth of the rectangular sheet be 42 and 46
Then if we apply same logic
Any square will be lesser 42*42
So, Column A < 4*21^2
Column B is 21^2
In this case the relation cannot be determined
From these two cases we can conclude that the relation cannot be determined

It will be more meaningful to solve this problem if they provide the dimensions of the rectangular
sheet (which will surely turn out to be the best problem with a good logic)
With out the dimensions the question seems to be a bit vague. There might be some information
missing in this question
18. Two spheres have their volumes as 4Y and 3y, where y is some integer.
Col A: The ratio of their radius
Col B: 4/3
First observe whether the given volumes include the same y or not.
If Y and y are the actual variables involved in the volumes then the answer is D.
If both are same y's then
Then Column A = (4/3)^(1/3)
Hence in this case Column B is greater than Column A

updated by Mohan

1. Which of the following is greatest?

A. 10^100 + 2^ 100
B. 100^10 + 2^ 10
C. (100+2) ^10
D. (10+2)^ 100
& so on
2. If 2^(x^2 +5x) =2, then what is the value of x?
3. If m = (2)^(-3) * (3)^(-4) * (5)^(-5), then what is the value of (2)^(-6) * (3)^(-8 ) * (5)^(-10)?
4. There is a bag which consists of 10 bulbs, out of which 2 is defective. If 3 bulbs are chosen at
random without replacement, then what isthe probability that none of the three bulbs selected are
5. In a Isosceles triangle STU, the sides ST = SU and p is any point on UT, then which of the
following might be true?
I. ST > PS
A. Only I

B. Only II
C. Only III
D. Only I and II
& so on
6. There are 67 children in a community. If 52 like biking, 21 like skating and 12 like both, then
number of children who like neither biking nor skating?
(Similar to this)
7. Given Set P = {1.3, 0.9, 1.5, 1.1} and
Set Q = {1.3x, 0.9x, 1.5x, 1.1x}, then
Col A: Standard deviation of P
Col B: Standard deviation of Q
(Similar to this)
8. Given that there are 3 hooks and 5 pictures, find the numbers of ways to select 3 picture
(Similar to this)


updated by Mohan

1. If m = (2)^(-3) * (3)^(-4) * (5)^(-5) then what is the value of (2)^(-6) * (3)^(-8 ) * (5)^(-10)?

2. A box contains 10 bulbs, out of which 2 are defective. If 3 bulbs are chosen at random, then what
is the probability that at least one of these is defective?
3. Given that A, B and C working together completes a work in 9 days. If B and C working together
completes the same work in 12 days, then in how many days A alone can complete the work?
4. Given [x * (y)^2] < 450 and if x and y are prime numbers greater than 3, then what is the
maximum possible value of y?
5. Given that a vending machine dispenses gumballs in a regularly repeating cycle of ten different
colors. If a quarter buys 3 gumballs, what is the minimum amount of money that must be spent
before three gumballs of the same color are dispensed?
(Similar to this)

6. Col A: Standard Deviation of x1, x2, x3, x4, x5

Col B: Standard Deviation of x1 + 5, x2 + 5, x3 + 5, x4 + 5, x5 + 5


1. The reflection of a positive integer is obtained by reversing the digits. For example, 321 is the
reflection of 123. The difference between a five-digit integer and its reflection must be divisible by
which of the following?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 9
Let the five digit number N be abcde
=> N= 10000a + 1000b + 100c + 10d + e
Now the reflection N1 will be 10000e + 1000d + 100c + 10b + a
N-N1 = 10000(a-e) + 1000(b-d) + 10(d-b) + e-a
=> N-N1 = (a-e)*(10000-1) + (b-d)(1000-10)
=> N-N1 = (a-e)*(9999) + (b-d)*(990)
=> N-N1 = (a-e)*(9*1111) + (b-d)*(9*110)
=> N-N1 = 9[1111(a-e) + 110*(b-d)]
Hence it is divisible by 9
2. Figure missing
Col A: x + y
Col B: 180
3. What is the remainder of the expression (7^0 + 7^1 + 7^2 + + 7^20) when divided by 14?
Remainder when 7^0 is divided by 14 is 1
Remainder when 7^1 is divided by 14 is 7
Remainder when 7^2 is divided by 14 is 7
Remainder when 7^3 is divided by 14 is 7
So the pattern continues upto 7^20
So, the total remainder will be 1 + 7(20 times)
=> 1 + 140 = 141
If we divide 141 with 14 the remainder will be 1
Hence the remainder of the given expression when it is divided by 14 is 1
4. Figure missing

Find the value of x?

(Similar to this)
5. Figure missing
As shown in the figure above, on the triangle, they are three arcs of a circle whose radius is 2. Find
the length of all the three arcs together?
(Similar to this)
6. Given slope and y-intercept of a line and asked to find the perpendicular slope of a line?
Figure missing
7. If (3)^(2x) =(3)^(2) * (3)^(x), what is the value of x?
=> (3)^(2x) =(3)^(2 + x)
=> 2x = 2 + x
=> x = 2
8.Given a train P travelling a distance s km at an average speed of x km/hr and another train T
travels a distance z at a speed of y km/hr. If the time taken by train P is less than the train T,
find the equation which satisfies the above problem?
Train P travels Distance s km at an average speed of x km/hr
Time taken to travel s km is
s/x hrs
Train T travels z km at an average speed of y km/hr
Time taken to travel z km is
z/y hrs
Time taken by train p is less than train T
=> s/x < z/y
=> sy zx < 0
9. Given three sets R1 = {-1, -2, -3}, R2 = {1, 2, 3} and R3 = {-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3}. And Standard Deviation
of R1 is S1, Standard Deviation of R2 is S2 and Standard Deviation of R3 is S3.
I. S1 > S2
II. S2 < 0
III. S3 = 0

A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only III
S1 = Standard deviation of R1
First find out the mean for all the three sets.
Mean of R1 = -6/3 = -2
Mean of R2 = 6/3 = 2
Mean of R1 = 0/3 = 0
S1 = Sqrt {[(-1 - (-2))2 + (-2 - (-2))2 + (-3 - (-2))2]/3} = Sqrt {[12 + 02 + (-1)2]/3} = sqrt (2/3)
S2 = Sqrt {[(1 - 2)^2 + (2 - 2)^2 + (3 - 2)^2]/3} = Sqrt {[(-1)^2 + 0^2 + 1^2]/3} = sqrt (2/3)
S3 = Sqrt {[(-3)2 + (-2)2 + (-1)2 + 12 + 22 + 32 ]/6} = sqrt(28/6)
I S1 > S2 is wrong since S1 = S2
II S2 < 0 is wrong since S2 = sqrt(2/3)
III S3 = 0 is also wrong
Hence none of the above is the correct answer
10. Given that there are 10 balls and 10 bags and 3 balls are of same kind. In how many ways these
10 balls can be arranged in 10 bags, such that no bag should be left empty?
We need to observe that no bag has to be left empty.
That means every bag will get one ball each.
We need to arrange 10 balls in 10 places with 3 balls being identical.
This can be done in 10!/3!
11. In a shop, the discounts are as follows. A 40% discount on each coat and 20% discount on each
shirt. If a person buys 2 coats and 1 shirt, then what is the total discount he gets on buying?
Some data is missing in this question
12. A person has 'W' kg of food for one week to feed some dogs. If each dog consumes 'x' kg per day
Col A: Number of dogs
Col B: 7w/x
Let the no.of dogs be D.
Each dog consumes x kg/day
In a week total all dogs require 7*D*x kgs
Given that w kg is sufficient to feed
=> 7Dx = w
=> D = w/7x

Hence Column B (7w/x) is greater than Column A (w/7x)

1. The value of [Sqrt(15.987) * 601.146]/[15.78 * 301.124] is . ?
For these kind of problems we need to round off each number
[Sqrt(15.987) * 601.146]/[15.78 * 301.124]
=> [Sqrt(16) * 602]/[16 * 301]
=> 4 * 602/(16*301)
=> 8/16 = 0.5
Hence the value will be closer to 0.5
Try calculating this value with the help of calculator you will get exact value as 0.5058 which is almost
close to 0.5
4. Given that there are 3 married couple and they have to be arranged in 6 seats. In how many ways
they can be arranged, such that husband and wife should always be together?
We can club each couple in to 1 single thing.
Then there are 3 things which need to be arranged in 3 seats and that can be done in 3! ways.
Each couple among themselves can be arranged in 2 ways.
So, the total no.of arrangements with the given condition = 3!*2*2*2 = 6*8 = 48
Hence total there are 48 ways we arrange them with the given condition
5. For a given series P1, P2, P3....Pn; P1= 1. And for n>=2, if P(n+1) = 5Pn + 4, find Pi such that i'
is the smallest number divisible by 7?
Note: 1, 2, 3, i, n and n+1 are suffixes.
Given P1 = 1 and
P(n+1) = 5Pn + 4
The smallest number divisible by 7 is 7 itself.
P2 = 5P1 + 4
P3 = 5(5P1 + 4) + 4 = 25P1 + 4(5+1) = 52 P1 + 4(51 + 50)
P4 = 5(25P1 + 4(5+1)) = 53 P1 + 4(52 + 51) = 54-1 P1 + 4(54-2 + 54-3)
So, in general
Pn = 5n-1 P1 + 4(5n-2 + 5n-3)
So, P7 = 57-1 P1 + 4(57-2 + 57-3) = 56 P1 + 4(55 + 54) = 15625 + 4(3125 + 625) = 15625 +4(3750)
=> 15625 + 15000 = 30625
6. Given that set A consists of positive odd numbers less than 100, set B consists of positive even
numbers less than 5 and if set C consists of product of set A and set B. Find the number of numbers

possible in set C?
That is A = { 2n + 1} where n = 0, 1, 2.....49 [total 50 terms]
Set B = {2, 4}
Now the product of A and B will be
A1 = {2*(2n + 1)} = {4n + 2} where n = 0, 1, 2.....49 [total 50 terms]
A2 = {4*(2m + 1)} = {8m + 4} where m = 0, 1, 2,....49. [total 50 terms]
Now we need to find out that in the two sets will there be any common terms.
If there is any common term then we will get total number of elements will be less than 100
If there are no common term then we will get the total number of elements as 100.
Let us see whether there exists any common terms.
For common term to exist it must satisfy both the forms
=> 4n + 2 = 8m + 4
=> 4n = 8m + 2
=> 2n = 4m + 1
We need to find out all m and n's which satisfy the above condition with all m,n 0, 1, 2...49
But observe that RHS will always an odd number, agree?
Because 4m will always an even number and even number + 1 will always be an odd number.
But LHS will always be an even number that is 2*any number will be always an even number
Since even number cannot be equal to odd number, we cannot find any values for m and n which
satisfies the expression 2n = 4m + 1
Hence there are no common terms in them.
So, the total number of elements in the required set will be 100


1. If (5^3) x + (5^2) y + (5) z + p = 264; where x, y, z, p are all non-zero integers less than 5, find the
value of x + y + z + p?
A. 10 B. 12 & so on.
Given that x, y, z and p all are non zero integers less than 5.
So possible values we can assign for x, y, z and p are 4, 3, 2, 1, -1, -2, -3.....
There is no particular method to solve it but only by trial and error method.
First find out any combination for x, y, z and p which satisfies the above equation.
Start with x = 2 (simple since 125*2 will be 250 which is close to 264)
=> 125*2 + 25y + 5z + p = 264
=> 25y + 5y + p = 14
Let y = 1
=> 25 + 5y + p = 14
=> 5y + p = -11
So, take y = -2 and p = -1
=> -10 1 = -11
Hence one set of combinations which will satisfy the given equation are:

x = 2, y = 1, z = -2 and p = -1
But the fact is that we will get mutliple answers by taking different combinations.
That is if we take other combination as x = 2, y = 1 , z = -3 and y = 4
Here the total sum is 4
So, i guess there must be some mistake in the question.
2. When k is divided by 12 it gives remainder 5, what will be remainder when k^2 is divided by 8?
Given that when k is divided by 12 it leaves a remainder of 5.
So, k will be of the form
k = 12m + 5
Now k^2 = 144m^2 + 25 + 120m = 8(18m + 15) + 25
So, if k^2 is divided by 8 it will leave a remainder which is equal to the remainder when 25 is divided
by 8 (Since first term is a multiple of 8 and so it leaves a remainder of 0)
=> Remainder when 25 is divided by 8 is 1
Hence the remainder is 1.
3. Given x < 2-y
Col A: y
Col B: 2
Given, x < 2 y
=> -x > y 2
=> 2 x > y
=> y < 2 x
Hence Column B is greater than Column A
4. Given a train p travelling a distance s km at an average speed of r km/hr and another train t
travels a distance y at a speed of z km/hr. Find the equation which satisfies the above problem? - yz > 0 B. sz - yr > 0 C. yz sr > 0 D. > 0 E. sy rz > 0
Train P travels Distance s km at an average speed of x km/hr
Time taken to travel s km is
s/x hrs
Train T travels y km at an average speed of z km/hr
Time taken to travel z km is
z/y hrs
Time taken by train p is less than train T
=> s/x < z/y
=> sy zx < 0

