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0) Install Unity (DO NOT RUN IT).

1) Run patch as Administrator.

2) Select "Unity folder" by pressing "Browse" button.
Copy the "Patch file" in "Unity folder".
(default : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor")
3) Select Unity version by pressing "drop-down menu" (if needed).
4) Click the "Patch" button to start the patching process.
//Manual License installation
The Patch automatically creates "Unity_v4.x.ulf" file in "Environment.SpecialFol
der.CommonApplicationData + /Unity" or in specifed folder (if error).
You can create other fake license, go in patch and use "CreLic" button to create
new one.
1) Activate unity manually without connection to internet.
OR :
Copy the "Unity_v4.x.ulf" in:
Win8, Win7, WinVista :
(create folder if not exist)
WinXP :
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Program Data\Unity
(create folder if not exist)
"No acces to path ..."!!!
fix: (file - folder) - properties - safety - edit
"Pattern not found!!"
File is already patched or not supported by the patch.

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