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Laws of Desert Combat:

?Any attempt to find cover will result in failure.

?Supply Shipments at night stick out like a sore thumb.
?Tanks should never leave the established roads
?Established roads are always mined
?Operations in daytime will cause the lesser equipped army to win
?The effectiveness of a soldier in desert combat is inversely porportional to ho
w heavy his equipment is
?Have plenty of water on hand
The last 7 laws were sent by Fenix
Laws of War in Iraq:
?If it makes sense, it is not the "Army Way"
?Saddam's First (and last) Law of War:
Don't pick a fight with the baddest guys on the block.
If you do, don't even try to run or hide. The pain will be worse.
?The Iraqis always know the area better than you, no matter how many dismounts o
r convoys you have been on.
?Iraqis always have the advantage of blending in with the crowd. You do not.
?Iraqis are used to the heat and will rarely, if ever, be out during the hottest
part of the day.
?Drink more water than you think that you will need.
?Drink more water than you think that you will need.
?Always keep your radio fill up to date.
?Don't piss off the IP's that run the check points, they sometimes allow insurge
nts to place IED's near their location just to fuck with you.
?Be nice to the Iraqi children, they will soon be either IP's, IA's, or insurgen
?Always remember: Shoot first and then swear up and down that you saw them pull
out a grenade. This always works!!!
?IED's will be placed frequently in the same spots over and over again.
?Always shoot the guy walking down the MSR in the middle of the night carrying a
gas can and a shovel. If they can't place the IED's, they can't blow you up!
Last 13 laws were sent by Thomas Anderson, M SPC MIL USA USAREUR
?Military restatement of Uffelman's Razor:
Never attribute to an Officer that which is adequately explained by a Private.
From SFC Raines
?Anderson's first Law:
If at first you don't succeed, blame it on the new private!
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
From SPC Coffee
?Law of Murphic Relief:
If, throughout your entire life you have been ruled by Murphy's Law, then at lea
st one thing, usually no more than that, will go so right as to make up for a li
fetime of failures.
From My Wife Rita!! Happily married now for 5 years!!
?Murphy's Law is proof that God is in Heaven laughing his butt off!!
From SGT Overson

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