5. Given that there are 600 communities and the average annual income of the communities comes
around $600 of which f is 20 %, g is 40% and h is 60 %.
Col A: The amount of g, greater than f
Col B: The amount of h, greater than g
6. If 3/5 = x/y, then
Col A: x - 3
Col B: y 5
Given that 3/5 = x/y
=> 5x = 3y
=> x = 3y/5
Column A = x 3 = 3y/5 3
=> 3(y 5)/5 = (3/5)(y 5)
=> Column A = (3/5)* Column B
Hence Column B is greater than Column A
7. The value of (14^10 + 7^2)^2 - (14^10 - 7^2)^2 is ..?
Use the formula a^2 b^2 = (a +b)(a-b)
Here a = 14^10 + 7^2 and
b = 14^10 7^2
Now, (1410 +72)2 (1410-72)2 = (1410 +72 + 1410-72 )*(1410 +72 -1410 + 72)
=> 2*1410*2* 72
=> 2*(2*7)10*2*72
=> 2*210*710*2*72
=> 212 *712
=> (2*7)12
=> 1412 Is the correct answer
8. Given x > 0
Col A: (10)^(-2) * (x)^(-1)
Col B: (10)^(2) * x
Column A = 0.01/x and Column B = 100x
Since x > 0 means 0 < x < 1 and x >=1
Case 1)
Let x lies between 0 and 1
So assume it to be 0.001
=> Column A = 0.01/ 0.001 = 10
Column B = 100*0.001 = 0.1
In this case Column A is greater than Column B.

Case 2) x >=1
Assume x = 10
Column A = 0.01/10 = 0.001
Column B = 100*10 = 1000
In this case Column B is greater than Column A.
Hence from 1 and 2 cases the relation between these two columns cannot be determined
9. Given slope of a line as -3 and the points are located at (3, k) and (-2, m).
Col A: k m
Col B: -15
Given that the slope of a line as -3
Kindly note that is the points (3, k) and (-2, m) lie on this line then they will have the same slope as -3
(It has to be clearly mentioned in the question that they lie on the same line)
If they lie on the same line then,
= -3
=> (k-m) = -3*5 = -15

Hence both the columns are equal.


1. Col A: (1/25+1/26 + 1/27 + 1/28 + 1/29 +1/30)
Col B: 0.2
Given that Column B = 0.2
=> Column B = 20/100 = 1/5 = 6/30
=> Column B = 1/30 + 1/30 + 1/30 + 1/30 + 1/30 + 1/30
So, both in Column A and Column B there are 6 terms and corresponding each term like 1st term of
Column A with 1st term of Column B, 2nd term of Column A with 2nd term of Column B and so on..
Clearly 1st term of Column A (1/25) is greater than 1st term of Column B(1/30) and
2nd term of Column A (1/26) is greater than 2nd term of Column B(1/30)
3rd term of Column A (1/27) is greater than 3rd term of Column B(1/30)
4th term of Column A (1/28) is greater than 4th term of Column B(1/30)
5th term of Column A (1/29) is greater than 5th term of Column B(1/30)
Exclude 6th terms as they are equal.

Hence if we add all five terms we can conclude that

Column A is greater than Column B
2. Given a1 = -9, a2 = -4, such that an = a(n-1) - a(n-2). Calculate sum of first 100 terms?
Note: (Here 1, 2, (n 1) and (n 2) are suffixes)
Sum of first 100 terms will be
a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ... + a99 + a100
=> a1 + a2 + (a2-a1) + (a3 a2) + (a4 a3) + .... + (a98 a97) + (a99 a98)
=> a2 + a99
We need to find out a99
a3 = a2 a1
a4 = a3 a2 = a2 a1 a2 = -a1
a5 = a4 a3 = -a1 a2 + a1 = -a2
a6 = a5 a4 = -a2 - (-a1) = -a2 + a1
a7 = a6 a5 = -a2 + a1 - (-a2) = a1
a8 = a7 a6 = a1 - (-a2 + a1) = a2
Hence the pattern repeats like this a1 , a2 , a2 a1, -a1, -a2, -a2 + a1.....
That is from 7th term onwards the same pattern repeats......
So, a7 will be the same as a1
a8 will be the same as a2
a9 will be the same as a3
a10 will be the same as a4
a11 will be the same as a5
That is a1, a7, a13, a20, will be the same
1+ (n-1)6 = 6n 5
a99 doesn't comes under this category
a2, a8, a14,...will be the same
2 + (n-1)6 = 6n-4
same with here...
a3, a9, a15, will be the same category
3+ (n-1)6 = 6n 3
Yes a99 comes under this category
Because substitute n = 17 in 6n 3 we will get 99
Hence a99 = a3 = a2 a1
Hence the sum of all 100 terms will be = a2 + a99 = a2 + a2 a1 = 2a2 a1 = 2(-4) - (-9)
-8 + 9 = 1
Hence 1 is the final answer.
3. If (1/(x + y)) 1 + (1/(x - y)) -1= 4, then which one of the following must be true?
I. x = 2
II. y = 0
III. y = -1

& so on..
Guess some thing is missing?
4. If x = k^2 and y = k^3, then
Col A: x^9
Col B: y^6
5. There is a micro chip. Each side is extended by 0.1 millimeters. If surface area of one face
increases to 0.75 mm, find the original length of the edges?
Let the length and breadth of the micro chip be l (assume it to be a square).
This surface area is l^2
Now new length will be l + 0.1 and breadth l + 0.1
Now the new area will be (l + 0.1)*(l + 0.1) = 0.75
(l + 0.1)^2 = 0.75
=> l + 0.1 = sqrt(0.75) = 0.866 (app)
=> l = 0.766 (app)
With out this we cannot solve this question.
6. Given k1 = 1. The series is such that ki = 5k(n-1) + 4. Find the least possible value of i' for which ki
is divisible by 7?
Note: 1, i and (n-1) are subscripts.
Given P1 = 1 and
P(n+1) = 5Pn + 4
The smallest number divisible by 7 is 7 itself.
P2 = 5P1 + 4
P3 = 5(5P1 + 4) + 4 = 25P1 + 4(5+1) = 52 P1 + 4(51 + 50)
P4 = 5(25P1 + 4(5+1)) = 53 P1 + 4(52 + 51) = 54-1 P1 + 4(54-2 + 54-3)
So, in general
Pn = 5n-1 P1 + 4(5n-2 + 5n-3)
So, P7 = 57-1 P1 + 4(57-2 + 57-3) = 56 P1 + 4(55 + 54) = 15625 + 4(3125 + 625) = 15625 +4(3750)
=> 15625 + 15000 = 30625
7. If -6 <= x <= 4 and -10 <= y <= 4, then what is the greatest value of (x^2 + y^4)?
A. 16
B. 240
C. 10,000
D. 10,036
& so on
For y^4 x^2 to be maximum

=> y^4 to be maximum and x^2 must be minimum.

The minimum value of square of a variable is 0 and that is for the value of 0
Since 0 lies in the given interval for x i.e., -6<= x <= 4
Hence minimum value of x^2 = 0
And Maximum value of y in the given interval -10 < = y <= 4 will be at x = -10 (since the power to
which y is raised is an even number and -ve number to the power of an even number will be a positive
=> Max(y^4) = 10^4
So, Max(y^4 x^2 ) = Max(y^4) Min(x^2)
=> 10000 0 = 10000
Hence C is the correct answer
8. Given x/y = 3/5.
Col A: x 3
Col B: y 5
Given that 3/5 = x/y
=> 5x = 3y
=> x = 3y/5
Column A = x 3 = 3y/5 3
=> 3(y 5)/5 = (3/5)(y 5)
=> Column A = (3/5)* Column B
Hence Column B is greater than Column A
9. Given the dimensions of a triangle as 5, 6 and 8. If the angles opposite to sides 5 and 6 are x and
y, then
Col A: The third angle
Col B: 90
Observe the above figure
According to the pythagoras theorem,
ABC will be a right angled triangle with angle ACB = 90
Since 5^2 + 6^2 = 61

Triangle that we are discussing in the question is ADC.

Since sqrt(64) is greater than sqrt(61)
The third angle DCA will be greater than 90 (Try observe the graph carefully you will understand the
logic behind that)
10. What is the nearest value of sqrt(171)?
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
& so on
First find out the squares of 13 and 14
=> 13^2 = 169
and 14^2 = 196
Now find out whether 171 is closer to 169 or 196 (and the corresponding values square root will be
nearest value of sqrt(171))
Difference between 171 and 169 is 2
where as diff. Between 196 and 171 is 25
Since the diff. Between 171 and 169 is smaller there nearest value will be the sqrt(169) =13
Hence 13 is the nearest value of sqrt(171)
11. Given R1: {-3, -2, -1}, R2: {-1, -2, -3}and R3: {-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3}. If s1, s2, s3 are defined as the
Standard Deviations of R1, R2 and R3 respectively, then which one of the following is true?
I. s1 < s2
II. s1 = 0
III. s3 = 0
A. None
B. Only I
C. I and II
D. II and III
E. I and III

S1 = Standard deviation of R1
First find out the mean for all the three sets.
Mean of R1 = -6/3 = -2
Mean of R2 = -6/3 = -2
Mean of R1 = 0/3 = 0
S1 = Sqrt {[(-3 - (-2))^2 + (-2 - (-2))^2 + (-1 - (-2))^2]/3} = Sqrt [(-1)^2 + 0^2 + 1^2] = sqrt (2/3)
S2 = Sqrt {[(-1 - (-2))^2 + (-2 - (-2))^2 + (-3 - (-2))^2]/3} = Sqrt [1^2 + 0^2 + (-1)^2] = sqrt (2/3)
S3 = Sqrt {[(-3)^2 + (-2)^2 + (-1)^2 + 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 ]/6} = sqrt(28/6)
I S1 < S2 is wrong since S1 = S2
II S1 = 0 is wrong since S1 = sqrt(2/3)
III S3 = 0 is also wrong
Hence none of the above is the correct answer

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL July 21st) updated by Mohan

1. Given x as a two digit number, then
Col A: Unit place of x
Col B: Unit place of x2
The last digit of x can vary from 0 to 9
Units place of x2 = Last digit [last digit of x *last digit of x]
Case 1)
If the last digit is 0 then the last digit of x2 will = Last digit[0*0] = 0
Column A: 0 and Column B: 0
Hence they are equal
Case 2)
If the last digit is 1 then the last digit of x2 will = Last digit[1*1] = 1
Column A: 1 and Column B: 1
Hence they are equal
Case 3)
If the last digit is 2 then the last digit of x2 will = Last digit[2*2] = 4
Column A: 2 and Column B: 4
Column A is lesser than column B
Case 4)
If the last digit is 8 then the last digit of x2 will = Last digit[8*8] = Last digit[64] = 4
Column A: 8 and Column B: 4
Column A is greater than Column B
From Case 1, Case 2, Case 3, Case 4 we can conclude that the relation cannot be determined with
the given information

2. If an article costs S dollars and the tax on it is 8% of S dollars, then what is the total cost of the
Article cost = S dollars
Tax on the article = 8%
Total cost of the artice= 1.08S

3. Given a cylinder of radius 10 inches as above and w is the width of the label on the
cylinder. If the area of the label is equal to base area of the cylinder, then what is the value
of w?
Base area of the cylinder = r2 = (100) = 100
Now 100 = 2rw
=> 100 = 10w
=> w = 10
4. In an Isosceles triangle, the average of the two angles is given as 65. Find the possible value of
the third side?
Let the angles of an isosceles triangle be x, x, y
Given that the average of two angles = 65
These two angles may be x,y or x,x
Case 1) Let the two angles be x, y. Then the other angle will be x
=> x+y = 65*2 = 130
Other angle will be 2x+y=180
=> x+130=180
=> x=50
Case 2) Let the two angle be x and x. Then the other angle will be y
=> 2x=130
=> x=65
Then the other angle y = 180-2x = 180-130 = 50
From both cases the other possible angle is 50
5. For the equation x2 x 2 <=0; how many solutions are possible?

