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Why is water (H2O) classified as a compound but oxygen

gas (O2) is not?
2. The most abundant compound in living organisms is
_______. This compound is made of ___________
molecules (that is the two ends of each molecule have
opposing charges) and can dissolve many substances
which are __________. Most of its functions in life are
due to the fact that it can form ___________ bonds.
Thus, this compound has a high specific heat _________.
This unique property of _________ helps to maintain
the stability of ____________ in an organism.
3. What property of water enables it to dissolve many
4. Which physical property of water makes it the most
suitable liquid medium for homoiotherms (animals that
can maintain a stable body temperature) ?
5. Explain how the unique properties of water result from
the fact that water is polar molecule.
6. Which biological process uses the latent heat of
vaporization of water?

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