Consider the expression x2 x 2
=> x2 2x +x 2
=> (x-2)(x+1)
Now given inequality is that
Possible solutions are -1<=x<=2
Since x is not an integer it can take infinitely many values in between -1 and 3.
So, the answer is infinity
But if they mention in the that x takes only the integer values then the answer will be all integers
which lie between -1 and 3 including -1 and 3
That means -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 total of 5
6. If m and n are positive, then
Col A:
Col B:
Column A: 25(m-n)
and Column B: (m/n)2
Consider case 1)
For m=1 and n=0.5
Column A: 250.5=5
and Column B: 4
In this case column A is greater than Column B
Now consider case 2)
For m=0.5 and n=1
Column A: 25-0.5=0.2
Column B: 0.52 = 0.25
In this case Column B is greater than Column A
So, with the given information it is not possibe to compare Column A and Column B
7. A person deposits an amount of $2000 for a certain time t. If he gets an interest of $200, then
what is the rate of interest?
Let the rate of interest be i
The interest amount that person will get = 2000*i/100 = 200
Then the rate of interest i = 10%

8. If the probability of number of workers in an industry is < (1/4), then

Col A: Probability of non-workers being in the industry
Col B:
The probability of number of workers in an industry + the probability of number of workers in an
industry = 1
=> The probability of number of workers in an industry = 1 - the probability of number of workers in
an industry
But Prob. Of no. Of workers in an industry <(1/4)
=> 1 - The probability of number of workers in an industry < ()
=> The probability of number of workers in an industry -1 > -()
=> The probability of number of workers in an industry>
Hence Column A(>3/4) is greater than Column B (=3/4)
Hence Option A is the correct answer

What is the value of x?

75 + 2x + 1 = 180
=> 2x = 104
=> x = 52
10. If (x2+y2)/2 = xy, then
Col A: x
Col B: y
(x2+y2)/2 = xy
=> (x2+y2) = 2xy
=> (x-y)2 = 0
=> x=y
Hence option C is the correct answer
11Q) Given a series 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2 What is the product of the 67th and 68th

Given series 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 .......
So, After every four terms the same pattern repeats.
That is,
t1 = t5 = t9 = ..... = 3
t2= t6= t10= t14=....1
t3= t7= t11= t15=....4
t4 = 2, t8 = 2, t12 = 2 .....
So, t67 comes in the pattern of t3 that is 4
and t68 comes in the pattern of t4 that is 2
Hence the product is 4*2 = 8
Simple method is to find out the remainder of the given term with 4
(Reason for finding out the remainder with 4 is that here the terms show same pattern for 4 terms. If
the terms show same pattern 5 terms then find out the remainder with 5 and the rest will be same as
Now assign for remainder 0 the value is 2 (fourth term)
For remainder 1 the value is 3 (1st term)
For remainder 2 the value is 1 (2nd term)
For remainder 3 the value is 4 (3rd term)
Now the remainder when 67 is divided by 4 is 3 hence the value of t67 = 4 and
Remainder when 68 is divided by 4 is 0 hence the value of t68 = 2
Hence the answer follows

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL July 3rd) updated by Mohan

1) There is a square with side 10m. On top of the square there is one semicircle with its diameter
on one side of the square (diameter length = side length). One point on the semicircle is chosen and
a perpendicular is drawn on to the square which divides the side of the square in 8:2. Find the
length of the perpendicular? How to solve this one?
This is how you have to approach this question

If you look at the figure ABCD is the square with side = 10m and APB is the semi circle sitting on the

top of the square.

We need to find out the PT value
AS = 8, SB = 2, OS = 3 (Since the point P on the semi circle divides the length of the square in the ratio
8:2. Hence the length AS =8 and SB =2)
From the right angled triangle OPS,
OP2 = OS2 + PS2
=> 52 = 32 + PS2
=> PS2 = 42
Therefore PS = 4
Now, PT = PS + ST
Where ST = length of the rectangle = 10
Therefore, PT = 4 + 10 = 14cm
2) Given N= v * w * x * y * z - (v+w+x+y+z). If N is an even integer, then how many of v, w, x, y, z
will need to be even numbers?
Let all the numbers be odd
Then A = v * w * x * y * z = Which is a product of all odd numbers
Hence the number A will be an odd number
Now consider B = (v+w+x+y+z) = Which is a sum of all odd numbers for odd times
Hence the number B will be an odd number
Sum of even total of odd numbers is even number
(for example take 1 3 5 7 9 which are all odd numbers and total number is also odd that is 5
numbers. Then the sum is 25 which is an odd number) and
Sum of odd total of odd numbers is odd number (for example take 1 3 5 7 which are all odd
numbers and total number is even that is 4 numbers. Then the sum is 16 which is an even number)
Therefore, difference of two odd numbers is an even number
Hence the number of even number is 0 for the given number N to be an even number.
3) If |x| <=6; |y| <=4, then find the greatest possible value of |x/y|?
As |y| approaches 0 then |x/y| approach infinity
Hence the answer is infinity.
4) The probability of raining tomorrow is 0.49.
Col A: The probability that it will rain tomorrow and George eats the food
Col B: 0.54
There is no need for additional information.

Given that it will rain tomorrow = 0.49

Let the prob. of George eats the food = p (<=1)
Now the probability that it will rain tomorrow and George eats the food = 0.49*p (we need to
multiply since "and" is used)
So, the required probability = 0.49*p <= 0.49*1 <= 0.49
So, Column A is always less than or equal to 0.49 and Column B is 0.54
Hence Column B is greater than Column A
5) Given equation of the circle as x2+y2 = 49. If two points (0, b) and (4, a) lie on the circle, then
what is the slope of the line?
There are 4 possible answers as follows
Let A= (0,b) , then A= (0,7), (0,-7)
B=(4,a) ,then B= (4,sqrt(33)), (4,-sqrt(33))
They need to specify the quadrant in which the points lie. But if you come across these kind of
problems try finding out the slopes for each and possible combination and then check with the
options given.

Col A: (1/2)(Remaining angles)

Col B: 55
Given angle 70 and x (=70)
Now Column A = Half the sum of the remaining angles = (1/2)(360 (70+70)) = (1/2)*(360-140) =
220/2 = 110
Which is greater than Column B (=55)
Hence option A is the correct answer
7) If twice the average of x, y and z, when divided by 7 gives remainder 1, then what is the
remainder, when average x, y and z is divided by 7?
It will be easy to solve this by assuming a simple case
Given that the twice the average of x, y and z when divided by 7 leaves a remainder 1
=> 2(x+y+z)/3 = 7q+1
Let q =1
=> 2(x+y+z)/3 = 8
=> x+y+z = 12

let the three numbers be 3, 4 and 5

Now, (x+y+z)/3 = 4
So, the remainder when (x+y+z)/3 divided by 7 is 4
Actual Procedure with out substitution method:
2(x+y+z)/3 = 7q+1 ------> (1)
Now 7q+1 will be an even number since on the LHS (x+y+z)/3 is multiplied by 2
And in the question it is asked to find out the remainder when (x+y+z)/3 is divided by 7 which means
that (x+y+z)/3 is an integer.
Now if we consider 7q+1
It will even if and only if 7q is an odd number
7X1 = 7
7X2 = 14
7X3 = 21
7X4 = 28
Then from the above pattern we can conclude that q must be odd number
Any odd number can written in the form of 2k+1
q = 2k+1 ------------------> (2) where (k=0, 1, 2, 3.....)
Sub (2) in (1)
=> 2(x+y+z)/3 = 7(2k+1)+1
=> 2(x+y+z)/3 = 14k+8
=> (x+y+z)/3 = 7k+4
Hence when (x+y+z)/3 is divided by 7 it will a remainder 4

Given the area of the circle as 16, asked to find the perimeter of shaded region OAB?
Given area = 16
=> r2 = 16
=> r = 4
Now req circumference = r + r + length of the arc
length of the arc = (90/360)2(4) = 2
Hence the perimeter of shaded region is 8+2

9) Given arithmetic mean of p, q, r as 10. If arithmetic mean of p, q, r, x is 15, then

Col A: x/2
Col B: 15
Both the columns will be equal

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL May 21st) updated by Mohan

1.If a, b and c are 0, 1 or 2 and if a.32+ b.3 + c = 25, then what is the possible value of a + b + c?
Clearly, a and b cannot be less than 2 (since either of a or b equals 0 or 2 then we cannot get a sum of
Possible combinations are a = 2, b = 2 and choose c accordingly
=> 2(9)+3(2)+c = 25
=> 24+c = 25
=> c =1
Therefore, a + b + c = 2 + 2 + 1 = 5
2.In a survey of voting in a election, if 55% of the voters who casted their votes supported person x
, 61% supported y and 80% supported both of them, then what percentage of people supported
neither x nor y?
Some mistake in the question
Number of people who support both of them cannot be greater than the number of people who
support them individually
3. When point A is displaced by x, point B is displaced by y.
Col A: x
Col B: y

Cannot be determined
4. If n > 0, then

Col A: x n+1
Col B: (x+1)n
This is how you have to come to conclusion for this question
Let us consider x+1 < 0
=> x < 0
even number

We know that (-ve number )

= +ve number

odd number

and (-ve number)

= -ve number
Case 1) n is an even number
Then n+1 is an odd number
Now Column A: (-ve number)

even number

= +ve number

odd number

Column B: (-ve number)

= -ve number
Therefore for this case Column A is greater than Column B
Case 2) n is an odd number
Then n+1 is an even number
Now Column A: (-ve number)

odd number

= -ve number

even number

Column B: (-ve number)

= +ve number
Therefore for this case Column A is lesser than Column B
Hence from case 1) and case 2) we can conclude that the given columns cannot be compared
5. If a rectangle of length 4 and breadth 3 is divided into two smaller rectangles, then
Col A: Sum of perimeters of both the rectangles
Col B: 21

Given that a rectangle is divided into two smaller rectangles. But it is not mentioned whether it is cut
length wise or breadth wise
Case 1) let the reactangle is cut length wise to make two equal parts
Then the sum of perimeters = 4+4+4+4+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5 = 22
Therefore Column A:22 which is greater than Column B: 21
Case 2) Rectangle is cut breadth wise to make two equal parts

Then the sum of perimeters = 4*3+4*2 = 12+8=20

Column A: 20 which is lesser than Column B:21
From Case 1 and Case 2 we can conclude that it cannot be determined with the given information.
6. There are five lists of 25 members. If average of 25 members in each list is a1, a2, a3, a4 and a5
and median is m1, m2, m3, m4 and m5, then
Col A: Median of a1, a2, a3, a4, a5
Col B: Average of m1, m2, m3, m4, m5.
All a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, m1, m2, m3, m4 and m5 can take any values.
So, the value of Column A can be greater or lesser or equal to Column B.
Therefore, Cannot be determined with the given information

If perimeter of the circle is 16, then what is perimeter of the shaded region?
When ever any two sectors divided by same symbol it means that they are equal.
So, you can assume that all the sectors are equal
Circle is divided into 8 equal parts
Given perimeter of the circle = 16
=> 2r = 16
=> r = 8
Now the length of the shaded arc = (3/8)*(16) = 6
Therefore required perimeter = 6 + 2r = 16 + 6
8. If a number, when divided by 5 gives remainder 3 and when divided by 4 gives remainder 2, then
what is the remainder when the same number is divided by 10?
This is how you have to come to conclusion for this question
Let the number be 5q+3 = 4p+2
=> 5q+3 = 2(2p+1) ----->(1)
Since RHS is an even number which implies that LHS must also be even number
=> 5q+3 is an even number
(Sum of 2 odd numbers is an even number and sum of 1 odd and 1 even is an odd number)
Since 3 is an odd number 5q must also be an odd number
Now 5q can be odd if and only if q is odd

Any odd number can be written in the form of 2k+1

q = 2k+1 ------>(2)
Now sub (2) in (1)
=> 5(2k+1) + 3 = 10k+ 5 + 3
=> 10k +8
Hence the remainder when given number is divided by 10 is 8


1.If x < y < 0, then
Col A: xy
Col B: y x
If x<0 and y<0
Then xy>0
If x<y
Then -x>-y
Since both the columns are greater than 0 the relation cannot be determined with the given

2.Given that, there are two racks A and B. If 4 books from rack A are replaced to rack B, then the
number of books become equal. If 7 books from rack B are replaced to A, then number of books in
A is 3 times the books in B. What is the total number of books?
Let the no. Of books in rack A = a
and the no. Of books in rack B = b
After replacing 4 books from rack a
New no.of books in rack A = a-5
and in rack B = b+5
Now given that a-5 = b+5
=> a = b+10 --->(1)
From second condition,
7 books are replaced from rack B to A

New no.of books in rack A = a+7
and in rack B = b-7
Now given that, a+7 = 3(b-7)
=> a = 3b-28 -->(2)
Sub (1) in (2)
=> b+10 = 3b-28
=> 2b = 38
=> b = 19
=> a = b+10
=> a = 29
Therefore the total no.of books = a+b = 29+19 = 48
3.If a person moves towards west in straight line for 6m and then to north for another 16m and
then to west again for another 10m, find the distance between starting and ending point?

From the figure, Triangle RPA and Triangle RQB are similar triangles
=> x/(16-x) = 6/10
=> 10x = 96 -6x
=> 16x = 96
=> x = 6
Now Distance between A and B is sum of distances AR and BR
=> 62 + 102
=> 162

4. Given a coordinate system, a point P is at -5 on the x-axis, a point R is at 10 on the x-axis and
another point Q is situated in between P and R, such that the ratio of distance between P and Q to
the distance between R and Q is 2 is to 3.
Col A: The x-coordinate of point Q
Col B: 0
From the given information,
P = (-5,0)
R = (10,0)

Let the distance between P and R be 5x, then PQ = 2x and QR =3x

Find out the distance between P and R = ((10+5)2+(0-0)2) = 15
Now 5x = 15
=> x = 3
Now PQ = 2x = 2*3 = 6
Since P and lie on x-axis then any point lying on the line joining P and R will also lie on x-axis
Hence the Point of Q will be of the form (a,0)
Now we know PQ = 6 = ((a-(-5))2+(0-0)2) = a+5
Hence a = 1
Column A: X-coordinate of Q = 1
Column B: 0
Therefore, Option A is the correct answer
5.If N is an integer between 200 and 300 with units digit 5 and tens digit x, then
Col A: N/5
Col B: 40+2x
N= 200 + 10x + 5 (where x can take any value from 0, 1, 2, ...,9)
Column A: N/5 = (200 + 10x + 5)/5 = 40 + 2x + 1 = 41 + 2x
Column B: 40 + 2x
Hence Column A is greater than Column B

Option A is the correct answer

6.Given a series of odd numbers from 1 to n. Find the probability, that a number selected at
random will be an odd number?(provided n is an odd number)
Number of odd numbers = (n+1)/2
And number of even numbers = n-(n+1)/2 = (2n-n-1)/2 = (n-1)/2
Now the probability of that a number selected at random will be an odd number = (n+1)/2/n
=> (n+1)/2n

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL April 21st) updated by Mohan

1) If the sum of a two digit number 'n' is n/4, then
Col A: n
Col B: 36
It is given, n is a two digit number
So, Let's take n as xy
It says, if we add x + y we get, xy/2
Which means, x + y = xy/2
What is the value of n ( where n = xy)
Here , we need to do trial and error method, that is substituting different values for n
Case 1 : Let n = 36
3 + 6 = 36/4
In case 1, we can say, both the quantities are equal.
Case 2 : Let n =24
2 + 4 = 24/4
In case 2, the value for n = 24 is less than 36, so column B is greater.
From both the cases, we can conclude that, Relationship cannot be determined.

2) If A = {5, 12, 34, 35, 56, 34, 34, 48, 3} and

B = {3, 45, 3, 4, 53, 56, 93, 23, 45, 5}
Col A: The standard deviation of A

Col B: The standard deviation of B

If we have equal denominator in both the columns, then we do not want to find the square root. In
that case, we need to check only the numerator, If the numerator value is greater in one column, then
it means, the standard deviation of that column will be greater.
This can't be done here, because, the denominator value is different, it is 9 in column A and 10 in
Column B.
Mean of sequence A = 29
Standard deviation of A
= {Sqrt [(5-29)2 + (12-29)2 + (34-29)2 + (35-29)2 + (56-29)2 + (34-29)2 + (34-29)2 + (48-29)2 + (3-29)2] /9] }
= {Sqrt [(-24)2+(-17) 2 + (5) 2 + (6) 2 + (27)2+ (5)2+ (5)2+ (19) 2 + (-26) 2 ] /9 }
= Sqrt [ 2742 / 9 ]
= Sqrt [ 304.67]
= 17.45
Mean of sequence B = 33
Standard deviation of B
= [333245332333243325333256332 93332 23332 4533 2
333 2 ] /10
= [302 122 302 -292 202 232 602 -102 122 -302 ] /10
= Sqrt [ 8458 / 10 ]
= Sqrt [ 845.8 ]
= 29.08
Therefore, column B is greater.
But if you feel that it will take lot of time to solve all this, then try to guess by looking at the
numbers given
Mean of set A is 29 and Mean of set B is 33
So, find out maximum (a-mean)2 terms in both the sets (where 'a' can be any individual term which
gives maximum of (a-mean)2 value)
First observe Set A (a-mean)2 = (56-29)2 = 729
For Set B (a-mean)2 = (93-33)2 = 602 = 3600
If we observe these two values for set B the value very much higher than that of set A. Hence in this
case we can conclude that set B will have higher standard deviation.
But if the two values are close then we cannot predict by looking at these values.
NOTE: It's just a mere approximation but every time it may not give us the correct value. So, try this
if you feel that the calculations cannot be done.
3) Given that, if a number x leaves remainder 7 when divided by 11 and leaves remainder 1 when
divided by 5, then

Col A: Least possible value of x

Col B: 40
The General equation for these type of question is
Dividend = ( Divisor * Quotient) + Reminder
For this question, we will have two equations,
if a number x leaves remainder 7 when divided by 11
x = 11 Q1 + 7 -------(1)
number x leaves remainder 1 when divided by 5
x = 5 Q2 + 1 -------(2)
It means, 11 Q1 + 7 = 5 Q2 + 1 --------(3)
By trial and error method, find the values for Q1 and Q2, which should make the equation (3) equal.
So, we will get Q1 = 4 and Q2 = 10
Therefore, the value of x = 51. ( By substituting the value of Q1 and Q2 in equation (1) and (2)
respectively )
Hence, column A is greater.
4) If a line of slope -1/3 passes through the points (1, p) and (4, 5), then what is the value of p?
Solution: 6 is the correct answer
5) If a1 = 2 and an+1=(an - 1)2, then find the value of a17?

It is given a1 = 2
a 2+1 = ( a 2-1)2
a 3 = (a1)2 = (2)2 = 4 This can be written as (2)2
a5 = (a3)2 = (4)2 = 8 this can be written as (2)4
a 7 = (a5)2 = (8)2 = 16 This can be written as (2)8
Like wise, we need to do...........
Then we will get, a 17 = (2)256 = 2^(2^8)
6) Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. When they are 50 miles apart, a fly
starts from one cyclist and move towards other, moving to and fro till the two cyclists meet each
other. If the fly is moving at the rate of 15 miles/hour, then find the total distance covered by the
Answer is 37.5 miles

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL April 21st) updated by Saranya

1. If the sum of a two digit number 'n' is n/4, then
Col A: n
Col B: 36
It is given, n is a two digit number
So, Let's take n as xy
It says, if we add x + y we get, xy/2
Which means, x + y = xy/2
What is the value of n ( where n = xy)
Here , we need to do trial and error method, that is substituting different values for n
Case 1 : Let n = 36
3 + 6 = 36/4
In case 1, we can say, both the quantities are equal.
Case 2 : Let n =24
2 + 4 = 24/4
In case 2, the value for n = 24 is less than 36, so column B is greater.
From both the cases, we can conclude that, Relationship cannot be determined.
2. If A = {5, 12, 34, 35, 56, 34, 34, 48, 3} and B = {3, 45, 3, 4, 53, 56, 93, 23, 45, 5}
Col A: The standard deviation of A
Col B: The standard deviation of B
Mean of sequence A = 29
Standard deviation of A
= {Sqrt [(5-29)2 + (12-29)2 + (34-29)2 + (35-29)2 + (56-29)2 + (34-29)2 + (34-29)2 + (48-29)2 + (329)2] /9] }
= {Sqrt [(-24)2+(-17) 2 + (5) 2 + (6) 2 + (27)2+ (5)2+ (5)2+ (19) 2 + (-26) 2 ] /9 }
= Sqrt [ 2742 / 9 ]
= Sqrt [ 304.67]
= 17.45
Mean of sequence B = 33
Standard deviation of B
= [333245332333243325333256332 93332 23332 4533 2
333 2 ] /10
= [302 122 302 -292 202 232 602 -102 122 -302 ] /10
= Sqrt [ 8458 / 10 ]
= Sqrt [ 845.8 ]
= 29.08

Therefore, column B is greater.

NOTE: If we have equal denominator in both the columns, then we do not want to find the square
root. In that case, we need to check only the numerator, If the numerator value is greater in one
column, then it means, the standard deviation of that column will be greater.
This can't be done here, because, the denominator value is different, it is 9 in column A and 10 in
Column B.
3. Given that, if a number x leaves remainder 7 when divided by 11 and leaves remainder 1
when divided by 5, then
Col A: Least possible value of x
Col B: 40
The General equation for these type of question is
Dividend = ( Divisor * Quotient) + Reminder
For this question, we will have two equations,
if a number x leaves remainder 7 when divided by 11
x = 11 Q1 + 7 -------(1)
number x leaves remainder 1 when divided by 5
x = 5 Q2 + 1 -------(2)
It means, 11 Q1 + 7 = 5 Q2 + 1 --------(3)
By trial and error method, find the values for Q1 and Q2, which should make the equation (3)
So, we will get Q1 = 4 and Q2 = 10
Therefore, the value of x = 51. ( By substituting the value of Q1 and Q2 in equation (1) and (2)
respectively )
Hence, column A is greater.
4. If a line of slope -1/3 passes through the points (1, p) and (4, 5), then what is the value of p?
The two point formula for slope = (Y2 Y1 ) / (X2 X1)
Where, (X1 , Y 1) = ( 1, p)
(X2 , Y 2) = ( 4 , 5)
( 5 p ) / ( 4 1 ) = -1/3
5 p = -1
5. If a1 = 2 and an+1=(an - 1)2, then find the value of a17?
It is given a1 = 2
a 2 + 1 = ( a 2 1)2
a 3 = (a1)2 = (2)2 = 4 This can be written as (2)2
a5 = (a3)2 = (4)2 = 8 this can be written as (2)4
a 7 = (a5)2 = (8)2 = 16 This can be written as (2)8

Like wise, we need to do...........

Then we will get, a 17 = (2)256
The powers are like, 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64, 128, 256...........
Current values power = Previous values power * 2
6. Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. When they are 50 miles
apart, a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other, moving to and fro till the two
cyclists meet each other. If the fly is moving at the rate of 15 miles/hour, then find the total
distance covered by the fly?
Speed of the cyclist = 10 miles / hour
So, for 2 cyclist = 2 * 10 miles/hr = 20miles /hr
They are 50 miles apart, which means Distance = 50 miles
Time taken by the cyclists to meet each other = Distance/Speed = 50/20 = 2.5 hours
The question says, the fly will move to and fro till the cyclists meet each other.
So, the fly will move to and fro for 2.5 hours, because, the cyclist meet only after 2.5 hours.
Time taken = 2.5 hours
speed of the fly was given as 15 miles/hour
Therefore, we can find the distance covered.
Distance = Speed * Time = 15 * 2.5 = 37.5 miles.

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL April 17th) updated by Mohan

1) The product of prime factors of 300.
A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
& so on....
We need to find out the prime factors for 300
300 = 3 * 100 = 3 * 10 * 10 = 3 * 5 * 2 * 5 *2
Therefore, the product of the prime factors = 3 * 5 * 2 = 30 ( option B)
So, the answer is not the number itself
2) If 'P' is the probability of an event occurring, P* is the probability of not occurring an event and if
P>0.5, then
Col A: PP*
Col B: P
Given p > 0.5
We know that p + p* = 1
If p > 0.5

Then p* < 0.5

Column A = PP* < 0.5
Column B p > 0.5
Hence, Column B is greater (Correct answer)
3) If (2,1) is the center of the circle and (9,1) is the point on the circumference, then what is the
radius of the circle?
Distance between (2,1) and (9,1) which is 7
4) In a bottle of 3 red, 4 green and 5 blue marbles, if 2 marbles are taken out, what is the probability
that two marbles are of red color?
=> 3C2/12C2
5) Given A = {6, 6, 9,10,14,15}
B = {7, 9,10,11,14, 15}
Col A: Standard deviation of A
Col B: Standard deviation in B
First find out the mean of these two sets
Mean for Set A = (6+6+9+10+14+15)/6 = 10
Mean for Set B = (7+9+10+11+14+15)/6 = 11
Here the denominators will be same, so no need to find the square root, check with the numerator,
the column in which the numerator is greater, then that columns Standard deviation will be greater.
Now Numerator of Standard deviation A = (10-6)2+(10-6)2+(10-9)2+(10-10)2+(10-14)2+(10-15)2
=> (4)2+(4)2+(1)2+(0)2+(4)2+(5)2= 74
and Numerator of Standard deviation B = (11-7)2+(11-9)2+(11-10)2+(11-11)2+(11-14)2+(11-15)2
=> (4)2+(3)2+(1)2+(0)2+(3)2+(4)2= 42
Hence Column A is greater than Column B
6. Given a series of numbers x, y, z, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8??.If every number in the series is sum of the
proceeding two numbers, then what is value of x?
Answer is 2

7) Given that there are two boats X and Y which start at the same point. If boat X travels due north
at a rate 3miles/hr and boat Y travels due east at a rate of 4miles/hr, then at what time will the two
boats be 10 miles apart?
Answer is 2 h

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL April 17th) updated by Saranya

1. The product of prime factors of 300.
A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
& so on....
300 = 3 * 100 = 3 * 10 * 10 = 3 * 5 * 2 * 5 *2
Therefore, the product of the prime factors = 3 * 5 * 2 = 30 ( option B)
2. If 'P' is the probability of an event occurring, P* is the probability of not occurring an
event and if P>0.5, then
Col A: PP*
Col B: P
It is given ,P is greater than 0.5, so it can take values from 0.6 to 1
Case 1 : If P = 0.6, P* = 1 -0.6 = 0.4,
Col A = (0.6)(0.4) = 0.24 ; Col B = 0.6
So, for case 1 , col B is greater.
Case 2 : If P = 0.8, P* = 1 -0.8 = 0.2,
Col A = (0.8)(0.2) = 0.16 ; Col B = 0.8
So, for case 2 , col B is greater.
Case 3 : If P = 1, P* = 1 -1 = 0,
Col A = (1)(0) = 0 ; Col B = 1
So, for case 3 , col B is greater.
From all the cases, we can conclude that, Column B is greater.
3. If (2,1) is the center of the circle and (9,1) is the point on the circumference, then what is
the radius of the circle?

The diagram is shown above.

If we check the diagram, we can see, it a straight line.
Therefore, we can find the radius of that circle by using, the distance formula
Distance = Sqrt [ (y2 y1)2 + (x2 x1)2 ]
= Sqrt [ (1 -1 ) 2 + ( 9 2)2 ]
= Sqrt [49]
Therefore radius = 7
4. In a bottle of 3 red, 4 green and 5 blue marbles, if 2 marbles are taken out, what is the
probability that two marbles are of red color?
Probability = favorable outcomes / possible outcomes
probability that two marbles are of red color = 3 C 2 / 12 C2 = 1 / 22
5. Given A = {6, 6, 9,10,14,15}
B = {7, 9,10,11,14, 15}
Col A: Standard deviation of A
Col B: Standard deviation in B
It is same as the second question from the beginning, here the denominators will be same, so no
need to find the square root, check with the numerator, the column in which the numerator is
greater, then that columns Standard deviation will be greater.
For this question, Column A is greater
6. Given a series of numbers x, y, z, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8??.If every number in the series is sum of the
proceeding two numbers, then what is value of x?
Acc to the condition
z + 0 = 1, means z = 1
y + 1 = 0, so y = -1
x 1 = 1 , so x = 2

Hence, x = 2
7. Given that there are two boats X and Y which start at the same point. If boat X travels
due north at a rate 3miles/hr and boat Y travels due east at a rate of 4miles/hr, then at
what time will the two boats be 10 miles apart?
The question says,Boat X travels 3 miles/hr and Boat Y travels 4 miles/hr.
Since it forms a right angle triangle.
The speed to cover 10 miles = Sqrt [ (3)2 + (4)2 ] = Sqrt [25] = 5 miles/hr
Therefore, time taken to cover 10 miles = Distance / Time = 10/ 5 = 2 hours

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL April 8th) updated by Saranya

1. Given that, if the area of the triangle STR is 1/9th area of the equilateral triangle PQR,
then what is the ratio of QT/TR?
A. 1:3
B. 3:1
C. 2:1
& so on..

Only with this information, we will not be able to find the ratio between QT/TR.
If the question says, that both PQR and STR are equilateral triangles, we will get the answer as
If triangle POR and STR are equilateral triangles. Then we can say, both are similar triangles.

According to similar triangle property,

PQ=m say
RT=mQR ;SR=m PR ;ST =m PQ
Area of equilateral triangle = ( 3 / 4 )(S^2)
Therefore, Area of triangle PQR = ( 3 / 4 )(QR^2)
Area of triangle STR = ( 3 / 4 )(RT^2)
Since RT = m QR
The ratio of , Area of triangle PQR / Area of triangle STR = [( 3 / 4 )(QR)^2 / ( 3 / 4 )(m QR)^2 ]
Area of triangle PQR / Area of triangle STR =1/ m^2
Area of triangle PQR : Area of triangle STR = 1 : m^2
The question says, area of the triangle STR is 1/9th area of the equilateral triangle PQR.
Area of Triangle STR = 1/9th Area of Triangle PQR
m^2 = 1/9
Therefore, m = 1/3
RT/ QR = 1/3
That is QT : QR = 2/3
Hence, QT / RT = 2/1 = 2 : 1
2. Given a set of five numbers 27, 29, 35, 9, 25 on increasing each number by K if the new
mean of the set becomes 29.5, then what is the new median?
( 27 + k + 29 + k + 35 + k + 9 + k + 25 + k ) / 5 = 29.5
( 125 + 5 k ) = 147.5
5 k = 22.5
k = 4.5
Therefore, the set of new five numbers = (27 + 4.5) , (29 + 4.5) , (35 + 4.5) , (9 + 4.5) , (25 + 4.5)
= 31.5 , 33.5 , 39.5, 13.5 , 29.5
To find the median , we need to arrange the values in ascending order.
13.5, 29.5 , 31.5 , 33.5 , 39.5
Therefore new median = 31.5
3. If a1=2 and an+1= (an-1)^2, then what is the value of a15?
A. 28
B. 216
C. 232
D. 2128
E. 2256
This is same as If a1 = 2 and an+1=(an - 1)^2, then find the value of a17?
Therefore, solution = 2128

4. Given that, if |x| = |y| and xy<0, then

Col A: x-y
Col B: 0
We need to check with few cases, with different values of x and y
Let's take the conditions
(i) xy<0 , so it means x or y should be negative.
(ii) |x| = |y| , so the numerical values of x and y should be equal.
Case 1 : x = 1 , y = -1
Whether it satisfies the condition ,
xy<0 (1)(-1) = -1 , which is less than 0
|1| = |-1| , which means 1 = 1
Conditions are satisfied
So, Col A : x y = 1 - (-1) = 2
From Case 1, we can say, Col A is greater.
Case 2 : x = -2, y = 2
It will satisfy both the conditions.
So, Col A : x y = -2 -2 = -4
From Case 2, we can say, Col B is greater.
Therefore, we can conclude that, relationship cannot be determined
5. If the equation of two lines L & M are 7x 4y = 1 and 10x + 5y + 3 = 0, then
Col A: Slope of the line L
Col B: Slope of the line M
To find the slope, we need to arrange the equation in the general equation form.
General equation : y = m x + c ( m is the slope )
Equation 1 : 7x 4y = 1
4y = 7x 1
Y = (7/4)x + ( - 1/4)
Therefore, Slope of the line L= 7/4
Equation 2 : 10x + 5y + 3 = 0
5y = -10 x 3
Y = (-10/5) x + ( - 3/5)
Y = (-2)x + (- 3/5)
Therefore , Slope of the line M = -2
Hence, Col A is greater.
6. Given that an amount of 2000$ is given for annual interest at rate of 'r'%. If 150$ is received as
an interest for 1 year then find the rate of interest r%?
Principle ( P) = $2000

Rate (R) = r%
Interest (I)= $150
No. of years (N) = 1 year
Interest = PNR / 100
150 = [ (2000)(1)(r) ] / 100
r = 15000 / 2000
r = 7.5 %
Therefore, the rate of Interest = 7.5%
7. Given P, Q, R, S and A, B, C, D as midpoints of bigger square and smaller square
respectively, if on joining these midpoints, if 8 trapeziums are formed as above, then find
the perimeter any one of the trapezium?

We need to find the perimeter of one trapezium.
Let's take the trapezium that is shaded.

The diagram shows you clearly the three sides of the trapezium. ( I guess, you will be clear with
the diagram)
How to find the 4th side?
It is the diagonal .

So, if we deduct the bigger square diagonal from the smaller square diagonal, we will get the left
out portion in the two sides, which are in red color ( do you agree ? )
Diagonal of the square = 2 S
Diagonal of the bigger square = 2 * 4 = 42
Diagonal of the smaller square = 2 * 2 = 22
Therefore the left out portion is 42 22 = 22
Since, the left over is of 2 parts, but we need only one part = (22)/2 = 2
Therefore, Perimeter of the trapezium = 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 4 + 2
8. Given volume of a cube is x3 and find the lateral surface area of the cube?
Solution :
The surface area of the cube is 6S2
But, the lateral surface area is 2x2

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL April 8th) updated by Mohan


Given that, if the area of the triangle STR is 1/9th area of the equilateral triangle PQR, then what is
the ratio of QT/TR?
A. 1:3
B. 3:1
C. 2:1
& so on..
Answer is C
2) Given a set of five numbers 27, 29, 35, 9, 25 on increasing each number by K if the new mean of
the set becomes 29.5, then what is the new median?
( 27 + k + 29 + k + 35 + k + 9 + k + 25 + k ) / 5 = 29.5
( 125 + 5 k ) = 147.5
5 k = 22.5
k = 4.5
Therefore, the set of new five numbers = (27 + 4.5) , (29 + 4.5) , (35 + 4.5) , (9 + 4.5) , (25 + 4.5)
= 31.5 , 33.5 , 39.5, 13.5 , 29.5

To find the median , we need to arrange the values in ascending order.

13.5, 29.5 , 31.5 , 33.5 , 39.5
Therefore new median = 31.5
3. If a1=2 and an+1= (an-1)2, then what is the value of a15?
A. 28 B. 216 C. 232 D. 2128 E. 2256
Answer is 2256
4) Given that, if |x| = |y| and xy<0, then
Col A: x-y
Col B: 0
Answer is relationship Cannot be determined
5) If the equation of two lines L & M are 7x 4y = 1 and 10x + 5y + 3 = 0, then
Col A: Slope of the line L
Col B: Slope of the line M
Answer is Column A is greater
6. Given that an amount of 2000$ is given for annual interest at rate of 'r'%. If 150$ is received as an
interest for 1 year then find the rate of interest r%?
Answer is 7.5%

Given P, Q, R, S and A, B, C, D as midpoints of bigger square and smaller square respectively, if on

joining these midpoints, if 8 trapeziums are formed as above, then find the perimeter any one of
the trapezium?
Answer is 4 + sqrt(2)
8) Given volume of a cube is x3 and find the lateral surface area of the cube?

The surface area of the cube is 6S2

But, the lateral surface area is 2x2
GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL April 3rd) updated by Saranya
1. The value of 1/5 - 1/10 =
A. 0.1
B. 0.2
C. 0.5
& so on.....
1/5 1/10 = 1/10 = 0.1
2. If the base length and height of a bigger triangle are 4 & 5, and if the base length and height of
smaller triangle are 3 & 3, then what is the area of the shaded region?

Area of the shaded region = Area of the bigger triangle Area of the inner triangle
= 20/2 9/2
= 11/2
= 5.5 Sq. units
3. Given 'n' is a positive integer. What is the least value of n, such that the product 12n
should be a perfect square of some integer?
We should have different values of n and substitute in 12n to satisfy the condition.
Let , n = 1
12n = 12 ( It is not a perfect square)
Let n = 2
12n = 24 ( It is not a perfect square)
Let n = 3

12n = 36
it is the perfect square of another integer 6.
Therefore, the least value of n = 3.
4. A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost. If 36 people charter aircraft
rather than 40, then loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?
Let the total cost be X and cost / amount per person be A
The fixed total cost will be shared among 40 people equally.
It means 40 A = X ----------equation (1)
If 36 people are sharing the fixed total cost, then loss per person is 12$.
It means, each person should pay 12$ in addition to A
36 ( A + 12) = X -----------equation (2)
Substitute equation (1) in equation (2)
36 A + 432 = 40 A
4 A = 432
A = 108
Therefore, cost per person if 40 people charter it = $108
5. Col A: (0.9/1.1) 2 + (1.1 /0.9)2
Col B: 2
Col A : (9/11)2 + ( 11/ 9)2 = (81/121) + (121/81) = 0.67 + 1.49 = 2.16
Col B : 2
Therefore, Column A is greater.
6. If slope of a line XY is -1/2, then
Col A: X-intercept of Line
Col B: Y-intercept of Line.
It is given slope of the line XY is -1/2
The general equation is y = m x + c
Where, m is the slope
y = (-1/2 ) x + c
2y = -x + 2c
Let x be 0, to find the value of y
2y = 0 + 2 c
Therefore, Y intercept = c ( Col B )
Let y be 0, to find the value of x
0 = -x + 2c
x = 2c
Therefore, X intercept = 2c ( Col A)

Since, the value of c can be positive or negative, relationship cannot be determined

7. If the median of seven Consecutive integers is 2n+2, then find the Arithmetic mean of the
Remember : If we have an odd set of consecutive integer ( say, 3 consecutive integers or 5
consecutive integers or 7 consecutive integers or 9 consecutive integers, etc.,). In this case, the
mean value and the median value will be same.
Since, the question talks about 7 consecutive integers and the median value is given.
The Arithmetic mean of the sequence = Median of the sequence.
Therefore, A.M = 2n + 2

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL December 10th) updated by Saranya

1) Given that, the probability that it won't rain tomorrow is 0.46
Col A: The probability that it will rain tomorrow at temperature of 85degree centigrade
Col B: 0.54
p is the probability of success (probability that it will rain.)
q is the probability of failure (probability that it won't rain.)
then p + q = 1.
Given : q = 0.46
Therefore, p = 1 0.46 = 0.54
2) If 'N' is a 3 digit number where hundreds place is 'x' and units place is 'y' then what will be the
factor for N-100x-y?
A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 D. 6
E. 7
Case 1 : Let us take N as 131, x = 1 and y = 1,
then , N-100x-y = 131 100-1= 30, which is a factor of 3, 5 and 6.
Case 2 : Let us take N as 456, x=4 and y = 6
then, N-100x-y = 456 400 6 = 50 , which is a factor of 5
Case 3 : Let us take N as 142, x=1and y = 2
then, N-100x-y = 142 100 2 = 40 , which is a factor of 4 and 5.
From all these cases, what we infer is, for any number of N, the factor for N-100x-y will be 5.
Answer is Option C (5)

3) If 'S' is a set of all integers that are multiples of 3 & multiples of 5, provided it should be of 2
digits, then find the range of S?
A. 81 B. 77
C. 87 D. 89
E. 91
Multiples of 3 and Multiples of 5 ( condition : it should be of 2 digits)
Multiples of 3 = { 12 , 15 , 18 , 21 ,........................., 99}
Multiples of 5 = { 10, 15, 20, 25, .............................,95}
Therefore, S = { 10,12,15,18,...........................99}
Range = Maximum number Minimum Number
Range of S = 99 10 = 89
Answer : Option D (89)
4) Find the number of possible values of x & y in the expression (5+x)/(7+y), so that the resultant
ratio is 5:7 where x and y lie between 12 and 29?
(5+x)/(7+y) = 5/7
x and y should lie between 12 and 29
To Find : x and y
5+x must be a multiple of 5 , the possible values will be (5+0), (5+5), (5+10), (5+15),(5+20),(5+25),
7+y must be a multiple of 7 , the possible values will be (7+0), (7+7), (7+14), (7+21),(7+28),(7+35),
(5+x)/(7+y) can be (5+0)/(7+0) , (5+5)/(7+7), (5+10)/(7+14), (5+15)/(7+21) , (5+20)/(7+28) , (5+25)/
(7+35) , (5+30)/(7+42)
All the above said are possible values that x and y can take, but
the condition given is x and y should lie between 12 and 29.
So , eliminating options, which does not lie in this range, we get
(5+15)/(7+21) and (5+20)/(7+28).
Answer : x = 15 and y = 21 (or) x = 20 and y = 28
Whichever option given in the question can be marked as the answer.
5) If -2 < x < -1, then
Col A: 1/x3
Col B: 1/x

In all cases except x = -1 ,

the value of 1/x3 > value of 1/x
Answer : Option A (Column A is greater)
Note : If the question given as If 2 < x < 1 , all positive values, then
In all cases except x = 1

Value of 1/x3 < value of 1/x.

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL December 9th) updated by Saranya
1) A triangle ABC is given, in which lengths of two sides were given as BC = 12 , AC = 13 and the
perimeter of the triangle is 32.
Col A: Measure of angle of B
Col B: 90
AB + BC + AC = 32
BC and AC are given as 12 and 13 , therefore, AB = 7

Note : Conditions to satisfy

If angle B to be Right

Condition to be satisfied AB2 + BC2 = AC2

If angle B to be an
Obtuse angle

Condition to be satisfied AB2 + BC2 < AC2

If angle B to be an Acute Condition to be satisfied AB2 + BC2 > AC2

In this question , if we solve the values we will get as AB2 + BC2 > AC2
72 + 122 > 132, therefore, it is an acute angle
Answer : Option B ( Column B is greater )

2) Given the average of seven numbers as 35. When k is added to it, if the average of eight numbers
remains 35, then what is the value of k?
(Total of 7 numbers ) / 7 = 35
Therefore, total of 7 numbers = 245
If k is added , then the average of 8 numbers remains 35
(245 + k ) / 8 = 35
245 + k = 280
k = 35
Answer: the value of k is 35
3) Col A: 2^-1 + 1/(2)^-1
Col B: (3)^-1 + 1/(3)^-1
Col A can be written as + 2 = 5/2 = 2.5
Col B can be written as 1/3 + 3 = 10/3 = 3.33
Answer : Option B ( Colum B is greater )
4) If x > 0 and y > 0, then
Col A: sqrt(xy)
Col B: sqrt(x+y)
Case 1 : If x = 0.2 and y = 0.2
Col A = 0.04 = 0.2 and Col B = 0.4 = 0.632
In case 1, column B is greater.
Case 2 : If x = 2 and y = 3
Col A = 6 = 2.45 and Col B = 5 = 2.24
In case 2, column A is greater.
Answer : Option D ( Relation Cannot be determined )
5) Given a cuboid consisting of small tiles of dimension 1feet, the small tiles spread across length
are 9 in amount, across height are 3 in amount and across width are 6 in amount{not sure}. Find the
total surface area of cuboid?

Given : length = 9 , height = 3 and width = 6 (as per the question )

Total surface Area of cuboid = 2(lw+wh+hl)
= 2 ( 54 + 18 + 27 )
= 198
Answer : Total Surface Area of Cuboid = 198 sq units
6. Given a circular flower garden with radius 'r' and a stone walk surrounds the garden whose
thickness is given as half the radius of circular garden.
Col A: Area of circular garden
Col B: Area of stone walk

Col A : Area of Circular garden = r2
Col B : Area of stone walk = Area of outer circle Area of the inner circle
= ( r + r/2)2 r2
= (9/4)r2 r2
= 5/4r2
Answer : Option B ( Column B is greater )
GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL December 8th) updated by Saranya
1) For n/12, what is the value of n whose remainder is odd integer?
n can take any value from { 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23,25,.....}
Therefore, Value cannot be determined
2) If 'x' and 'y' are integers between 12 and 30, then for (5+x)/(7+y) how many sets of x & y for the

given expression will be having same ratio?

Same question as, Find the number of possible values of x & y in the expression (5+x)/(7+y), so that
the resultant ratio is 5:7 where x and y lie between 12 and 29? , Solve by the same method.
3) Given five consecutive numbers, if the highest value of them is x, then what is the average of the
Five consecutive numbers with the highest value of x will be
(x 4 ) , ( x 3 ) , ( x 2 ) , ( x 1 ) , x
Average of these numbers = (x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + x 1 + x )/5
= (5x 10 )/ 5
Answer : Average of numbers = x -2
4) Given series 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Col A: Standard Deviation of given series
Col B: 1
Col A : Standards Deviation of 1,1,1,1,1 = 0
Note : Always Standard deviation for a sequence of 1 will be equal to zero
Col B : 1
Answer : Option B ( Column B is greater )

Given a figure like above i.e. a square whose side is equal to diameter of the circle, find the area of
Area of the circle = r2 (or)d

As the diameter of the circle is equal to the side of the square,

Area of the circle = S
Answer : With the available information, Area of the circle can be r2 (or) d (or) S
6) A teacher teaches biology for a group 53 students. She can divide them into two batches P and Q.
P has 7 batches of n students each. Q has x students of five batches; or six students with y
students in 5 batches and (y+1) students in 6th batch.
Col A: x
Col B: n
( Question is insufficient )
7. If x is a positive number, then
Col A: x^2
Col B: 1/x^2
If x is a positive number greater than 1, then we can say x^2 > 1/x^2
but, here, 1 is also included,
if we substitute 1 in Col A and Col B , we will get x^2 = 1/x^2
Answer : Option D ( Relationship cannot be determined )

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL December 5th) updated by Saranya

1. Given N is a positive odd integer. If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the
units place then what is the value of N?
A. n > 90
B. 30 < N
C. N > 50
D. 30 < N < 50
If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the units place and
N is a positive odd integer.
N can take only two values , 21 and 63.
Answer : It does not fall in any of the options.
2. Given a series of numbers 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3.......
Col A: The sum of the first 67 terms
Col B: 34

1st No.

2nd No. 3rd No.

4th No.

5th No.

6th No. 7th No.

8th No.

9th No.

10th No.

First 10 1






















34 (67th

Sum of first 67 terms = 34 ( except 34, all the values have + sign and sign alternatively, which will be
Answer : Option C ( Both are equal )

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL December 4th) updated by Saranya

1. Given three series
l: x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x
ll: x, x+1, x+2, x+3
lll: 1/x,1/x+1,1/x+2,1/x+3
Which of the series has same mean and median?
l: x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x
Mean = (x + 2x + 3x + 4x + 5x )/5 = 3x
Meadian = (n + 1 )/2 th term = 3rd term = 3x
Both are same.
ll: x, x+1, x+2, x+3
Mean = (4x + 6 )/ 4 = (2x + 3 )/2
Median = 2.5th term = (2nd term + 3rd term ) / 2 = [(x+1) + (x+2) ] / 2 = (2x + 3)/2
Both are same.
lll: 1/x,1/x+1,1/x+2,1/x+3
Mean : (4 + 6x)/4x = (2 + 3x )/2x
Median : 2.5th term = (2nd term + 3rd term ) / 2= (2 + 3x )/2x
Both are same
Answer : For all the three options mean and median are same.

2. In a class of 20 students, one half of the students are boys, if a teacher has to select 7
students and the first 6 are girls. What is the probability that the 7th student is a girl
Given: Total number of students = 20.
Number of boys = 10
Number of girls = 10 First 6 are girls.
The remaining girls = 4
Total number of remaining students = 20 6 = 14.
We need to select a girl to put in the 7th place.
Probability of selecting a girl = 4C1/ 14C1 = 4 / 14 = 2 / 7.
So, the probability that the 7th students is a girl = 2/ 7.
Answer : The probability that the 7th student is a girl is 2/7
4. If the probability of not raining tomorrow is 0.42, then
Col A: Probability of not raining tomorrow, when temperature is above 85 centigrade
Col B: 0.58
Solution already given
5. Col A: 10! + 9!
Col B: 10(9!)
10(9!) is nothing but 10!
Hence, it is clear Col A > Col B
Answer : Option A ( Column A is greater )
6. If x & y are the integers between 13 & 29, then for 5+x/7+y how many sets of values of x & y
for the given expression will be in same ratio?
Solution already given
7. If x/x-1 = x-2/x+1
Col A: x
Col B: 2/3
x/(x-1) = (x-2)/(x+1)
x(x+1) = (x -2)(x-1)
x2 +x = x2 -x -2x + 2
4x = 2
x = 1/2
Col A = = 0.5
Col B = 2/3 = 0.67

Answer : Option B ( Col B is greater )

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED TILL December 3rd) updated by Saranya

1. There are 1 badger and 1 panderer. If each badger has 6 flavors and each panderer has 3
flavors, then what is the total number of ways of selecting 4 flavors from badger and 1
flavor from panderer?
Total number of flavors in badger is 6.
From the badger of 6 flavor, 4 flavors can be selected in 6C4 = 15 ways.
Total number of falvors of panderer = 3.
From the panderer of 3 flavors, 1 can be selected in 3C1 = 3 ways.
The total number of ways of selecting 4 flavors from badger and 1 flavor from panderer = 15 x 3
= 45 ways.
Answer : The total number of ways of selecting 4 flavors from badger and 1 flavor from panderer
= 45 ways
2. Given 'A' works 25mins to produce 1 ton of oil and 'B' works 30mins to produce 1 ton of oil, If
they work simultaneously, then in how many hours they can produce 15 tons of oil?
A works 25 minutes to produce 1 ton oil.
In one minute A can produce 1 /25 tons of oil.
B works 30 minutes to produce 1 ton oil.
In one minute B can produce 1/ 30 tons of oil.
Together can produce 1/25 + 1/30 tons of oil in one minute.
1/25 + 1/30 = 55 / 750.
That is, in 750 minutes, they both can produce 55 tons of oil.
To produce one ton of oil, the need to work 750/ 55 minutes.
To produce 15 tons of oil, the need to work 15 x 750/55 minutes.
Let us convert 15 x 750/55 minutes to hours.
15 x 750/55 minutes = 15 x 750/55 / 60 hours = 150/44 hrs. = 3.4091 hrs.
That is, 3 hrs 24 minutes and 33 seconds.
Answer : 3 hrs 24 minutes and 33 seconds.
3. 1/2(10^6) =??
Option A. 5*10^5 , other options not given
1/2(10^6) = ( 2)6 (5)6 = (25)(56)
Answer : (25)(56) , check with the options
4. Col A: (0.02)^2
Col B: (-0.05)^2

(0.02)^2 = 0.02 x 0.02 = 0.0004

(-0.05)^2 = 0.05 x 0.05 = 0.0025
Answer : Option B ( Column B is greater)
5. If -10 < = X < = 6, then what is the maximum possible greatest value of -X^2+X^4?
Both the powers are even.
Therefore, negative values when powered with even values will turn into a positive value.
Hence, -X^2+X^4 = - (-10)2 + (-10)4 = -100 + 10000 = 9900
Answer : The maximum possible greatest value of -X^2+X^4 = 9900
7. If 'A' is three times of 'B' and 'B' is five times of 'C', then how many times is 'A' when
compared to 'C'?
A is three times B. This can be written as A = 3B ------> 1.
B is five times C. This can be written as B = 5C.
Plug in B = 5C in eqn 1.
A = 3(5C) = 15C.
A = 15C
Answer : A is 15 times of C

GRE QUANT DATABASE(UPDATED Unknown date) updated by Saranya

Question 1 : Given a figure as above with circle inside a square, if the area of the square is 16, then
Col A: Area of circle
Col B: 4PIE
The figure is

Area of the square is 16 , implies that the length of the side of the square is 4. Since the circle
completely lies inside the square, the diameter of the circle is less than 4.
The radius of the circle is less than 2.
Hence the area of the circle is less than 4.

Col B is greater
Question 2: If 61% supports X and 55% supports Y and out of those who support Y 80% also
supports X , then what percentage of people supports neither X nor Y?
Suppose:Given that 61% support X,
55% support Y and out of those who support Y, 80% also supports X.
ie 80% of (55% support Y) support X .
ie 80% X 55% supports both X and Y
Thus 44% supports both X and Y, (61 44)% = 17% support only X and (55 44)% = 11% support
only Y.
Hence 17% + 11% + 44% = 72% either support X or Y and (100 72)% = 28% of people neither
support X nor Y.
Question 3: If there is a series in which the first number A1 is 4 and An+1 = (An - 3)^2, then what
is the 25th number ?
(Here 1, n, n+1 are suffixes)
Here we have not given information about the complete sequence.
Given : A1=4 , A n1= An3^2
Let n - 3 = 1, then n = 4
Hence we can find A41=A5=A43^2 =A1^2 =4^2
Let n-3 = 5, then n = 8
A81= A9 = A83^2 = A5^2 = 4^4
n 3 = 9, then n = 12
The sequence is 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25,.....
such that A1=4 , A5=4^2 , A9=4^4 , A13=4^8 , A17=4^16, A21=4^32 , A25=4^64
Question 4: A certain game has multiple rounds, in each round a participant receives either 2
points or 4 points, the average points received by one particular participant for all the rounds is
Col A : 9 times the number of rounds in which the participant got 4 points
Col B: the number of rounds in which the participant got 2 points
The game has N multiple rounds.
In that suppose there are T games in which the participate receives 2 points. Thus in N T games the
participant has receive 4 points.
Given the average points received by one particular participant for all the rounds is 2.2
2T4 NT
N =2.2
4N2T=2.2 N
18N20T=0 ,
9 NT =T

Hence Col A = Col B

Question 5 : If there is a list of some numbers, whose mean is 10.8 and standard deviation is '0',
Col A: Range of that list
Col B: 0
Note that standard deviation describes the distribution of these number. In other words, it says how
is the list these numbers is away from the mean.
Here standard deviation is 0 which says that all the numbers in the list must be equal to 10.8.
Hence the range of the list = max value min value = 10.8 10.8 = 0
Answer is C
Question 6 : Given Set A = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...m & Set B = 1, 2, 3 ....n where 'n' is odd and 'm' is even
Col A: Percentage of odd numbers in A
Col B: Percentage of even numbers in B
Set A = 1,2,3....m
Note that when m is even then Set A will have m/2 even number and m/2 odd numbers. Hence the
number of odd numbers will be 50%
Set B = 1, 2,3...n
Note that when n is odd then Set B will have (n 1)/2 even number and ((n 1)/2 + 1) odd numbers.
Hence the number of even numbers will be (n 1)/n * 50% < 50% as (n-1)/n < 1
Hence answer is column A.
Question 7 :

Given a figure like above, here PQRS is a square of length 10 and the line VT is the
perpendicular to the diameter of the semicircle PQ and it is also given that PU = 2, then find the
length of VT?

Consider the following figure.

Length of the square is 10 means side of the square is 10.

Hence the diameter of the semicircle is 10 and radius is 5.
PU = 2 implies OU=3 and also OV = 5.
where O is the center of the circle.
Now, VOU is an right angled triangle.
By hypotenuse theorem we get VU = 4.
VT = 4 + 10 = 14
Question 8 :How much interest would accrue over a $4000 loan over 3 months at 8% annual Simple
Given : Principle(p) = $4000
Number of years (n) = 3/12
Interest ( r ) = 8%
To Find : Interest
Interest = [(p)(n)(r)] / 100
= [4000 x (3/12) x 8 ] / 100
= $ 80.
Question 9 :Dick is twice as old as he was 10 yrs ago. Jane is half as old as she will be in 10 years.
Evaluate and choose
Col A: Dicks age
Col B: Janes age

Let us Consider each case separately.

First case: Dick is twice as old as he was 10 yrs ago.
It means the present age of Dick , is 2 times the age of Dick 10years ago.
Now we can frame the equation
Let age of Dick be X
Let Y be his 10 years before, Y = X 10
But its also given that X = 2Y
Therefore X = 2 ( X-10)
X = 2X -20
2X X = 20
X = 20,
Hence age of Dick = 20 years.
Second Case: Jane is half as old as she will be in 10 years.
It means Jane's age is half the age of hers 10 years later.
Now we can form the equation.
Let age of Jane be M
Let N be the age after 10 years, N = M+10
Bit its given that M = N
Therefore,M= (M + 10)
2M = M + 10
2M M = 10
M = 10,
Hence age of Jane = 10years
Therefore, answer is Option 1 ( Column A is greater )
Question 10 : The range of list-1 is 16 and range of list-2 is 10(approx values). If both the lists are
combined then what will be the minimum value of their range?
The question is incomplete, it has not given any detail with regard to list 1 and list 2, Hence, it
cannot be computed.
Let us take 2 cases for better understanding.
Case 1 :Let list-1 contains numbers from 1 to 17 and list-2 contains 20 to 30

Here the range on list-1 is16 and range of list-2 is 10 and the minimum value of these two lists are 1
and 20 respectively.
If we combine both the lists, the minimum value will be 1 which comes from list-1.
Case 2 : Let list-1 contains value from 5 to 21 and list -2 contains value from 2 to 12
Here also the range for list-1 is 16 and the range for list-2 is 10 and the minimum values are 5 and 2
If we combine both the lists, the minimum value will be 2 which comes from list-2.
From these two cases, we can clearly say, that both the lists can have numerous combination of
numbers and their minimum value will be changing accordingly ie the minimum value may come from
any list.
Hence, the question provided is insufficient to answer.
Question 11 : Given that there was about 8500 distribution numbers. If the score of 26.7 was 35th
percentile and 37.1 was 50th percentile, then how many distribution parameter numbers
accounted for about 50 percentile of the distribution?
26.7 was 35th percentile It means in a distribution of 100, 36th person will have the score of 26.7 .
37.1was 50th percentile It means, in a distribution of 100, 51st person will have the score of 37.1.
The question is to find out how many distribution parameter numbers accounted for about 50
percentile of the distribution.
It means, in 8500 distribution where this 50 percentile will fall.
The formula is (L/N) x 100 = P
we need to find L, where N = 8500 and P = 50
L = (50 x 8500)/100
= 4250.
Therefore, 4250 distribution parameter numbers are accounted for 50th percentile of the
Question 12 : Given that, there is a field with 'r' sections in which there are 's' sub- fields in each
section. It is also given that there are 5 employees for working and each one does the work equally.
If there is an employee Annie who does the work of her and also 1/3 work of the other colleague,
Col A: Work done by Annie
Col B: rs/4.

Total work that has to be completed by all the employees = rs
This is because, we need to work in a field with 'r' sections and each of these 'r' sections have 's' subfields.
Now let us find the work done by each employee.
It is given that all the employees work equally
Therefore, work done by each employee = (Total work)/ (Number of employees)
= rs/5
In column A it is given as Work done by Annie
Work done by Annie = Annie's work + 1/3 work of the other employee.
= rs/5 + (1/3)(rs/5)
= rs/5 + rs/15
= (3rs + rs )/15
= 4rs/15
= rs/3.75
In Column B : rs/4
When comparing column A and column B
Column A is greater.

Question 13:

PR and PQ are chords and ON a tangent to circle of

centre C. Angle QRP measures 40 0.What is the
measure of angle PQR ?

Consider the diagram, line ON is tangent of the circle with center C . Angle of the arc PR will be equal
to the angle PCR. Draw the line CR .
CP is perpendicular to ON. Angle CPO is 900.
=> Angle CPR + Angle RPO = 900.
=> angle CPR = 900 angle RPO ---------------(1)
Now, consider CPR,
angle CRP = angle CPR

angle CRP + angle CPR + angle PCR = 1800

2(angle CRP) + angle RCP = 1800
From (1)
2(900 angle RPO) + angle RCP = 1800
angle RCP = 2 (angle RPO) ------------------(2)

Now, angle RCP = 2 (angle RQP)

From (2)
We have angle RPO = angle RQP
since, angle CPR = 100.(given)
angle RPO = 800.
=>angle RQP = 800.

Question 14 : Two lists were given: A: 12, 10, 30, 35 & 40 and B: 30, 50, 20, 10 & 60
Col A: Standard Deviation of A
Col B: Standard Deviation of B
Mean of sequence A = 25.4

1225.421025.423025.4 2 3525.424025.42
Standard deviation of A =
13.4 15.4 4.4 9.42 14.42

Mean of sequence B = 34

30342503422034210342 60342
Standard deviation of B =
4 24 14 142302

Clearly, numerator of standard deviation A < numerator of standard deviation B

Hence Column B is greater
Question 15 : Given one triangle whose arms are 3 and 5. If its angles are less than 90, then find the

range of other arm?

If is the angle between the sides of
length 3 and 5. The range of is 0 - 90
If the angle the two arms is 0, then the length
of the third arm is (5- 3) = 2.
If the angle the two arms is 90,
then the length of the third arm
(by hypotenuse theorem) is 523 2= 34
Hence the range of third side is 2 to

34 .

Question 16 : If in a team of 100, 70 liked cricket, 80 liked football and 5 liked neither, then how
many people did like cricket but not football?
Out of 100 people, 5 liked neither.
Thus out of 95 students, 80 liked football and 70 liked cricket.
Let x people play both cricket and football. Hence 70 x people likes to play only cricket and 80 x
people likes to play only football.
But the total number people who plays either cricket or football = 95
Hence (70 x) + x + (80 x) = 95
x = 55
Hence 60 people likes to play both cricket and football.
(70 55) = 15 likes to play only cricket.
Question 16 : There are two names given JOHNSON and TONY. If one letter is picked from both
simultaneously at random, then find the probability that the letter is same?
From the words JOHNSON and TONY, the letters 'O' and 'N' occurs in both the word.
What is the probability that either 'O' or 'N' is chosen?
The probability of choosing 'O' in JOHNSON is 2/7 and probability of choosing O from the letter TONY
is 1/4 . Hence the probability that O is chosen from both the names = 2/7 * 1/4 = 1/14
Similarly the probability of choosing 'N' in JOHNSON is 2/7 and probability of choosing N from the
letter TONY is 1/4 . Hence the probability that N is chosen from both the names = 2/7 * 1/4 = 1/14
Hence the probability that either N or O is chosen, = 1/14 + 1/14 = 1/7.

Question 17 : If a wheel 'A' has half the diameter of wheel B, then

Col A: Number of revolutions made by wheel A to cover 5000 miles

Col B: Number of revolutions made by wheel B to cover 2500 miles

If d is the diameter of wheel A , then the diameter of wheel B is 2d.
Hence perimeter or circumference of wheel A is d and the perimeter of wheel B is 2d.
Note that the one revolution of wheel A = circumference of the wheel A.
Hence the number of revolutions made by wheel A to cover 5000 miles = 5000/ d
Similarly one revolution of wheel B = circumference of the wheel B.
Hence the number of revolutions made by wheel B to cover 2500 miles = 2500/ 2d = 1250/d
Hence, Column A > Column B.
Question 18: A Rectangular floor is made up of 'M' rows and 'M+4' columns fully made up of square
Col A : The difference between the number of tiles in the 21st row and 26th column
Col B: M^2+2M+2
Given a rectangular floor made up of 'M' rows and 'M+4' columns fully made up of square tiles.
Hence each row has M+4 tiles and each column has M tiles.
Column A: The difference between the number of tiles in the 21st row and 26th column = M+4 M = 4
Hence column A = 4
Column B : M2 + 2M + 2.
Since M is the positive integer.
Even if M = 1 then M2 + 2M + 2 = 5
Hence M2 + 2M + 2 > 4
Column A > column B
Question 19 : A girl has several pigeons and she uses 'W'kg grains to feed them for a week. If a
single pigeon consumes 'K'kg per day, then
Col A: The total Number of pigeons
Col B: 7W/K
Since a pigeon consumes K kg per day. Therefore in 7 days one pigeon will consume 7K kg
and suppose she has x pigeons then,
7Kx = W
x = W/7K
Column A : x =W/7K
Column B : 7W/K > W/7K
Hence Column B is bigger

Question 20 : If x, y & z are exterior angles of a triangle, then

Col A: x+y
Col B: 180-z
Let us draw the figure.
x, y and z are exterior angles with respect to a, b, c
Hence let us see all possible equations
1) x + a = 180
2) y + b = 180
3) z + c = 180
4) x = b + c
5) y = a + c
6) z = a +b
x + y = 180 a + 180 b
= 360 (a + b)
= 360 z
= (180 z) + 180
Hence Column A is greater
Question : If perimeter of a rectangle A is 20 & perimeter of rectangle B is 24, then
Col A: Area of the rectangle
Col B: Area of the rectangle
Perimeter of rectangle A is 20. Let the length and breadth of rectangle A be 6 and 4. Then perimeter is
20 and the area is 24 .
If length and breadth of rectangle B is 10 and 2, then the perimeter is 24 and the area is 20. But if the
length and breadth of rectangle B is 7 and 5 then the perimeter is 24 bu the area is 35
Since there is no information about the length and breadth of rectangle A and B and the answer is
option D that the relation cannot be determined.

Sheetal Doubts
1) if y= 2x + 3 , xy < 0 value of x lies between ?
To satisfy the condition xy<0, we have two options
If x is positive, y should be negative.
It means, x > 0 and 2x + 3 < 0
If x is negative, y should be positive.

It means , x < 0 and 2x + 3 > 0

The first case will not hold good, because, if x is positive, y will also be positive and not negative.
Therefore, first option is ruled out.
Thus second option alone holds good,
2x + 3 > 0
2x > -3
x > -3/2 -----------(1)
Thus, the second condition says, x < 0 ---------(2) , Hence from (1) and (2)
Hence the range of x is -3/2 < x < 0.
2) If integer defined as (-1)^n then which of following is applicable for integers a & b
I) a+b= a*b
II) (a+b) = a + b
III) a*b = (a)* (b)
a) both 1 &2 b)only 1 c) only 2 d) none e) all
The question should be If n is the integer, it is defined as (-1)^n.........
Then a = (-1)^a
b = (-1)^b
a + b = (-1)^(a+b)
= (-1)^a * (-1)^b
= a*b
a*b = (-1)^a * (-1)^b
= (-1)^(a+b)
= a + b.
From this we can say that, only 1 is correct.
Answer : Option b
3) abc is a triangle with ac = x+5 , bc= x , ab = 20- x, angle opp to ac and bc acute , wh is value of x??
Sides of the triangles should satisfy the 3 conditions of inequalities.
AC < AB + BC
AB < AC + CB
BC < AB + AC
Lets check for these conditions.
(x+5) < x + 20 x
x +5 < 20
x < 15 ----------(1)
(20 x ) < x + 5 + x
20 x < 2x + 5

-3x < -15

3x > 15
x > 5 --------------(2)
x < 20 x + x + 5
x < 25--------------(3)
Hence, the value of x should satisfy all the 3 requirements.
With this, we can say, x can vary from 6 to 24.
4) Standard dev and mean of a group of nos given .largest and smallest nos given . hw many nos are
there in that grp of nos ?? i.e how to find n??
Only with these information, we will not be able to find out the value of n.
7 ) A teacher teaches biology in a class of 53 students. she divides them into 2 batches p and q. p
has 7 batches of n each and q has x students of 5 batches or 6 students in 5 batches and ( y+1) in 6th
Col a - x
Col b - n
Given : 53 is divided into p and q
p 7 batches of n each = 7n
q x students of 5 batches = 5x
6 students in 5 batches and (y+1) in 6th batch = 30 + (y +1)
we can say that 5x = 30 + y + 1
5x = 31 + y
we need to find x and n
x and n can take any value , therefore, value cannot be determined.
8) A certain game has multiple rounds in each round and participants receives either 2 to 4 pts avg.
avg received by 1particular participant for all rounds is 2.2
col a )" 9 times no of rounds in which participant got 4 pts
col b) no of rounds in which participant got 2 pts.
If in round x , the person gets 4 points
In round y, he gets 2 points
and it is said that, his average in all rounds is 2.2, then
(4x + 2y) / (x+y) = 2.2
4x + 2y = 2.2x + 2.2y

1.8x = 0.2y
18x = 2y
9x =y
Col a : 9 times no of rounds in which participant got 4 pts = 9x
Col b : no of rounds in which participant got 2 pts = y
From our calculation, it is said that, 9x = y
Hence, both the quantities are equal.
9) Given x1 , x2 , x3 can do a job together in 4 hrs if x1, x2 can do the same job in 6 hrs then how
long it would take for x3 i do that job alone.
RATE OF X1 +X2+X3 = 1/4 -------------(1)
X1+X2 = 1/6------------(2)
Subtracting (20 from (1)
X3 = 1/12 SO IT TAKE 12 Hrs
10) Series given -8, -3, 5, 8, 3, -5
cola ) the no that would 1st time repeat 3rd time
col b) 3
Every number is the sequence is the difference of last two numbers.
Third term = second term First term = -3 - (-8) = 5
Fourth term = Third term Second term = 5 - (-3) = 8
If we find the 7th term , we will get as - 8 , and the same sequence follows, hence, the number that
would first repeat the third time is - 8
Therefore, Col B is greater.
11) LCM of x and y is 24 and of z and w is 30 . what is LCM of x,y,z,w.
LCM for x and y = 24 = 6 * 4 = 2 * 3 * 2 * 2
LCM for z and w = 30 = 6 * 5 = 2 * 3 * 5
Therefore, LCM for x,y,z,w = 120 ( it is nothing but, 2*3*2*2*5)
5) 2^n > 10^15n .wh is value of n?

Only if n is negative, 2^n > 10^15n is possible

6)given x and y are integers . if A = 896*355*(x-1) (y+2)
col a) unit digit of a
col b) 0
A = 896 * 355 * (x -1 )(y-2)
First consider 896 * 355
The unit digit of this will be 0 . (it is because 6*5 = 30, the unit digit is 0 in this case).
Hence, anything multiplied will have the unit digit as 0.
Therefore, both the columns are equal.

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